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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
23.540 / 38.210

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

No quiero poner más noticias negativas, que me vais a decir que me parezco a Juanico ...
La aporto sólo como información de interés general....
O para algún particular ...

La CNMV interviene Esfera Capital por un agujero que podría alcanzar los seis millones de euros

También según información facilitada por la propia entidad, la incidencia que ha dado lugar a la adopción de la medida de intervención afecta directamente solo a Esfera Capital, y no a otras compañías del grupo, como Esfera Capital Gestión SGIIC. En particular, no afecta al patrimonio o situación financiera de los fondos de inversión y SICAV gestionados por Esfera Capital Gestión SGIIC.

Para los que tienen fondos como Baelo ...
@AntonioRRico   en qué afecta a @BaeloPatrimonio  la intervención de Esfera Capital por CNMV? Gracias, un saludo.
Hola Elena. Es a la Agencia de Valores, no a la gestora de fondos. No afecta.

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Gracias por el trabajo
¿Vas ha hacer guardia hasta por la noche para actualizarlo?

Re: La televisión también pide ayuda pública por la caída del 45% en su publicidad

El BCE hizo lo que la mayoria de la gente queria, posponer el problema dejando que los estados aumentaran su deuda para no ajustar gastos, lo que viene a ser patada a seguir y ya veremos mas adelante.  Lo curioso es que la izquierda lo sigue llamando austericido, especialmente la española que no entiende como el BCE pudiendo imprimir todo el dinero que quiera, no nos hace millonarios a todos. Eduardo Garzón dixit.

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Lo termino de linkar del prorealtime a excel y queda mecanizado... es solo hacer copy-paste fácil

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

La administración Trump y una comisión de senadores de ambos partidos, están preparando un primer plan de ayudas de 1 billón de dólares (1 trillion en el mundo anglosajón) para ayudas directas a contribuyentes y en préstamos para pequeños y medianos negocios (mitad y mitad). Podría aprobarse ya este mismo lunes.

Serían ayudas directas por tanto e independientes de las inyecciones de la FED, que se suelen quedar en las altas esferas financieras.

Copio y pego del New York Times:

Trump Seeks $500 Billion in Checks for Taxpayers

The administration is proposing two waves of checks to individuals and another $500 billion for small and large businesses as part of its economic response to the coronavirus pandemic.

AnnMarie Mejias, left, distributed meals to seniors at the Isaacs Center on Tuesday in New York.Credit...Stephen Speranza for The New York Times
  • March 18, 2020

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Wednesday broadened the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and spelled out the first details of a $1 trillion economic package, asking Congress for an infusion of $500 billion for direct payments to taxpayers and $500 billion in loans for businesses.

President Trump invoked a seldom-used wartime law that allows the government to press American industry into service to ramp up production of medical supplies. He said he would send two military hospital ships to New York and California.

He also directed federal agencies to suspend all foreclosures and evictions until the end of April as the full economic toll of the crisis began to set in around the world. And he agreed with Canada to stop all nonessential traffic across the northern border.

After weeks of playing down the outbreak, Mr. Trump appeared on Wednesday to fully embrace the scope of the calamity, saying he saw himself as a wartime president and invoking memories of the efforts made by Americans during World War II.

“Now it’s our time,” Mr. Trump said at a news conference at the White House. “We must sacrifice together because we are all in this together, and we will come through together. It’s the invisible enemy.”

Yet Mr. Trump appeared to hedge on the severity of the crisis, saying the wartime power law was “a worst-case scenario in the future.” The president also continued to refer to the disease as the “Chinese virus,” brushing off questions about whether the phrase was racist.

The prospect of escalating government intervention fell far short of reassuring investors. Markets erased Tuesday’s gains and plummeted to new lows, as reports of mass layoffs steadily reached Wall Street and Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler all said they would temporarily shutter their plants in the United States.

The S&P 500 declined about 5 percent, wiping away nearly all of the gains made during Mr. Trump’s presidency on another day that saw an automatic 15-minute halt in trading to prevent a stock market crash. Oil prices and European stocks were also sharply down. And the New York Stock Exchange announced it would temporarily close its trading floor and move fully to electronic trading for the first time in its history after two people there tested positive for Covid-19.

Even as Mr. Trump unveiled his plan, it was not clear how quickly it could have an effect. Just hours after the president announced his order to dispatch two military hospital ships, a Pentagon spokesman said deployment would not be possible for at least two weeks because one of the ships, the Comfort, is currently undergoing repairs in Norfolk, Va. The other ship, the Mercy, will deploy sooner.

And when he invoked the Defense Production Act, a Korean War-era law that authorizes the president to take extraordinary action to force American companies to help produce material — like respirators, ventilators and protective gear for health workers — needed for national security, Mr. Trump said,  “Hopefully there will be no need.”

Senators came close to reaching a deal on a $1 trillion rescue plan.

Senators plan to work through the weekend hashing out a bipartisan deal on a sweeping $1 trillion economic stabilization package to respond to the coronavirus pandemic that could be enacted within days.

Democratic and Republican negotiators, who huddled with top administration officials throughout the day and into the evening Friday, said they had made significant progress. Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, had pushed to strike a deal in principle by midnight on Friday.

Mr. McConnell has begun clearing procedural hurdles on the Senate floor in order to vote on the Senate package on Monday, leaving senators and President Trump’s top economic advisers until Saturday afternoon to craft legislative text, said Eric Ueland, the White House director of legislative affairs.

Senators will reconvene Saturday morning to continue talks, negotiators said. Mr. Ueland said that there was “a lot of near consensus” on how to aid industries seeking relief from the impact of the pandemic, assist small businesses, boost health care facilities and send direct aid to Americans.

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Buenos días Juan

Joer cuando acabe todo esto tenemos que recordar aquellos días  en Madrid,  te acuerdas?, el paseo que nos dimos por el centro y las croquetas de bacalao, las banderillas de bonito, el bacalao al ajorriero, de casa Labra? Ummmm, fenomenal.

Mucho ánimo Juan . Lo importante es estar bien de salud. Fíjate que el padre de Rémora lo ha superado. Mucha gente lo supera sin fiebre. Es un bicho más que ha entrado en nuestro entorno, a convivir con nosotros igual que las bacterias que tenemos , microbios, saprofitas, etc.

Muchísimo ánimo a toda la gente de Madrid y del resto de España. Volveremos a la normalidad pronto. Hace tres semanas largas que no voy a Barcelona que es maravillosa. Yo vivo a las afueras , como ya sabes , y algunas veces entre semana voy. Es tremendo lo que estamos viviendo Juan, parece un sueño del que todavía no se despierta uno.

Que por cierto, creo que al que le toca ahora devolver visita es a ti y a capitantorrezno, no?

Bueno ,tendremos tiempo cuando esta pesadilla vuelva a la normalidad. La bolsa es secundaria tal y como está de alborotada y volátil.. Es dificilisimo hacer un jornalillo ahora mismo. Ahora desde la reclusión hay que estar detrás del burladero ,a ver si esto se calma un poco. Hay que tener mucho cuidado.

A ver si te asomas más por aquí. Te acuerdas. Los posts con San Pancracio? Pues a ver si intercede por todos. Eso sí no te olvides socio de ponerle el perejil como acostumbramos a hacer.Te acuerdas?

Un fuerte abrazo para ti y tu familia. Pasa un buen finde!!!!!