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Gigas Hosting (MAB)

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Gigas Hosting (MAB)
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Gigas Hosting (MAB)
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Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Sí. Tendrás tantos derechos como acciones. Y podrás comprar 1 acción por cada 7 derechos que tengas, al precio de 6,25€ .

Los derechos empezarán a cotizar 10 días antes del fin del periodo de ampliación.

Vídeos interesantes al respecto:

Cálculo del Derecho Suscripción Preferente:
Por qué hace 4 AMPLIACIONES de Capital GIGAS HOSTING:


Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

entiendo que si quiero acudir a la ampliación y adquirir las acciones que me corresponden debo dirigirme a Degiro y decirle que acuda. Ya veremos si son capaces 

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

supongo que poniendo la orden a mercado de ejecutar X derechos por X acciones a 6,25, será suficiente, no?

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Buenos días,

De momento no me sale la opción de canjear los derechos por acciones, en el broker Interactive Broker. Sabéis si ya puede hacerse o es solo la última semana cuando cotizan los derechos?

saludos y gracias de antemano.

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

 Los derechos cotizan desde el próximo día 7 de diciembre de 2020 hasta el día 18 de diciembre de 2020, ambos inclusive. 

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Inviss del 10 al 18 ambos inclusive

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Os ha llegado el mensaje de Degiro? no se sabe que va a pasar con el valor, de momento no dejan emitir ordenes de compra(se podrá subscribir el derecho?) y encima te cobran por el traspaso del valor a otro broker. Esto me ha parecido bochornoso.

Dan como fecha limite para vender, sin saber que va a pasar a partir del día 11 si no se podrá operar en el mercado con ellos de manera temporal o no.

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Os dejo un resumen de la empresa y de la adquisición de ONI (con explicacion de las AK) por si os interesa

Un saludo!

What is Gigas Hosting?

Gigas Hosting is a Spanish micro-cap company founded in 2011. It operates in the “Infrastructure as a service sector” (IaaS), offering cloud computing services. Gigas is present in Spain, Portugal, the US, Ireland and Latin America.
In the 4Q20, Gigas Hosting announced a transformational change for the company. The acquisition of a Telecom company in Portugal ONI (acquisition price was higher than Gigas Hosting market cap at that moment) and a portfolio of clients.

What is the business of the Gigas Hosting?

Gigas has two products: Cloud Datacenters and Cloud VPN.
The Cloud VPN product is targeting small clients or individuals. Meanwhile, Cloud Datacenter is targeting bigger companies which have higher necessities of space and resources.
As the pictures show, the ARPU from Cloud VPS is almost irrelevant when compared to the one from Cloud Datacenters. As it was expected, Gigas is focused on Cloud Datacenter clients. This is the reason why it has not entered the price-war that is taking place in the Cloud VPS products. Consequently, the number of VPS clients is diminishing.

Source: Gigas Hosting
The company has 9 data centres (2 in Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Porto, Miami, Santiago Chile, Bogota and Dublin.
Gigas offers high-quality services to be able to compete against the big multinationals which dominate this market.

Source: Gigas Hosting

M&A activity of Gigas Hosting (Ignitar, Oni,…)

To understand the magnitude of these M&A operations. In 2019, Gigas obtained revenue of and €2.5MM EBITDA. Moreover, it obtained a net positive result for the first time (€0.22MM). Gigas capitalization before the M&A announcement was less than €30MM. At current market prices, the Pro-forma company would be valued around €70-80MM

Since September 2020, Gigas has bought two companies. Furthermore, it is going to announce the bought of an enterprise’s clients portfolio in the coming days.

Ignitar is a services provider based in Ireland. It provides cloud hosting services to some corporate customers (mainly focused on the SAP Business One ERP software). Ignitar’s clients are from Ireland, the UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia. Gigas bought 75% of Ignitar by €2.2MM. Ignitar employees will continue working here.

