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Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

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Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value
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Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value
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Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Es un chicharro ?
Es que es lo de siempre con los activos en los que se meten los fondos value patrio tipo cobas o azvalor 
No son elefantes heridos sino ardillas inquietas 
Después los minoristas siguen a los gurús y pasa lo que pasa 
Si cobas o azvalor no hubieran puesto esto de moda cuántos minoristas estarían dentro ?
Creo que muchos menos 
Y otro tanto con TK y aryzta y...

Lo fácil es culpar a otros o a la mala suerte... en vez de al poco cuidado


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Qué curioso, no? Entre institucionales e insiders tienen un 94% de las acciones, y las posiciones cortas son el 9%. Yo creo que algún institucional se ha salido, pero el aumento de cortos es muy fuerte. Si no vamos al desastre porque acabemos salpicados por la corrupción, en cuanto se despejen las dudas el “short sqeeze” va a ser épico.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Vamos, que está orquestado está clarinete.

Hasta para ser un golfo hay que saber.

La verdad es que lo han hecho de puta madre. El mercado es increíble, le han limpiado 700m$ de capitalización en apenas 4 sesiones.

Estos mismos perros son los que forzarán las subidas.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Es poco líquida, y está en Brasil, Energía, deuda...Cualquier ataque de cortos la destroza. También pasó hace meses cuando estuvo a 4.5. De repente se puso a subir y lo hizo de golpe y muy fuerte.
Eso es lo que hay con GLNG. 

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

6,9$ es un precio de puta madre salvo que se demuestre que los proyectos de Hygo vienen de manejos turbios.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Stifel’s Ben Nolan commentary.... Target $19 
September 25, 2020 Maritime 
Yesterday the IPO of Hygo Energy Transition (HYGO) which is 50% owned by Golar was delayed after an announcement of an investigation of the CEO for bribery at a previous company dating back to 2011. We expect given the extremely transparent nature of the Brazilian power market, that there is little risk of any wrongdoing on the part of the company, but the overhang is likely to have an impact on the valuation of Hygo and potentially their ability to win incremental business. Even at a lower multiple, we estimate there is still nascent value in GLNG shares that could be 3x the current price, but the path to realization could be longer with increased risk given the need to refinance debt and partners preferred equity. Despite the increased risk, we believe the upside potential is substantial and would remain buyers. 
Key Points 
Investigation. Brazilian authorities have launched an investigation into Golar Power/Hygo CEO Eduardo Antonello’s activities while an executive at Seadrill allegedly paid bribes worth 1.5% of the $2.7 billion in Petrobras contracts. While there is no suggestion that Golar has done anything wrong, nor that there was any impropriety with any of Golar's Brazilian contracts, Golar will undertake an internal review in an “abundance of caution.” Ultimately, the Hygo IPO is likely delayed on this news, which should act as an overhang for Golar until at least the internal investigation is complete. Limited direct risk. The Brazilian power market is perhaps the most transparent in the world, and having been to the Sergipe facility (see note with cool pictures) and over the years having done channel checks, we expect this risk of actual impropriety on the part of Golar Power to be extremely remote. Indirect Risks. Hygo needs money and a good reputation to grow. Currently, there is a land grab taking place in LNG development and timing is everything. Thus a delay in the Hygo IPO and subsequently the capacity to fund growth could cause the company to loss potential new business. Furthermore, the taint of impropriety, even if proven wrong, could have an impact on Hygo valuation which then impacts its value to Golar. Similarly, until the stigma is removed it could be challenging signing new business and push growth across the finish line further impacting value. Credit Risks. 
There are three major credit events for Golar. We view the first two as relatively insignificant, but the convertibles due in early 2022 are more sensitive. 1. Golar has a $150M term loan due in Nov-20. This should be no problem at all to refinance 
as the current cash flow is not in question. 2. On June 2021, Stonepeak's $100M worth of Hygo preferred shares matures, increasing 
the dividend from 8.5% to 11.5% and the cumulative cost to convert the preferred shares to common increases from $180M to $200M. A slowdown in the timing of an IPO could GLNG 
become more expensive relative to Golar's position. 12Volume (Mil.) Price (USD) 3. Golar has $402 million converts due in Feb-22. A solidly proven value of the assets with a 10Hygo stake worth $800M-$1.2B would likely not only increase the value of Golar but also 
8reduce credit risk and make refinancing relatively simple. No IPO and questions about the 6value of Hygo make refinancing more challenging. 4Thinking about valuation. The current weakness in shares could be an absolute gift to buyers, 2but again there could be unrepairable value destruction as well. Even after adjusting for this value destruction, we are hard-pressed to come to a sum-of-the-parts less than $20/share. 
The three catalysts to close the value gap are 1) Hygo IPO, 2) Hilli contract extension, 3) Gimi Price Volume 
contract clarity. While Hygo is certainly more of a question market, the second two are very much still in play. The primary risk is that none of the three are resolved before the converts come due. At <$7/share, that is a risk we like.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

