Re: El Bar de los Pufforeros. Inversión de la A a la Z: Fondos, ETF, planes de pensiones, acciones, metales preciosos...
Más del activo que descorrelaciona y protege.
El Conocimiento es Poder...
El Conocimiento es Poder...
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger
El Conocimiento es Poder...
According to Warner’s results, recorded music streaming turnover reached $773 million in calendar Q2, up just 2.7% YoY in constant currency (and down 1.0% YoY in real terms – due to the strength of the US dollar in the period, see end of article).
Investing is where you find few great companies & then sit on your ass - Munger