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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.825 / 3.346

Re: Mucho resentido es lo que percibo aqui

Deadline for objections to the POR v7 DS is January 4.
Hearing for DS approval is January 11. Then there will be voting for all of the participating classes including common equity (Class 22) this time (for the first time). Then comes confirmation hearings and possible plan confirmation. If POR v7 is confirmed, all of our equity shares will be cancelled and replaced with the appropriate number of newco shares. The newco shares will have some trading value, perhaps in the 1 to 2 dollar range, but there are also two potential additional payouts to equity after that point. First would be distributions from the liquidation trust to holders of equity shares on the effective date. These distributions would be based on the waterfall (which will currently does not reach preferred or common) and proceeds from litigation carried out by the litigation subcommittee. We cannot anticipate what those might be now but it is likely that they will be substantial at some point in the next two years. To be eligible to receive those, you would have to be holding equity shares on the effective date and your share of the distribution would be based on the number and type of equity shares that you hold...first preferred and then common. There will not apparently be any way to assign your interest to another person (since the shares will be cancelled and cannot therefore be traded) so what you are holding at that point is what you are holding and you don't have to do anything more to realize any eventual benefit. The other distribution would be the increase in value of newco shares that would be expected if newco were to announce a deal with another company so that the NOL value could be realized by both.


Re: Mucho resentido es lo que percibo aqui

Enhorabuena a los que habies aguantado, preferentes y comunes cayendo mas del 20%.
El mercado parece qeu no lo ha gustado NADA el POR7


Re: Mucho resentido es lo que percibo aqui

A los que van largo y van a aceptar el cambio de acciones por las de la nueva reorganizada les da igual que bajen y el precio al que se situen las acciones ya que el cambio se realizará en proporcion a las acciones existentes y no a su valor, tal como habran estipulado en el acuerdo. Estoy esperando que se haga un suelo para comprar para especular, ya que hasta que se confirme el POR habrá de nuevo una subida, eso espero.


Shake it baby!!!

Mas tiempo para comprar y que las manos débiles vendan.


Re: Mucho resentido es lo que percibo aqui

entonces si esperan el cambio por acciones de la empresa reorganizada es una autentica loteria, porque nadie sabe que valor tendran.Y no creo qeu sea mas que lo que cotiza en la actualidad.


Re: Shake it baby!!!

Based on the NEWCO share being possibly worth $32 by using a $6.4 billion NOL, and using the figure that 37.5 P shares will get you 694 reorganized shares, and 1000 K shares will get you 450 reorganized shares, and 13,698.5 U's will get you 489 reorganized shares*. Then the current worth in relation to NEWCO
P's = $592.00
K's = $14.40
U's = $1.14

So in my case if we see even the most conservative estimate of possible share prices. I will have made 1550% on my investment. True it isn't the 22,441% I would have made if we got face value for preferreds and $24 a share for commons, but I can live with the 1550%.
It is far better than any other investment I have made over the years.

However I believe the long touted Las Vegas party is cancelled and mooted.

(a que este yanqui esta loco?) el tiempo dirá pero mis preferentes no están a la venta


Re: Mucho resentido es lo que percibo aqui

Si las P´s llegan a 12 Usd. comprare para participar en la conversión pero me temo que no bajaran de 20.


Re: Shake it baby!!!

y tanto que loco, ¿Como es posible que de valor 1.14 a las WAHUQ
y lo de las WAMPQ para echarse a reir.
Son las cuentas que alguno echabais al principio aqui diciendo que las comunes valdrian 8 dolares.