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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.691 / 3.346

Re:CE mas fuerte

Un panel de jueces EE.UU. lanzó una nueva Bolsa de Valores regla de la Comisión dando a los inversionistas más poder para expulsar a los directores corporativos, una victoria para las empresas de EE.UU. en la batalla de larga data sobre los accionistas "de acceso al proxy."

La Cámara de Comercio de EE.UU. y la Business Roundtable había presentado una demanda para anular la norma, emitida por una dividida SEC en agosto pasado, argumentando que la agencia no analizó adecuadamente sus costos.

Regla de acceso al proxy de la SEC, obligaría a las empresas a imprimir los nombres de los nominados junta de accionistas directamente en las boletas las empresas, siempre y cuando se cumplan ciertas condiciones. Los inversores deben actualmente pie el costo de enviar por correo ...


Re: Re:CE mas fuerte

El EC mas fuerte y las acciones en caida libre, las K´s bajando un 17% a 0`90. Vale ya de bombeo indiscriminado. Dejad de engañar al público, la confirmacion del POR se esta acercando, todas las acciones serán eliminadas.


Re: Re:CE mas fuerte

Jesús bebe unos ajos a mi salud. El que se pica ajos come.vete de vacaciones y no vuelva más por este foro. Vete a la india a pumpear.


Re: Re:CE mas fuerte

Bueno bueno las P´s han llegado a 24. el miedo y panico es total, los pumpers ni aparecen con estas caidas descomunales y Simpson ya se va de vacaciones, posiblemente espere a ver si se confirma el POR para desaparecer por completo, dificil dar la cara si las acciones acaban eliminadas con perdida total. Los antiguos contertulios ni aparecen, el que o menos ya habra vendido ahorrandose la sangria romana a la que se asiste. LO VENGO DICIENDO A DIARIO HAY QUE TENER POCA VERGUENZA PARA COLOCAR INFORMACION INTERESADA Y FALSA PARA AGUANTAR LAS ACCIONES, desde Simpson, Inversor 007, pptrueno (Oscarcito), los demas desaparecidos en combate. Hoy se nos despide Simpson antes de caerse las acciones, creo que sabe algo mas del proceso que no postea por aqui y puede que no tenga ni una accion en cartera no es de extrañar.


Re: PSI Report (esa era la bomba que tenian preparada)

mrsimpson está claro que no te enteras de nada, desde la semana pasada que decías que en 3 días se iban a lanzar fuegos artificiales, ninguna evidencia se ha demostrado de IT, los testigos se han limitado a guardar silencio y a no responder a las preguntas que no les han interesado y no hay más descubrimiento posible, este confirmation es igual que el anterior Susman haciendo perder el tiempo a todos y facturando a su favor. No hay más vuelta, tu siempre que bajan haces la misma excusa que ya cansa de leerla, por eso la gente te recrimina y con razón, primero dices que no hay volumen, luego que están meneando el árbol, luego que es unos días antes de los fuegos artificiales y luego te enfadas cuando te recriminan por pumper, siempre igual siempre igual.

El ejemplo más cercano hoy mismo, ahí tienes tus preferentes P's con el doble de volumen del habitual y ayer otro tanto más y ya van por 25$, si hubieras vendido ya, hubieras dejado de perder unos 40000$ con tus 4000 p's, no tienes ni idea del timing, pero lo peor es que sacas información sesgada y falsa. Para ya un poco, que estás dejando el foro desierto.



Re: PSI Report (esa era la bomba que tenian preparada)

El Juez writes:

Although tea-leaf reading is a well-established past time in this case, I think I disagree with most of what Mayadad1 speculates on today. (Be kind: He's just thinking out loud. ;D ;D) As I've opined for a long time, JPM has no claim at all to tax refunds or NOL's, never did, never will. Their "claims" have no more legitimacy than the idiotic MARTA or WMB claims, or JPM's cynical claim to the $4B in deposits. As Observer demonstrates, the FDIC's seizure killed WMB and the tax-sharing contract it was a part of before it was destroyed by JPM's conspiracy and appropriation of its assets. JPM is entitled to nothing, and the FDIC, even as WMB's receiver, is at most entitled only to "assets" that existed on 9/28/08, or at most at the end of the tax year 2008, but certainly not to any assets that devolved upon WMI as a result of legislation that wasn't enacted until 2009. Any other conclusion is illogical and irrational.