Source: Gigas Hosting

However, the huge transformation of the Gigas’ business comes from buying ONI. ONI is a Portuguese telecom company focused on the B2B market in Portugal. It has roughly 1’100 customers and it provides them with telecommunication and IT/security servicers. ONI forecast for FY2020 is €37.3MM and €7MM EBITDA. ONI also has a fibre ring connecting Madrid to Lisbon and Porto which will enable smooth integration with Gigas services in the Iberian peninsula. The transaction price will be €40MM (equity).

How is Gigas going to finance these acquisitions?

Gigas is going to carry out two monetary capital increases + external financing + non-monetary capital increase to finance the acquisitions.

The first capital increase looks to raise €17MM, excluding pre-emptive subscription rights. It targets institutional and strategic investors.
There is a second capital increase, it is for €4MM, and it includes subscription rights for current shareholders.
The reference price for both capital increments is €6.25/share

Gigas has a debt target of net debt/EBITDA <1.5x

Why Gigas Hosting is an interesting company?

This 2020 has been a difficult year for Gigas and its growth rate has diminished. It is mainly due to:
• South American currencies (Gigas get paid in $, but the devaluation of currencies affects the purchasing power of the companies in LatAm)
• There has been a decrement in the number of clients because of Covid-19
• Gigas has increased its discounts to maintain clients

Nevertheless, Gigas is in a sector which is growing rapidly due to the digital transformation and the new necessities that the companies have. It is simply too expensive and too risky to maintain all the information and IT infrastructure (servers) in the same place. In case of any unexpected event at that place, the entire company cannot operate because all the information is in the servers.

Source: Gigas Hosting

Thanks to the acquisition of ONI, Gigas will be able to provide to its customers not only with cloud infrastructure but also with telecommunications services and cybersecurity. This integrated offer will place Gigas ahead of its competitors as the traditional companies are not offering these services.

In addition to that, Gigas main investor is Inveready, an experienced investor in early-stage technology-companies which has already been involved in successful stories of MasMovil and VozTelecom. Its expertise within the telecom sector will be helpful to accompany Gigas throughout its transformation.

Conclusion about Gigas Hosting

We see Gigas as an interesting company within a sector which is forecasted to grow sharply. Moreover, Gigas has good management and experienced investors. MORAM added Gigas to its portfolio in October 2020.
Note: This is not a buy recommendation.


Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Alguna novedad sobre que podemos hacer los que tenemos los derechos en Degiro?. Por otro lado, para los un operáis con Degiro vais a mantener las acciones de Gigas o las vais a vender, parece que el día límite es el 11 de diciembre. 

Es bochornoso que pasen estas cosas la verdad. 


Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Esperar a la próxima semana por si se soluciona lo del MAB no os desesperéis. Gigas es un valor líquido por lo que si se logra solucionar no tendréis mucho problema en vender o traspasar si el lunes o martes Degiro no lo ha solucionado

Por cierto el presidente sigue soltando

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)


Sabes si los derechos si no los vendes te lo canjean por acciones directamente en Degiro? En caso de ser así a cuanto está el canje? He oído de 7 derechos por una acción de 6,25€, pero los derechos están cotizando a 0,322€ que no me cuadra mucho...

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

En degiro siempre hay que decir que quieres hacer la opción automática de no hacer nada y que te canjeen derechos por acciones no la tiene y muchos inversores pierden sus derechos porque no leen los avisos de que hay una ampliación de capital en marcha

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Buenos días,

Alguno de vosotros ha podido ejecutar los derechos con Interactive Brokers? No he sido capaz, me he puesto en contacto con ayuda al cliente pero donde me indican que hay que ejecutar los derechos, éstos no aparecen.

Saludos y gracias de antemano.

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Pues 7 x 0,322 € = 2,254 por cada acción + 6,25 = 8,504 €, que es un poco menos de lo que se está pagando ahora en el mercado libre sin tenerlo retenido.

Re: Gigas Hosting (MAB)

Lo mismo es que las tiene depositadas en Degiro... jajaja...