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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

149K respuestas
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
167 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
6.350 / 18.949

Re: Sobre la carga de trabajo en AzValor y Cobas

Excelente comentario, el talento debe exprimirse.

Pero no es porque trabajen 12 horas al dia, sino porque trabajan 12 horas al dia, siendo talentosos, Cuidado con esas ideas socialistas de que todos pueden ser quienes quieran con trabajo y dedicacion, que siempre hay limites, pequeños, pero siempre hay limites, como Messi o CR7 (CR7 dedico 10.000 horas a entrenar), Yo soy bajo, por mucho que entrene, no podre ser como Gasol.

De todas formas si no trabajamos duro, uno nunca sabe de lo que es capaz de hacer.  

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

A mi me ha entrado 3.79, por debajo de 3.80 soy comprador

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Dentro 10c encima tuyo, a ver que dicen en la call

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Parece que ya tenían previsto algo en caso de sanciones, aunque no he entedido muy bien si seriviria y como funcionaria
(a) Notwithstanding the above, Teekay shall be permitted to transfer the Shares in the Joint Venture Company then held by it (the “Teekay Shares”) to CLNG or its Affiliate where a Sanctions Event (as such term is defined in each of the Time Charters) has occurred and, following a consultation period between the relevant Vessel Owning Company and the Charterer in accordance with clause [ ] of each of the Time Charters, it is determined that such transfer of the Teekay Shares will remove the effect of the Sanctions Event.

(b) The price payable by CLNG or its Affiliate for the Teekay Shares (the “Purchase Price”) will be the delivered cost of each Vessel amortized to a $30 million scrap assuming a useful life from actual date of Delivery of the Vessel until 31st December 2045, less the book value of outstanding debt of each Company, adjusted for the fair market value of other assets or liabilities in each Company on the day of transfer, multiplied by Teekay’s respective Agreed Proportion. For the purposes of this Subclause ‘fair market value’ means the highest price available in an open and unrestricted market between informed and prudent parties, acting at arm’s length and under no compulsion to act, expressed in terms of money or money’s worth. Should such transfer of Teekay Shares take place prior to delivery of a


Vessel, the value attributed to that Vessel for the purposes of calculating the Purchase Price shall be the value of the Losses as such term is defined in the Undertaking given by the Charterer to each of the Vessel Owning Companies pursuant to the respective Time Charters.

(c) Following such transfer of Teekay Shares, in the event that a Sanctions Event is no longer applicable, CLNG or its Affiliate, as the case may be, shall as soon as practicable transfer the Teekay Shares, or such proportion of the Teekay Shares as may be agreed between Teekay and CLNG, to Teekay. The price payable by Teekay shall be the Purchase Price calculated on the day of transfer. Where the Teekay Shares have been transferred to CLNG or its Affiliate, neither CLNG nor its Affiliate, as the case may be, shall be permitted to transfer the Teekay Shares, other than to Teekay, without the prior consent of Teekay.

(d) In the event that it is determined that a transfer of Teekay Shares to CLNG or its Affiliate will not remove the effect of the Sanctions Event or [CLNG is unable to accept a transfer of the Teekay Shares], Teekay shall be permitted, subject to the consent of the Charterer, to transfer the Teekay Shares to a third party not impacted by a Sanctions Event (the “Transferee”) in accordance with this Clause 11, save that Clauses 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6 shall not apply. Following such transfer of Teekay Shares, in the event that a Sanctions Event is no longer applicable, the Transferee shall be obliged to, and as soon as practicable, transfer the Teekay Shares to Teekay in accordance with the terms of this Clause 11, save that Clauses 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6 shall not apply and consent of CLNG to such transfer shall not be required. CLNG shall procure that the Transferee shall not be permitted to transfer the Teekay Shares without the prior consent of Teekay.

Where a Sanctions Event prevents Teekay Shipping Limited from performing its obligations as Ship Manager, or it is unwilling to continue as Ship Manager when a Sanctions Event is applicable, the Shareholders will use reasonable endeavours to procure the consent of the Charterer to CLISCO being appointed as Ship Manager. Teekay will consult with CLISCO to determine any assistance Teekay can provide to CLISCO in its role as Ship Managers including considering the provision of resources to CLISCO from Teekay such as senior office staff and sea staff support on temporary secondment or longer-term employment contract basis.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

a ver no es por criticar,pero leyendo por otros foros a Paco lo mas bonito que le dicen es petardo,en 3 años y perdiendo mas del 25% pues a lo mejor algo de razon  tienen,bueno alguna vez subiremos digo yo,si no se va todo al garete

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Bueno ojo el BCE, me gustaría ver el efecto aislado. EL dopping financiero nos arruinará a largo plazo, pero a corto plazo consiguen maquillar las economías con devaluaciones del euro. Yo no haría mucho caso al empleo y estas variables, está todo manipulado ahora mismo.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Hola Pedro..

Con la hacienda española el D6 tampoco existe. El D6 es un documento que exige el Ministerio de Economía, no el de Hacienda. Su objetivo no es recaudatorio, es estadístico. Ello explica que se exija aunque tengas una acción de valor simbólico. No como en el 720 que hay un mínimo de 50000 euros. Si las competencias del Ministerio de Economía (no de Hacienda) no están transferidas, entiendo que el D6 sí es obligatorio para los residentes en País Vasco y Navarra. Por suerte las multas son muy inferiores a las del 720 y de hecho no se conoce que hayan multado a nadie (en todo el territorio nacional) por no hacerlo o hacerlo tarde.
Por poner un ejemplo, yo me enteré del D6 EN 2017, y me enteré después de Enero, con lo que en mi caso particular yo no lo hice en el 2016, y entregué tarde mi D6 del 2017, y Economía no me ha puesto ninguna sanción, aunque obviamente tenía derecho a ello.
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