So, was too busy at work and the dentist's office to catch all of it, but from what I heard this last week I believe the EC made a lot of incremental progress in creating a factual basic in actual testimony for the arguments they are going to make in closing argument. I know it all seems pretty boring in real time, but the EC effectively impeached the credibility of each of the debtor and SNH witnesses, and, perhaps more importantly, peeled back the layers of b.s. for the judge to actually see how the GSA came into existence and how inconsistent it is with the debtor's duty to maximize estate assets. (Reminds me of the old story about meat eaters not wanting to see how sausage is made.) Keep in mind that, although the "trial" seems to have been pretty minimal in the large scheme of things, there are thousands upon thousands of pages of documents (emails, contracts, term sheets, etc.) and depositions of witnesses (some called at trial, some not) that form the admitted "evidence" in this case (mostly by stipulation) for the judge to consider.

Now it's up to the parties' arguments and the judge's conscience. The necessary evidence to make our points is now in the record and is ready for Judge W's decision. Judge W, like any judge, is constantly faced with the tension between practicality ("let's just get this job done and move on to the next case") and idealism ("what is actually the right and just thing to do, and to hell with the practical consequences?"). This establishes a continuum between one extreme and the other, and pretty much every judge falls somewhere on the scale. If Judge W says "screw it, I'm tired of this case" she'll buy the party-line B.S. from Rosen and approve the POR. If she thinks EC has scored major points but still wants to get it over with, she'll "cut the baby in half" (a la King Solomon), and maybe disallow the 4 SNH claims completely and impose FJR on other note holders, etc., enough to put preferreds in the money but still screw commons, but still approve a watered down POR. If she's alert, aware, honest and idealistic (which, honestly, I think she is trying to be when she's not conned and manipulated, but maybe I'm a Pollyanna), she'll be righteously pissed off at all the lies she's been fed, see the process as entirely flawed, and deny the POR in it's entirety, appoint a trustee (and/or solicit new, competing POR's), and authorize the EC to pursue all appropriate litigation.


Re: PSI Report (esa era la bomba que tenian preparada)

Viv's post is one of the best I've seen in ages.

He's spot on about what's confronting the court. It is my belief that the court knows she was misled before the last confirmation, but she's keeping that to herse lf. I don't believe for an instant that either WMI/Wei lor the SNs are sanguine about the outcome of these hearings. The EC has methodically discredited them on go od faith with respect to every issue, and Walrath has been left with the reality that the world's premier bankruptcy group (and its premier restructuring firm, Alvarez_&_Marsal) (1) tried to make a fool of her, and (2) very nearly destroyed equity simply to make JPM happy.

Viv doesn't surmise the court's future decision, but I will. There is the possibility that she will appoint a trustee to sift the case to the bottom, which would include reigniting litigation in the D.C. District Court. Her other, milde alternative, is dispossession th e SNs of the portion of their claims obtained through I T as well as imposing the FJR on the other debtholders who were complicit with them, there by neutering all wrongdoing stakeholders. The latter remedy would still leave the issues of_JPM and (a) its preseizure activities, and (b) its wanton manipulation of the plan process (i.e., between the EC's examination of the SNs and the SNs willingness to rat out JPM as the puppetmaster, this has been established). In the case of (a) the business torts wouldb e litigated before Judge Collyer. In th e case of (b) JPM's objective to get the case settled under the highly advantageous terms of the GSA will have been thwarted.

However, as the_corruption is so pervasive and deep-r ooted I'm not sure the court can take the second alternative by itself because the EC has so thoroughly expose d the machinations of WGM and A&M.

There is another possibility, which is a mixture of t he two alternatives. It entails the court disallowing the portion of the SNs' claims obtained through IT, imp osing the FJR, and compelling JPM to turn over the $4B to WMI. She would also nullify her ruling on the GSA in light of the IT and misdeeds, ANICO, and Stern. In l ight of Weil's and A&M's actions, she would appoint a trustee to move the case forward including determiningt he feasibility of litigation in the D.C. courts on the business torts and/or FIRREA, and proposal of a plan consistent with the new landscape.

This is actually the easiest course for her (i.e., clean up the dirt in case currently, and hand over the 'clean' case to a trustee), and I think there's a good chance she'll take it


Re: PSI Report (esa era la bomba que tenian preparada)

Bien Inversor, adjunto a Simpson bombeando para tapar los posts que advierten de la debacle.