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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
165 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
13.830 / 18.989

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Me ocurre lo mismo con RIG, desde noviembre y a pesar de sus vaivenes, es una fiesta.

Estoy muy positivo con todo el sector y nuestros queridos fondos.

¿Nadie se plantea llevar a cabo mas aportaciones en estos meses? Observo, que una cosa es que corrija USA y otra los fondos de Cobas y AZ.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

con 97 tacos, Munger tiene la cabeza mejor amueblada que gente con 70 años menos. A ver si llegamos a esa edad, y con la mitad de lucidez de este hombre valdría.
De la conferencia anual que da en el Daily Journal:
"Los paralelismos con la burbuja puntocom son similares,  en tanto en cuanto cada vez son más los inversores que creen que las acciones solo suben e incluso deciden endeudarse para participar."
“Creo que esto acabará mal, pero no sé cuándo.”
Tesla a un billón de dólares y el bitcoin a 50.000 dólares. Munger lamentó: “No sé cuál
de los dos es peor”. Sobre bitcoin “Es un sustituto artificial del oro. Y dado que jamás he comprado oro, nunca he comprado ningún bitcoin”.
“la Teoría Monetaria Moderna (MMT)significa que a la gente le preocupa menos un desastre inflacionario como la República de Weimar por la impresión monetaria estatal. De momento
parece que la teoría es correcta, pero ponme como escéptico”.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Hago lo propio pero en bici y sin ningún aparato electrónico. Llevare reloj mecánico :).

Pongo en copia el plan previsto a mi mujer :). Disculpen el "fuera de tema".

"A ver si tenemos algún punto concordante, ahí va, 
En el proceso por el desinterés general por aquellas cosas que me producen desasosiego, con la premisa que llevo ya 3 donuts de chocolate y avena, así como la posibilidad de maximizar la tarde, propongo: 
  1. Quedar directamente con las bicis
  2. Lugar: Triana, bar de bocadillos típicos de tortilla con patatas fritas y refresco de cola.
  3. Hora, a partir de las 3:30 sin prisas.
  4. Desprenderse de todo aparato electrónico, al menos por lo que a mi respecta, no lo llevaré, quedando ya relegado al ostracismo.
  5. Llevo mochila para luego apañar algún avituallamiento para el desayuno de especies varias incluida mi persona. 
  6. Saldré antes de la hora prevista con revistas para deleitarme con la lectura por el camino.
  7. Se ruega confirmación "


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Del informe de Q4 de los Gorozen, sobre el fracaso de las renovables para bajar las emisiones de carbono:

Unfortunately, carbon intensity per unit of energy consumed is unlikely to fall by the 50% assumed in the IEA’s proposal either. It is widely believed the reduction will be based upon the widespread adoption of wind, solar, electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cells, but our research suggests these technologies will fail to deliver the expected results. There are several real-world examples that confirm our suspicions. Over the past two decades, Germany has aggressively pursued its renewable-centric “Energiewende” plan, taking renewables from 2% of all German electricity to nearly 40%—by far the most aggressive renewable push in the world. Over the same period, carbon emissions per unit of energy fell by only 12%. Not only is this reduction a far cry from the projected 50% reduction in most energy transition plans, but it is also no better than those countries that did not adopt a renewable energy push.
Between 2000 and 2019, the US and France went from 1% renewable electricity to 10%, or less than one-third of Germany’s penetration. Despite this lack of renewable adoption, US carbon intensity fell by 13% while France’s intensity fell by 10%, ahead of and only slightly behind Germany, respectively.
Los EV tampoco parecen ser la panacea prometida:
Electric vehicles will likely not deliver the necessary carbon reduction either. In Norway, electric vehicle sales have gone from zero to nearly 60% penetration between 2010 and 2019. Despite such a dramatic shift away from oil, Norway’s carbon intensity has declined by 10% compared with 11% in the US where EVs remain less than 2% of all vehicle sales.
Sobre la ineficiencia general de las renovables que justifican estos pobres resultados:

Although these results might seem improbable, the explanation has to do with the physical limitations of the various technologies.

Wind and solar are extremely inefficient generators of electricity due to their low energy
density and their intermittency. In the coming weeks, we will release a podcast that goes into much greater detail about these shortcomings. In summary, a solar panel likely only dispatches between 12 and 20% of its rated capacity due to the intermittency of sunshine.
A wind turbine is somewhat better, but still less than 25%. As a result, excess capacity must be built to generate the necessary electricity. Moreover, the power must be “buffered” by a storage system to smooth out the inherent variability coming from both short-term dislocations (clouds and periods of calm), as well as different patterns between day and night.
Low load factors and “buffering” of intermittency results in poor “energy return on energy invested” (EROEI). As much as 25–60% of the energy generated in a renewable system is consumed internally, compared with 3% for a modern gas plant.

In his excellent work, Energy and Civilization, Professor Smil describes society’s ongoing adoption of new technologies. A theme that runs through his work is how every new major “prime mover” is able to convert energy into useful work more efficiently than what came before. According to our models, wind and solar would mark the first time we have seen a widespread shift into a much less efficient source of energy conversion. It has never happened in the past, and the only way it can happen in the future is if governments subsidize wind and solar (as is being done right now), or outlaw old hydrocarbon-based technologies—now being threatened. In either case (subsidy or outlaw), government intervention is the only way people would likely adopt new energy conversion technologies with inferior efficiencies.

It is difficult to forecast the impact of transitioning from a system where 3% of all energy is consumed internally to one where more than a third is lost. To the extent solar and wind facilities do not achieve their target lifespans (and there is ample evidence to suggest this is happening), the results will be even worse.

Solar and wind’s low EROEI also impacts their carbon emissions. While billed as being
“carbon free,” solar and wind generate CO2 during their construction and maintenance. To the extent overbuilding and battery backup is required to allow for baseload power, CO2 emissions increase dramatically. This partially explains why German carbon intensity only fell by 12%, despite having among the highest renewable penetration in the world

Electric vehicles also involve energy intensive lithium-ion batteries. Few realize how much energy is embedded in an electric vehicle before it is ever plugged in. Over the life of a typical EV, nearly 40% of the total energy goes into manufacturing the battery. The IEA expects electric vehicles will represent nearly 15% of total transportation energy by 2040. We calculate this equates to approximately 850 mm EVs and nearly 65 terawatt hours of batteries.

This is a staggering amount considering global lithium-ion manufacturing capacity is
currently less than 0.4 terawatt hours per year. These batteries will require an incredible 2 billion tonnes of oil equivalent to build.


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

jajajjjajajjj....que fenómeno!!!!

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Frugalista de libro, pero desde antes que inventaran ese termino :).

La contraparte, la que es mi mujer desde el año 92, no opina lo mismo en cuanto a la "fenomenalidad", pero bueno, me aguanta...:).

Por otro lado, y antes de partir, hago aportación al Andromeda, ¡empecemos! Buen tipo el Sr. Flavio, da gusto charlar con él.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

 El fondo soberano de Noruega deja sin mandato a Paramés y se lo da a Bestinver, Santander AM y Santalucía AM

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

¿Cómo llevas la salsa de tomate Bróker?
Creo que le vas sacando algo ¿no?
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