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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

149K respuestas
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
165 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
14.221 / 18.989

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Sabeis si afecta también a las Adriatic de Londres?
Hay algun listado de las afectadas?

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

  • Double INSW's net asset value in an all-stock merger to create a diversified tanker company with a 1001 vessel fleet aggregating 11.31 million dwt and significant footprints in the VLCC, Suezmax, LR1/Panamax and MR markets
  • Accretive to INSW's earnings and cash flow per share immediately
  • Realize estimated annual cost synergies in excess of $23 million and revenue synergies of $9 million, which are expected to be fully realizable within 2022
  • Enhance equity trading liquidity through a larger market capitalization; estimated pro-forma market capitalization of close to $1 billion based on INSW's closing price of $18.36 on March 30, 2021
  • Maintain significant financial strength, as INSW and Diamond S would have had a combined pro forma net leverage ratio of 42%2 at year-end 2020, one of the lowest in the tanker sector and across global shipping. INSW and Diamond S also would have had robust liquidity on a pro forma combined basis, with over $3002 million in cash at December 31, 2020
  • Build upon best-in-class safety and Environmental, Social and Governance track records
  • Enable combined company to maintain a $50 million share repurchase authorization and a quarterly dividend policy. Immediately prior to the closing of the merger, existing INSW shareholders will also receive a special dividend of $1.10 per share

Pues un 6% que nos pagan los de INSW, ni tan mal oye. DSSI subiendo un 6% en pre market y me imagino que insw hara algo parecido. No me parece tan mal deal. 

DSSI tiene un valor en libros de cerca de 30$ por acción, desconozco cual es su NAV per share pero probablemente este cerca de los 18-20. La están comprando cerca de 0,5 veces NAV. INSW  cotiza algo por encima por lo que no creo que sea mal deal

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Que yo sepa adriatic no está afectada de momento y no se si algún día la van a deslistar. Yo la muevo por si acaso y también porque en IB tiene solo un 50% de mantenimiento de margen. 

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Ahora la gente no quiere cocinar tanto (por falta de tiempo) y tira más de procesados y preparados que encarecen la cesta de la compra.

Pero si cocinas y tienes tiempo la comida es más barata. Mi madre siempre me dice que antes la alimentación era más cara: los garbanzos y legumbres en general antes eran más caros. Ahora hay repollos, grelos, coliflor...tirados de precio. Enfrente de mi casa compro chuletas de Ternera Gallega a 9,50 el kilo. Eso es un regalo, no se ni como pueden sobrevivir los ganaderos (cuantos meses de gestación y de crecimiento hay que esperar para poder vender un ternero?). Mejillones tirados de precio. En los 80 comer langostinos era un lujo, ahora te puedes hartar a comer gambones por 4 perras. Comerse un Toke en los 80 recuerdo que era algo excepcional, o helados (recuerdo los frigo, miko, avidesa...), o golosinas...ahora vas al Mercadona y compras todo eso tirado de precio.

Con todo igual.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Esas ventas elevan el multiplicador al que cotiza la entidad.

Más pequeña y más rentable. Sale a cuenta.

Pero no nos engañemos, están limpiando la casa para sanear el balance y a partir de ahí volver a comprar con otro foco estratégico en Europa.

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

La CEO de INSW hace menos de 3 semanas:
If you move, please, to the second bullet. We are so excited to announce our agreement this week to contract to build 3 LNG fuel, dual-fuel VLCCs from top-tier Korean shipyard, DSME, for delivery in early 2023. This project puts Seaways on our future path. It enables us to achieve a number of critical strategic objectives.

First, adding these vessels to our fleet on 7-year time charters to market-leading customer, Shell, provide strong, stable cash flows with added upside. We are pleased to once again renew our fleet at the cyclical low and to access very competitive financing, combined with a favorable payment schedule, which Jeff will detail further on the call. 

Second, these VLCCs being 40% more efficient than a 10-year-old vessel and 20% more efficient than the most modern ECO VLCCs on the water today. We expect they will remain well suited to adhere to future environmental regulations throughout their lives. Importantly, these are highly efficient ships that will not just surpass today's IMO Energy Efficiency Design Index but will also substantially outperform the 2025 EEDI targets. The environmental benefits of these 3 ships substantially reduces our carbon footprint and are in keeping with our commitment to ESG-focused corporate citizenship. We're proud to continue to be at the forefront of sustainability initiative in the maritime sector. This builds on our last year's signing of the first sustainability-linked refinancing in the industry. 

1/4 of the existing VLCC fleet is now at least 15 years old and 8% is already over -- is at least 20 or over, representing the entire VLCC order book. Another 13 Vs will reach 20 years old in 2021. As we have highlighted consistently, once vessels reach the age of 15, they are more expensive to operate. They have significant investment requirements to continue to trade. As ships reach their ballast water treatment deadlines, even greater capital investment is required to keep them trading. Based on these dynamics, the potential for recycling has been building.

Yes. I think what you're getting to is, every owner has to really look carefully at buying secondhand at the newbuildings -- I mean, because to your point, Bill mentioned earlier and these regulations are -- you think you'll have a handle on of change. Every owner has to assess the ship that we have in our fleet. And part of that, we do buy all these new efficiency programs that we have ongoing and scraping the bottoms and putting on slick paints and doing the native ducts to make our existing ships as efficient as possible. 

And absolutely for an owner, as you look at buying a secondhand tonnage, which, of course, International Seaways, I mean, this Bill has built or overseen for OSG, or previous company, over 50 newbuildings. So a bit serendipitous that we have him on running the technical department as we pivot back to embracing this new project. But all the other vessels we bought have been modern secondhand. And for all the owners, you have to weigh the fact that modern secondhand tonnage is going to be the most efficient purchase. And also think about, well, is that the move that you want to make or do you want to invest in a step change? But in today's world, hydrogen and ammonia, there's a lot of conversations, but there's no practical solutions today.
Vuelvo a decir que DSSI era de las que más baratas cotizaba, pero no entiendo el movimiento.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Los productos frescos, cuestan una pasta, si solo tienes en cuenta en hacer unos garbanzos o hacer otros platos pues vale. 

Ahora, ponte a hacer una dieta de futbolista, a ver si se puede mantener los precios, porque hoy en dia, en españa, comer de 3 a 4 piezas de pescado fresco y 2 de carne roja , a la semana, ya se te va mas del 40% del SMI por persona. 

Y el problema es de que estos productos suben cada año, y lo hacen en menor medida que los sueldos.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Bueno, los que hacen trading si tiene una operacion perdedora inicial, luego la pueden compensar con una ganadora. 

En el poker no. 

obviamente se necesita una reforma, pero eso nunca va a pasar. 
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