 A representative for Antonello, who is now based in London, said the search warrants were executed on the basis of “false” plea bargain testimony. The representative criticized Brazilian authorities for allegedly impugning the professional reputations of people being investigated before all the facts were known.
(traducido por google)

Un representante de Antonello, que ahora vive en Londres, dijo que las órdenes de arresto en su contra se llevaron a cabo sobre la base de "acusaciones de denunciantes, que no reflejan la realidad de los hechos", según un comunicado enviado a Reuters.

"Es necesario ser más cuidadosos por parte de las autoridades en la conducción de operaciones como Boeman, velando por un mayor secreto y profundización de las investigaciones antes de que se inicien, ya que estas tienen como reflejo la destrucción de la reputación de las personas y empresas afectadas", dijo el. defensa del ejecutivo.

Curioso, justo en el momento que vienen bastantes subastas interesantes donde Hygo estaba aplicando y con capital fresco de la IPO. Que no se me malinterprete, no estoy defendiendo al CEO. Simplemente, indicando que es todo mucha coincidencia 

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Está clarísimo lo que hay detrás de todo esto.

Por desgracia, en el mejor de los casos le va a costar potencial a Hygo y por ende a Golar LNG.

País de mierda donde todo vale.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

GLNG LOSSES ALERT: Bernstein Liebhard is Investigating Golar LNG Limited For Violations of the Securities Laws
September 27, 2020 04:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
NEW YORK--( BUSINESS WIRE )--Bernstein Liebhard, a nationally acclaimed investor rights law firm, is investigating potential securities fraud claims on behalf of shareholders of Golar LNG Limited ("Golar" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: GLNG) resulting from allegations that Golar might have issued misleading information to the investing public.

If you purchased Golar securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options please visit GLNG Shareholder Investigation or contact Matthew E. Guarnero toll free at (877) 779-1414 or [email protected] .

On September 24, 2020, media reported that Hygo’s CEO Eduardo Navarro Antonello was involved in a bribery network investigated in Brazil’s Operation Car Wash.

On this news, the Company’s share price fell $3.28.

If you purchased Golar securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options please visit or contact Matthew E. Guarnero toll free at (877) 779-1414 or [email protected] .

Since 1993, Bernstein Liebhard LLP has recovered over $3.5 billion for its clients. In addition to representing individual investors, the Firm has been retained by some of the largest public and private pension funds in the country to monitor their assets and pursue litigation on their behalf. As a result of its success litigating hundreds of lawsuits and class actions, the Firm has been named to The National Law Journal’s “Plaintiffs’ Hot List” thirteen times and listed in The Legal 500 for ten consecutive years.

ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. © 2020 Bernstein Liebhard LLP. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is Bernstein Liebhard LLP, 10 East 40th Street, New York, New York 10016, (212) 779-1414. The lawyer responsible for this advertisement in the State of Connecticut is Michael S. Bigin. Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Impresionante el volumen en media hora de jornada. Sumado a las dos últimas sesiones tela.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

De 14$ a 6$ sin una acusación mediante.

Estaba muy recalentada por encima de 10$ en tan poco tiempo, pero esta bajada que se ha comido el 100% de la subida desde que comenzaron con los rumores de la IPO de Hygo es muy fuerte.

La volatilidad intradía es endiablada. Seguramente que los mismos que venden ahora serán los que luego compren a mercado.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Y también es tremendo que la propia Golar LNG no salga con noticias positivas de alguna forma.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Lo que es muy, muy sospechoso es que todo esto surge justo antes de que se cierre la IPO. Me da que hay intereses de la competencia por medio.

Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Eso está bastante claro

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Golar LNG (GLNG): el ojito derecho de la comunidad value

Lo que es sorprendente es que no aparezca Golar LNG en escena para comunicar que la refinanciación de los 150m$ ya está OK. Eso basta para que aniquile a todos los cortos que están en el valor. Suficiente para llevarla a los 8$-9$.

No vaya ser que todavía no esté la refinanciación ...

Freedom is driven by determination