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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.790 / 3.346

Observacion de Lovebug

i think, unfortunately, there is one more roadblock before we can even get to jpm/fdic....wgm.

that firm will have to contemplate whether it is worth while to keep jpm (yes, they are huge) as a client or risk the company from being further dragged down the rabbit hole and lose other clients.

as big as jpm is, they are not really that much in the bk business as much as other hedge funds are...although if jpm gets what they want here, jpm just might venture into it....

if wgm is somehow implicated by this impending mess by the SNH, then how much more clients of theirs will distance themselves from a tainted firm......then again, they might gain new ones considering they are showing they can be bought....

a truest wild card is the EC appeal, and they have no roadblock to put if it ever comes down.....a direct challenge to everything and anything trying to destroy equity.....the IT and mediation is simply the new low ball, first one being the one from may. but then again, thinking out loud, a reorganized company with a a billion or two in capital, possible recovery from litigations, and a couple of dozen billion in NOL's is not a bad starting point.


Re: Observacion de Lovebug

¿Otra vez con Low balls? Hacia tiempo que no se comentaban, el bombeo no tiene igual en los foros, no os cansais de querer engañar a todo lector posible. Solo los que no vieron el reguero de pillados que dejasteis en marzo de 2010 con perdidas brutales pueden ser candidatos a tal fin. Lamentable por deplorable a la vez.


Re: Observacion de Lovebug

Es increible la cantidad de basura americana que es capaz de pumpear mrsimpson, como bien dices lamentable y deplorable a la vez. Lo mejor de todo que de la realidad de lo que paso en el hearing poco se ha comentado por no decir nada. Menos mal que está ya mas fichado que el Lute.



Re: Observacion de Lovebug

Haznos un resumen REAL maxi y no interesado como el de Jesús


H ´s baratitas

ñam ñam


Mediación: Causa vs Consecuencia

>> Mediaton is a fact finding mission to understand the possible give and take among the parties to find a compromise and settlement.

>> Mediator can not impose anything on EC or other parties.

>> Mediator will be able report back to the Judge what he/she thinks are the critical unresolved matters and what are the stumbling blocks and possible resolutions.

>> Judge Walrath will be able to make a final determination if there is any chance for a confirmable POR based on mediator's feedback.

>> If there is no chance for a confirmable POR thru mediation and compromise, then Judge will have to make certain tough decisions, which may include:

1) Force the Debtor to relinquish/revise the GSA otherwise prove the merits of the claims settled in GSA thereby forcing JPM/FDIC to the mediation table.

2) Allow EC to prosecute claims and open this case wide open.

3) Make summary Judgement on $4B deposit and other issues where Judge thinks she has clear jurisdiction.

4) Move this case to appeals court to resolve all unresolved matters including GSA.

>> EC/Susman has the leverage and we have nothing to loose but only to gain by the efforts of the mediator, imo.


Re: Mediación: Causa vs Consecuencia

Juez ya expuso su opinion sobre el GSA, JUSTO Y RAZONABLE.