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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.682 / 3.346

Re: El preacuerdo con Aurelius fue una farsa

Tampoco el EC confirmó el preacuerdo, todo es una farsa para que ganen unos pocos cuando se difunde la informacion. Posiblemente el EC a traves de fiduciarios tambien ha ganado en el rebote, quien se fia de MW. PANDILLA DE SINVERGUENZAS


Re: El preacuerdo con Aurelius fue una farsa

Some other Recent Insider Trading Stories ... 14 minutes ago Read these and compare what these hedge fund managers did compared to the ones involved in the WAMU case.

According to what Gropper and Krueger said, they did not consider the negotiation information "material" because it wasn't finalized or signed off. ??Am I repeating that correctly??

You might ask ... how would Preet Bharara view the SNHs trading on knowledge that WAS NOT made public or provided to other stakeholders!!

This is from today about Danielle Chiesi who worked at New Castle Funds (now closed). She's pleaded guilt and is just waiting on her sentencing. Possibly 3 to 4 years and a $500,000 fine. Ouch! And .. probably no broker's license when she gets out.

Prosecutors have called Chiesi the "consummate Wall Street insider." They said the former trader at New Castle Funds, a now-closed New York hedge fund that was once part of Bear Stearns Cos, schmoozed powerful sources to get inside tips about corporate activity and tried to hide her tracks.

Then there's Raj himself. The government built a huge case against him so they had a lot of evidence built up that was more than obvious it was "insider trading".

Raj Rajaratnam, a billionaire investor, once ran the Galleon Group, which became one of the world's largest hedge funds. On May 11, 2011, he was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy, becoming the most prominent figure convicted in the government’s crackdown on insider trading on Wall Street.

But his pal, Raj Gupta, was just passing along the Goldman Sachs info to Rajaratnam but he has also been charged with passing along non-public info.

From the article above:
Information obtained by Raj that HE shared:
“I heard yesterday from somebody who’s on the board of Goldman Sachs that they are going to lose $2 per share,” Mr. Rajaratnam said to one of his employees in advance of the bank’s earnings announcement. (this from Gupta)

“One thing we know, this is very confidential, someone is going to put in a term sheet for Spansion,” he told a colleague, referring to a proposed acquisition of the technology company.

{{{So if the US Attorney General's office thinks that passing along information based on what HE HEARD <> that someone was putting in a term sheet for Spansion, then I'd say it falls in line with how the SNHs handled the information they had access to.}}}

Here's how the prosecutors in Raj's trial described how he obtained information and just what was the "insider information". (from the article)

Prosecutors dismantled Mr. Rajaratnam’s defense by acknowledging that Galleon performed legitimate research. {{{{{{{But at the same time, they argued, the firm routinely violated securities laws.}}}}}}}
In the words of a former Galleon portfolio manager who testified during the trial, the firm did its homework — but also cheated on the test.
{{{{{{ Mr. Rajaratnam sought out information that was confidential, beyond the reach of research, and illegally traded on it.}}}}

****Confidential and beyond the reach of resarch.****


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Las compré en julio 2007 a 100 cada una, son al 7.25 y el ISIN USG9463GAA60. Espero tu respuesta a la brevedad posible.


Estos son los tickers + ISIN que yo conozco

Pensaba que la tuya puede ser la numero 1.





Nos vamos al viernes...

Aquí la chicha se va a cortar en los Closing Arguments.

A ver si Parker Folse nos da uno parecido a este.

El caso se está construyendo haciendo que salga a la luz todo lo que los Hedge Funds consideran que no debe ser Información Pública.

Si la Juez antes no lo vio esta vez debería verlo clarito como el agua cristalina. :) :)

Una cosa es que no podemos ver nada de los Sealed Records por lo cual no podemos saber realmente lo que se está presentando hasta los argumentos finales. Hay que dejar lo mejor SIEMPRE para el Final.

PD: Actually the EC had email records entered into evidence today showing Owl Creek emailed copies of a non public JPM term sheet offer to their analysts and then traded on that info the next day. Sounds like IT proof to me.


La estrategia del "No me acuerdo"

Not going to work....and ill tell you why?

1) Lawyers dont ask questions that they dont already know the answers to. EC lawyers are setting these guys up.

2) They can dodge all the questions they want, but there is PAPER TRAIL.

3) If there was no IT, why then a month ago they wanted settle?...if they are innocent and there was no wrong why would they say equity will get the new company?

4) The dude that was on yesterday didnt say anything like today,ohhhh we thought everyone knew it!!!!,the dude from yesterday said....i had insider info but i bought myself a $150,000 sound proof i cant be guilty..lmfao



EC 4th updated Confirmation Exhibist List

Estas son las pruebas que van a demostrar todo el asunto... las declaraciones estan para poner la trampa y que cometan perjurio y no paren de decir "No me acuerdo". Nuestros abogados ya saben las respuestas porque tienen las pruebas !!!! y lo van a demostrar en los argumentos finales.

Wowwww daddy, page 4 email - email of term sheet between:

Melwani (appaloosa)

:) :) :)

Pg 5 EC13 D. Tepper SPECIFICALLY on the (dis)honor roll....

pg 6 EC22, EC 23 WGM billing statements, hmmmmmmm what could that be?

pg 6 EC25 March 2009 MOR

pg 6 EC 31 QE litigation update report

pg 13 EC 215 D. Tepper and term sheets again. Imagine if he gets busted for personally IT.....

pgs 13-14 about ten more WGM billings

En fin que no sabemos de la misa la mitad pero nuestros abogados si y eso para mi me da tranquilidad suficiente. ¿Si tan mal estuviera saliendo los Hearings los precios ya se habrian desplomado no?... ah ya que como ahora ya los hedge funds estan quietos pues esto no lo mueve nadie hasta que la Juez no saque el mazo atómico.