Re: El Bar de los Pufforeros. Inversión de la A a la Z: Fondos, ETF, planes de pensiones, acciones, metales preciosos...
A ver qué inicial es ???
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
On the massive blast door of the launch control center, someone had painted a mural of a Domino’s pizza logo with the macabre caption, “World-wide delivery in 30 minutes or less or your next one is free.”
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
Cuanto peor mejor para todos y cuanto peor para todos mejor, mejor para mí el suyo beneficio político.
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger