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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.776 / 3.346

¿Quien está en el punto de mira?

Well, it’s getting to be a long list as the POR and possibly the GSA unravels. If it does, and no settlement is forthcoming, that means that our adversaries will be faced with new court actions, or some yet to come, creating more exposure and ergo, more heat.

IMHO, the top honors go to the SNH, because all current information, (not to mention what will be found in portending trial), points to IT, in all its chargeable terms.
They have very little to gain “going for it” as their downside is enormous at this juncture. In fact, it could cost them “all” the unjustly gains they have made and a few years in the can, as well. At this point, the Hedgies have full knowledge that they have been ratted out by JPM and are merely a “mean to the end”. I am also sure the DOJ is standing by, based on Thoma’s brilliant expose and JMW’s written opinion, able and ready to do the Lord’s work.

Seat # 2. From his complicit activities is our favorite rug-head, Rosen the Rat and his overlord; Wile, Gotcha & Mangle who together blatantly changed direction and orchestrated the BK in favor of the SNH and JPM, to the point that some of the past remarks, motions and misrepresentations have excluded the EC in the most bias and predatory ways. Rosen the Rat is facing some interesting complications, because if he can’t persuade his alter-bosses (JPM) to provide some serious dollars to a settlement, he’s dust. Right now, Rosen rear is deftly being ridden by S&G with a touch of the spur to give direction. Rosen’s failure to bring about a settlement now is career busting, as I can envision him easily being fired, penalized by either the court or DOJ for his shameful conduct and the possibility of severe sanctions against WGM, not to mention claw-back’s, even though BOP feels differently.

Seat # 3. Undoubtedly is Kostorus and his imaginary BOD and Alvarez and Marsal, who are the lying pawns of WGM and basically rubber stamped the “commandants” orders. Kostorus and his BOD lackey’s will probably hold the bag for many of the others, the sacrificial goat(s) who will be made to look like the “ring leaders” who changed WGM’s original BK complaint and direction for the smell of profit and a comfy positions…all will more than likely end up in the hot seat, as the standing room is full. When Kostorus has to defend himself from a lengthy jail sentence, he will sing like a canary. A&M may also have a lot to worry about with those "canary songs" as A&M will be surely dumbstruck when there swan song is played...... "conspirata-doo-waa, doo-waa""

Seat #4 Jamie Dimon’s seat could be on Bubba’s big thighs, because if the GSA falls apart and the DOJ comes into review the IT, they will probably trip over ANICO, EC and Hedge fund discovery and the indelible trail of the Bair & Dimon conspiracy to hi-jack WMB, for several reasons already discussed at length.

This BK has been riddled with mistakes and in order to bury them, the adversaries have to cough up the dollars to satisfy Equity and if not..we will see things never seen before in Bankruptcy court,..the exposure and prosecution of a DEBTORS fraud.

IMHO, 1, 2 & 3 could happen and is not in the realm of a pipe dream, as it was over a year ago until the EC, ANICO and TPS made inroads and have changed the game from a Debtor slam dunk to a possible Equity victory. By the way, #4 may not happen as long as Dimon’s the CEO and he has his fat checkbook in hand, but it could lead to his eventual resignation.

As Dirty Harry said, “Make my day”..


Esperando a Susman...

Investor, the EC may not be re-litigating the Global Settlement and I say they will from proof the EC has from insider trading. I doubt they showed their entire hand, knowing full well this court was going to protect them. I say Susman has something to show this Global Settlement is still tainted based on new information. Again, I highly doubt Susman showed his whole hand on this issue. Remember the last time, he has only showed what is needed to get the POR turned down; otherwise the court will bury his information while protecting the criminals.

Susman knows full well he has to corner this court legally as to force her to knowingly break the law to continue to protect the CRIMINALS. Expect the unexpected here and it will be to the EC's favor. Susman goal from the beginning and he actually did say this was to first get the POR denied and then to get the Global Settlement turned down. Susman is just getting pennies to what he would get paid on a percentage once he gets this travesty away from the corrupt Delaware system and all of its accomplices! Just think twenty to thirty percent of fifty to 300 billion dollars and then you understand what I mean by pennies in Delaware.

There has been another POS POR 6+ turned down, so it is only fair and reasonable to object to the second denial as they did the first denial. There are different issues, albeit there are also several of the same, but they would have to update their appeal based on the new facts of the POS POS 6+ denial.

Exactly, Spot. There are different decisions made by JMW in this Opinion which should be addressed to the Higher Courts or else they won't be recognized when the Appeals are heard. Those issues include any disagreement they have with JMW in her ability to make a decision on some of the claims settled in the GSA based on Stern and ANICO. Since the last appeal, we've got a whole bunch of new higher court rulings that differ from JMW's decisions and the effect those have on the appealed GSA must be pointed out to the higher court. The higher court is there to hear the case but they can't make it ... that's up to Susman/EC to present the facts in their motion.


Re: Esperando a Susman...

Los pumpers no hablais mas que de criminales, JPM - FDIC, robo a los accionistas, lo cierto es que solo hay una mediacion de por medio para que la equidad acepte unas migajas, a la Juez se le estan hinchando los ovarios con un EC que parece querer recuperar lo insalvable. Cuidado que al final no tire ella por dejar a toda la equidad sin nada, de no ser por el IT el POR ya estaria confirmado y la nueva empresa en funcionamiento.


Re: Esperando a Susman...

Besugo: Los cojones... parece que te jode que los accionistas sigamos aquí. La Juez está llevando esto a la mediación y si no hay acuerdo ya veremos que medidas de presión adicional toma contra SNH & Co.

2 realidades: Lo demás toca esperar

1) Hay IT de ahí la mediación que busca salvar los muebles.
2) POR Denegado (por segunda vez)

Mr.Pumper reportando realidades no conjeturas.


Re: Esperando a Susman...

En absoluto me parece bien que cobren los accionistas, pero veran unas cifras que no son las que marcais los pumpers o incluso no veran nada, ya esta bien de informar los pumpers sesgadamente lo que os interesa para impulsar las acciones. Ya dejasteis un ejercito de pillados como para crear otro. Valiente sinverguenzería.


Re: Esperando a Susman...

¿porque estas obsesionado con que mi interés es dejar un ejercito de pillados?
Ya sabe todo el mundo que las acciones son ALTO RIESGO. Pero te sigo diciendo que a mi entender sobre todo las Preferentes el tiempo está jugando a nuestro favor pues nuestra posición se refuerza. Espadas en alto para ver apelaciones y ver si hay mediación o vamos a litigar contra SNH.


Re: Esperando a Susman...

Esta es la pregunta que te hago ¿Porque tu obsesion en transmitir informacion sesgada de una manera permanente y que otros usuarios deben poner constantemente en cuestión?