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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.742 / 3.346

Resumen de Ilene

OK, here are a few of my observations of yesterday (and I know I'm not Catz...)

The couple of big things that struck me yesterday were the strict timekeeper side of JMW in the early part of the day with Debtor, et al, arguing for the POR. Her reminders as to how much time they had left were telling, and each of them on the pro side essentially recapped their written arguments, exactly what she implored them not to do! Her questions, peppered throughout, were good indications of the questions she had while reading the written arguments and the direction of her thinking, IMHO. She threw out court opinions that go to the heart of the case, again IMHO, so we got some early indications of where her head is.

The comments regarding WMMRC, made by BR, were ridiculous...that any growth of the company was not within their purview to forecast or even take into consideration...that the new board would have to do that...when so much of their financial analysis has been wrapped up in how there is no value there. Quite the reversal in position. Similarly, the lack of attention, as pointed out by Art, to potential litigation and dollars from those suits, clearly shows to the court a lack of good faith in trying to maximize value past creditors on the waterfall.

In the latter part of the day, by contrast, attorneys were allowed to present almost without restriction...they were presenting new material, challenging her to think and she took them up on that by allowing unlimited time. All of the attorneys on the anti POR side had well crafted arguments and even though there were laughs, the attorneys were appropriately serious, vs the morning where each new attorney tried to out comedian the other, making them all look silly. BR's house of cards was beneath him, JPMC's hired gun's comments fell flat and the references to the carney atmosphere were exceedingly unprofessional...meant for media consumption.

Most impressive in the afternoon, to me, was the tying together for the court the various comments by the SNH's as they plead lack of knowledge as evidenced by their "bad" trading decisions...the fact that as they knew discussions were occurring, and more money would be flowing they sold higher waterfall positions to buy lower, cheaper positions that would ultimately return more once the plan was confirmed.

What will she do with the information? IMO, IT will move forward by the EC. I don't think the plan survives, it will go to DC for adjudication. JPM and FDIC have had recent rulings go against them or unflattering information (such as the excessive $$ JPM received from the gov) come to light and their arguments yesterday were an attempt to whitewash the facts trying to get JMW to quickly make a decision before the train runs over them.

Time frame for a decision I am guessing (with help from Ed Sargent) might be 2-3 weeks...but that is not close to the end, unfortunately.

All, as always, in my opinion!


Re: Que piensan de esta opinión de un forista

Es un tema intrigante desde luego y algo que de momento solo podemos conjeturar...esperemos que la Juez no haga algo así...

Me quedo con ANICO y STERN.

If Walrath ignores those 2 cases she will have proven herself a total fraud.

JPM and the FDIC cannot be granted releases based on the information and agreements in this POR.


Re: Que piensan de esta opinión de un forista

Muy probable, este es el estilo la juez corrupta 100%. Lo mismo que hizo con su opinión del POR.

Ya empezó Rosen con un guiño a su amiga la juez, "justa y razonable".



Chapter 11 y Chapter 7

A modo de marco teórico es bueno tener en cuenta la normativa que involucra las reorganizaciones y quiebras de sociedades en EEUU, (capítulos 11 y 7).

Como aquí a veces se discute con claves del argot técnico y para colmo en lenguaje anglosajón, dando por hecho y obviando que hay personas no documentadas, desinformadas e incluso completamente ignorantes (me incluyo en este último grupo, sumergido en el océano del tercermundismo).

Me tomo el atrevimiento, después de 21928 post y próximo a los tres años de antigüedad, comenzar por lo básico para evaluar esta inversión con una aproximación más hacia lo racional que hacia la pasión por lo aleatorio,desde la didáctica más básica y en el idioma de Cervantes y/o Rubén Darío:

p/d por supuesto este link de lenguaje relativamente sencillo no es para los respetables Doctores de la Iglesia del Hilo que nos acompañan asiduamente sino para nosotros, el proletariado con sueños de inversor, colgados en el abismo como frutas pero sin serlo.


Re: Chapter 11 y Chapter 7

El link fue copiado de un aporte del compañero Enolagay a propósito de la compra de hoy del "oráculo" en Bank of America.

Como la compra de BAC, fue solo en acciones preferentes, supongo que Enolagay quiso asociar este hecho con la posibilidad de un Capítulo 11 en BAC o algo asimilado.

Leer los comentarios del link con respecto a la normativa americana puede ser importante para los menos instruidos con respecto a lo que pasa en WAMU y el lenguaje es en cristiano (con respeto a los musulmanes, ateos, animistas...). Saludos.


Re: Chapter 11 y Chapter 7

Inmigrantes ¿Cual es tu estrategia? comentaste comprar en posible soporte de 0.08, pero ya lo ha rebasado y esta ahi dando vueltas, supongo que estas dentro a la espera de la Juez. Mejor sería que hicieras un Vudu Afro para espantar los demonios. Que será, será. Jajaja


Re: Chapter 11 y Chapter 7

Hola Besugo.

Más que un Vudú Afro, un WAMU Afro.

La verdad es que después de leer con cierto detalle la teoría del link anterior y viendo que el "oráculo de Omaha" compra sólo preferentes cuando hay indicios de posibles "capítulos" en Bank of America Corporation, esperaré (aplazaré) por los momentos con el swing especulativo en comunes.

post data: Ojo, tengo ligera demencia reconocida oficialmente por la psiquiatría. No hacer caso de mis conductas, ni a lo que puedo decir en ningún tipo de sentido.


Re: Chapter 11 y Chapter 7

Ñam ñam