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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.681 / 3.346

Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

Looking at ex. 27 (I believe a conf. agreement)....Eleanor Chanley (sp) marked up, Parker asked if it was after it was signed.

Agreement was terminated on 12/30 instead of 12/31.

No ethical wall at this time...ceased trading.

Why different from Mar. 2009.

Aur. felt they had a "full position".

In Nov. Aur. would rather stop trading, so all "horsepower could bear on this process" {Everyone was told all info]

Felt like something could happen in Nov/Dec with settlement.

Gropper: yes, felt like there could be a resolution. Debtors said jpm wanted to sit down and negotiate.

Nov 6, NOL law passed from 2 to 5 years.

Gropper does not recall specific date.

Found out from WMI that nol would be 2.6 b.
it appears that someone has given orders to hang just enough people out to dry prior to a settlement, in an effort to remove the view of them in to the future? JPM comes to mind


Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

DelShareholder Ilene Slatko

So they wanted to buy up all they could so they could both profit and control the settlement?

Kostouros looking a bit less smug today during this testimony


Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

P: JPM was a tarp recipient, right?

G: WMI was the filer, JPM claimed they were the recipient.

P: That was their argument, not our analysis.

Discussing proposal once again.

P: what were the terms of this?

G: I dont recall.

P: Let me refresh your memory.

Strochnak complains they dont have a copy of what Parker does.

Email from Chad Smith to McCree with attachment..indicates debtor was proposing 70/30 in favor of Morgan. 50/50 on extended period.

Parker having G look to be sure he recollects it now.

Email is admitted. no objection


Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

Gropper lo tiene clarito en no cagarla ni con mails ni con hablar mas de la cuenta sobre las transacciones de su cliente. Por aqui no lo van a pillar. Mas vale que Susman tenga algo mejor o la juez va a terminar rápido con esta película. No se puede ganar un juicio con pruebas de recortes del corazon y otras nimiedades.


Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

this is a example of how the rest of the interrogations are going to go.... we are going to have a LOT of hearing!.... Make room on your calendar Judge....This is just the 1st inning and we have our sights on a HOME RUN!!!


Re: Gropper al Grill (Parker Folse bateando)

Esto lo dice un pumper de yahoo, veremos lo que la Juez decide en base a las declaraciones, solo trascribis lo que os interesa leer y asi no se puede hacer un balance ecuanime de los hearings.


Esto se va a alargar bastante

Yo diria que como poco hasta el viernes.
Si a eso le sumamos los claims para el 28 Julio aun queda bastante.
Realmente el EC se debe centrar en Aurelius y Centerbridge pero el Cross Examination de Appaloosa y Owl Creek (próximo) pueden dar detalles adicionales.

En fin que aquí los que siempre ganan son los abogados. Todo es mucho más complejo de lo que aparenta a primera vista. Así que habrá que seguir siendo pacientes y ver como evoluciona todo.