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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.026 / 3.346

Análisis de la situación en WMIH

I pointed out during mid year 2012 and several times since that the former WAHUQs would never be paid until either the final release date (March 16th, 2013) for the former WAHUQs passed and/or WMIH business plan was announced. Unfortunately, this has proved correct. Keep in mind, there were many, many Omnibus Hearings that were cancelled or nothing happened regarding claims. I feel the claims were delayed on purpose to get pass certain dates because there were too many hearings cancelled or nothing accomplished for this to be something else.

Now that we have March 16th, 2013 and March 19th, 2013 pass while nothing happened makes for a little clearer horizon. I also said several times that there would be no third party claims filed during year 2012 and since. Unfortunately, Susman had since March 19th, 2012 to file third party claims and to this date has not filed one. The only thing we know for sure is that Susman has been billing to file delays, supposedly discussing with G.S. on some sort of deal to avoid a third party claim. As far as we know, this third party claim against G.S. or against any other potential company will never be filed and that is my opinion based on current and past actions. Susman’s delay with G.S. again, appears to me, to just get past certain dates and claims so something more concrete can happen. He has been playing this game with G.S. since mid December, 2012. These delays are not even to file a third party suit, rather to try and get discovery approved to file a potential third party suit. IMHO these excuses for delays really smell like “money making” is in progress.

I also believe these delays may have to do with the insurance unit that G.S has discussed selling several times between last November/December and it could be that WMIH will end up with this unit and a percentage of this ownership (example 20%) may go to WMILT which in turn will sell (after WMIH capitalization) this 20% in time back to WMIH freeing up money for the escrow shares. This would explain why Susman cannot make a deal until the claims are settled/expunged and plays along with G.S. no longer discussing their insurance unit whether they have sold it or not. G.S. takes care of potential suits from any former WaMu illegalities and takes care of WMIH at the same time. This presents a very nice “wrap” for all involved and nobody knows the difference.

Many of us including me always thought there was something else going on as far as some form of payment goes for escrow shares. I and others thought the Litigation Trust was set up to be a conduit for the actual settlement that never took place in public or in court records, rather possibly at mediation or other venues. This still looks like a reality to me. The reality would be they could not have monies, assets or funds transferred in some form of transfer, similar to what the Criminals did when they transferred all of WaMu’s assets via a 363 settlement to JPM while claims are outstanding.

These lawyers are crafty enough to have a similar type of action set up for something to return to escrow shares via the LT at some point in the future. Also keep in mind, the former WAHUQs final release was set up more than a year into the future while every other release was finalized as fast as they could make it possible. There was no reason for the WAHUQs to be set that far in advance unless there was a very good motive.

To me, I still believe once we get past all of the bogus claims that we will see something for the escrow shares and again, I will reiterate that I highly doubt we will ever see a third part suit filed. To this point, I have also been correct, albeit unfortunately! Another point that I will make is that it appears to me when this travesty finally ends there will be a business plan for WMIH made public, escrow shares will have been paid, third part suits will not take place, Litigation Trust will be cancelled or announced that it will be and this whole mess will be wrapped, sealed and forgotten about while WMIH is up and running to much higher levels


Re: Análisis de la situación en WMIH

Como que dice mucho y no dice nada o si?


Re: Análisis de la situación en WMIH

Antes de fin de año Wmih = $ 25
Ltm = $ 8
Sera? o no sera? tal vez ,quiza,pódria ser, seguimos en la espera , la paciencia tiene premio


Re: Análisis de la situación en WMIH

Hay algo sobre los scrows de las preferentes?


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Mr Simpson

Tenemos por fin oficialmente 2013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

..."To Our Shareholders:
On behalf of the board of directors and management of WMI Holdings Corp., you are cordially invited to attend our 2013 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2013, beginning at 11:00 a.m., Eastern Time, at The Roosevelt Hotel, 45 East 45th Street (at Madison Avenue), New York, New York 10017. You will find details of the business to be conducted at the annual meeting provided in the attached formal Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement. Our directors and executive officers are expected to be present at the annual meeting.
Among the matters to be acted on at the annual meeting is the election of directors, ratification of the appointment of our independent auditors, the advisory vote on named executive compensation, and the advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensation. For the reasons set forth in the Proxy Statement, the board of directors recommends that you vote FOR each of the board’s nominees on Proposal 1, FOR Proposals 2 and 3, and FOR a frequency of every 1 YEAR on Proposal 4.
The board of directors has fixed April 9, 2013 as the record date for the annual meeting. Only holders of our common stock of record at the close of business on that date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the annual meeting.
This will be our first annual meeting of shareholders since our emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy on March 19, 2012. We encourage you to attend the annual meeting in person if convenient for you to do so. If you are unable to attend, it is important that your shares be represented and voted at the annual meeting.
Whether or not you expect to attend the annual meeting, please sign and return the enclosed proxy card promptly. Alternatively, you may give a proxy by telephone or over the Internet by following the instructions on your proxy card or in the Proxy Statement. If you decide to attend the annual meeting, you may, if you wish, revoke the proxy and vote your shares in person.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Willingham

Charles Edward Smith
Chairman of the Board Interim Chief Executive Officer
and Secretary
The Proxy Statement and 2012 Annual Report to Shareholders are available at"


Junta de Accionista WMIH 5 Junio 2013 (NY)

El mes de Junio está cargado de noticias...

1. Fin de Claims: 3 y 4 Junio
2. GS Hearing: 17 Junio

Y ahora Junta de accionistas 5 Junio... lo bueno para todos nosotros debe empezar a partir de esa fecha. Tenemos a peces muy gordos a bordo.

Accionistas con más del 5%

Greater Than 5% Owners (David Tepper & Savitz)

Appaloosa Partners Inc.(2)

51 John F. Kennedy Parkway

Short Hills, New Jersey 07078
17,029,994 8.5 %

Greywolf Capital Management LP(3)

4 Manhattanville Road

Suite 201

Purchase, NY 10577
14,938,315 7.4 %


Re: Junta de Accionista WMIH 5 Junio 2013 (NY)

Si Mr Simpson,

ojalá que después de semejante odisea veamos un poco de color que ya va siendo hora...
Tienes alguna recomendación respecto a nuestro voto ??

Gracias de antemano


Re: Junta de Accionista WMIH 5 Junio 2013 (NY)

Voto a favor... ojalá no me equivoque.

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  1. Carteras Crecimiento y Conservador. JUNIO 2024.
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