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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.051 / 3.346

Re: Bullish on WMIH

Simpson eres el pupas de estas acciones en cuanto hablas bullish se van para abajo.
Dedícate a otra cosa.


Nuevo 8-K $35 Millones más para Equity Accionistas

The accounting magic happens

Contingency reserve of about 37 million until last month is now gone resulting in an increase of shareholder equity of 35 million. Mortgage reinsurance climate is certainly improving for the management to make that estimate.

Let us see some changes in the loss estimate in future periods.


Conexiones WMIH

Reasonably derived Connections

Eugene Davis: Long association with Appaloosa and Tepper and operating from Livingstone NJ, Beachcraft directorship indicates association with Centerbridge, YRC worldwide shorter directorship indicates possible representation for Owl Creek for their convertible debt during restructuring.

Mark Holliday- One of the four selected on YRC board for financial acumen along with Gene Davis; Connection with Both Davis and Owl Creek which had the largest (probably) ownership stake in YRC.

Steven D. Scheiwe : Seems to be everwhere with Holliday except YRC assignment; Fiber Tower, Primus Tel, Movie Gallery etc., FiberTower has Owl Creek's foot print through Aspen Advisors.

Michael Renoff: Surprisingly very little available nothing on WMIH's directors' bio. He is associated with Scoggin Capital, a very brainy hedge fund. Coincidentally, the Guggenheim Portfolio Company (Guggenheim Partners are at 330 Madison) reports its primary place of Business (2019 and other court Filings) at 660 Madison Ave 20th Floor , NY, same as Scoggin and Blue Ridge Capital.

Timothy Graham: Very strong restructuring experience with Trenwick America and its reinsurance subsidiary. Interestingly, Tejas Security had some stakes in that game, They got the name of the corporation with no objection from Timothy. I think they also got reinsurance assets sharing them with Phoenix Partners. This guy knows all about reinsurance business.

Diane Glossman: Possible representation or backing from Aurelius on Ambac Board. Her expertise has more weight than her possible connections with Hedgies.

The collection of these individuals on the Board is very impressive. For a company with the current size of WMIH, it is very hard to get the attention of these individuals professionally and financially (especially when compensated in shares of the company) unless the undercurrents point to a much larger future story.

It also looks less likely that Scheiwe and Holliday are really EC's nominations. I think Mr. Willingham has some confidence that Retails would be allowed to share the boat.

I know hedgies usually mean trouble for Retails and to that extent we have to be watchful and have a healthy dose of skepticism. However, It is hard to understand that Hedgies in cahoots with the Chairman and other Hedgies would play delaying tactics and other dirty games to possibly snatch 20 % maximum ownership (some would still hang on) from retails. The time value of money and opportunities lost in taking an antagonistic stance against retails do not present an appealing course of action for hedgies especially when the "loot" has to be divided among many.


Resultados Votaciones 5 Junio

Eugene Davies ha sacado más votos que Mike Willingham y se ratifica como el elegido de los Hedgies.

WMIH 8-K - Voting Results 06-05-2013
Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): June 5, 2013
WMI Holdings Corp. 001-14667

Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.
(a) On June 5, 2013, WMI Holdings Corp. held its annual meeting of shareholders.
(b) At the annual meeting, shareholders approved each of the following matters, with the votes on each matter as set forth below. Please note that the results set forth below are preliminary; final tabulations will be disclosed within four business days after the final voting results are known.
1. To elect a board of directors consisting of seven members, each to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified.
Michael Willingham 49,668,492 23,632,380
Eugene I. Davis 66,990,357 6,310,515
Steven D. Scheiwe 44,447,334 28,853,538
Mark E. Holliday 49,463,488 23,837,384
Diane B. Glossman 49,944,153 23,356,719
Michael J. Renoff 49,943,913 23,356,959
Timothy R. Graham 50,082,650 23,218,222


2. To ratify the appointment of Burr Pilger Mayer, Inc., as WMI Holdings Corp.’s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2013.
121,450,386 1,076,426 24,314,285
3. To approve, as an advisory vote, compensation of WMI Holdings Corp.’s named executive officers.
64,433,631 3,430,339 5,436,902
4. To approve, as an advisory vote, the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensation.
1 year/2 years/3 years/ABSTENTIONS
64,044,886 418,061 2,752,600 6,085,325

There were 73,540,225 broker non-votes listed for items 1, 3 and 4.


Re: Resultados Votaciones 5 Junio

Cuando la gente se queda pillada en unas acciones con mala calidad de rentabilidad tiene 2 opciones o vende y se olvida de las pérdidas y empieza un nuevo periplo con otras acciones o insiste en el error de haber comprado basura y se aferra a la esperanza de que algún día recuperará las enormes pérdidas acumuladas.

En tu caso hay que añadir que al igual que a los demás pillados USA os dedicáis a introducir información real mezclada con información falsa a fin de atraer compradores.

"para que compreis todas las WAMUQ y WAMPQ que podais.
Es la oportunidad del siglo !!!! "

El problema que tenéis es que estas no son las famosas WAMU que tuvieron su momento épico en marzo de 2010 por manipulación informativa y engaños manifiestos en los que participaste.

Ya ha desaparecido cualquier atisbo de subidas escandalosas.

Haber comprado cualquier acción en vez de mantener esta basura habría sido mas rentable como se demuestra claramente mediante comparación.



Probablemente son los que no dieron releases y ahora va a parar a WMI LT para futura distribución.

"Account of such Allowed Claim or Equity Interest shall revert to such trustee for redistribution to holders of Liquidating Trust Interests in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Plan.


GS Hearing 17 Junio

Si hay otro retraso hasta Septiembre entonces tendré la casi completa seguridad que el Plan es primero eliminar todos los Claims que quedan...unos 19 en total y después que vayan encajando las piezas del puzzle incluida la unidad de Reinsurance de GS que nadie sabe aun quien la ha comprado.


Re: GS Hearing 17 Junio

No mereces ningún respeto.