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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
164 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
6.349 / 18.991

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

402. How does OFAC’s 50 Percent Rule apply to situations in which one or more blocked persons owned 50 percent or more of an entity, but subsequent to their designations one or more blocked persons divest their ownership stakes in the entity in a transaction that occurs entirely outside of U.S. jurisdiction such that the resulting combined ownership of the entity by blocked persons is less than 50 percent? How should a person treat property or interests in property of such an entity (1) in future transactions (post-divestment) and (2) that was properly blocked while the entity was owned 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons?

According to OFAC's 50 Percent Rule, entities are considered blocked if they are owned 50 percent or more (directly or indirectly) in the aggregate by one or more blocked persons. If one or more blocked persons divest their ownership stake such that the resulting combined ownership by blocked persons is less than 50 percent, the entity is no longer considered automatically to be a blocked entity. Any such divestment transactions must occur entirely outside of U.S. jurisdiction and must not involve U.S. persons, as any blocked property or interests in property that come into the possession or control of a U.S. person must be blocked and reported to OFAC, and OFAC does not recognize any subsequent unlicensed transfers, through changes in ownership or otherwise, of such property.

Entities in which the aggregate of one or more blocked persons' ownership stakes has fallen below 50 percent are not considered blocked pursuant to OFAC's 50 Percent Rule, and therefore property of such entities that comes into the United States or the possession or control of a U.S. person while the aggregate of one or more blocked persons' ownership stakes is below 50 percent is not considered blocked by OFAC's 50 Percent Rule. OFAC urges caution when dealing with or processing transactions involving such entities, as those entities may become the subject of future designations or enforcement actions by OFAC. Sufficient due diligence should be conducted to determine that any purported divestment in fact occurred and that the transfer of ownership interests was not merely a sham transaction.

When the property of an entity owned 50 percent or more by a single blocked person comes within the United States or within the possession or control of a U.S. person and is blocked, the property remains blocked unless and until (1) OFAC authorizes the unblocking of or other dealings in the property or (2) OFAC removes the blocked person from the SDN List. The property remains blocked even if the blocked person's ownership of the entity subsequently falls below 50 percent. This is so because the blocked person is considered to have an interest in the blocked property, and OFAC does not recognize the unlicensed transfer of the blocked person’s interest after the property becomes blocked in the United States or in the possession or control of a U.S. person. Persons holding such property may request authorization from OFAC's Licensing Division to transfer or otherwise deal in that property (the electronic application can be found on OFAC's website here), and OFAC will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis.

Similarly, when the property of an entity owned 50 percent or more in the aggregate by more than one blocked person comes within the United States or in the possession or control of a U.S. person and is blocked, the property remains blocked unless and until (1) OFAC authorizes the unblocking of or other dealings in the property or (2) OFAC removes from the SDN List one or more of the blocked persons such that the aggregate ownership by blocked persons falls below 50 percent. If the aggregate ownership of the entity by blocked persons falls below 50 percent not due to SDN List removal actions by OFAC but instead due to actions by one or more of the blocked persons, including the entity itself, the property remains blocked. This is so because the group of blocked persons is considered to have an interest in the blocked property, and OFAC does not recognize the unlicensed transfer of any of the blocked persons' interests after the property becomes blocked in the United States or in the possession or control of a U.S. person. Persons holding such property may request authorization from OFAC's Licensing Division to transfer or otherwise deal in that property (the electronic application can be found on OFAC’s website here), and OFAC will evaluate such requests on a case-by-case basis. [08-13-2014]

Re: Sobre la carga de trabajo en AzValor y Cobas

No quería pretender decir que una hora de cobas son dos de azvalor, sabía que se malinterpretaría. Simplemente quería decir que un análisis exclusivamente cuantitativo es estéril en cuanto a las conclusiones. Evidentemente, tu análisis también ha sido cualitativo.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

yo no recuerdo que la deuda de Yamal tenga recurso a TGP. me parece raro porque TGP tiene solo un 50% y porque no es como se financian estos proyectos.

en cualquier caso, esta bien que el mercado sobrereaccione y me pueda comprar unas TK por debajo de 3.80, pero señores, esos barcos valen pasta y hay demanda para usarlos y no hay muchas mas opciones en el mercado.

que hay unas saciones que no permiten que se muevan, pues se ajusta la propiedad del holding un 1%, se venden los barcos a otra holding, o se hace un sale leaseback o incluso puede que TGP venda su participacion en la JV a los chinos o rusos o un tercero interpuesto (lo cual seria muy buena noticia) algo inventaran para la call de esta tarde. 


Re: Sobre la carga de trabajo en AzValor y Cobas

Es un  trabajo donde las horas son clave en la medida en la que mayor información permite conclusiones más finas sobre las tesis. Estoy también de acuerdo en que el trabajo duro y el rigor en los procesos es clave. Era más un apunte en relación al enfoque, en mi opinión falaz, que un posicionamiento a favor de Cobas. En cualquier caso espero haberlo aclarado ahora.


Re: Sobre la carga de trabajo en AzValor y Cobas

ME gustaría añadir que agradezco mucho esta crítica a Cobas. Debemos ser objetivos para con nuestros ahorros, y que los que estáis más metidos proporcionéis este nivel de detalle nos ayuda a todos.


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Yo he puesto orden en TK pero no me ha entrado, ahora esta cayendo bastante menos que TGP
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