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Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)

214 respuestas
Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)
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Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)
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Re: Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)

El gobierno americano debería dejarse de palabrería vana y actuar, imputando a los responsables de Boeing por la vía penal y exigiendo responsabilidades a la compañía por los accidentes mortales que han tenido lugar.

 Graves-Larsen Joint Statement on FAA Briefing of Boeing Plan [press release] June 04, 2024
 Washington, D.C. - Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO) and Committee Ranking Member Rick Larsen (D-WA) released the following joint statement after today’s briefing for Committee members by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Michael Whitaker on Boeing’s plan to improve manufacturing processes and aircraft conformity:
 “We want to thank Administrator Whitaker for briefing our members and for his assurances that the FAA will hold Boeing accountable for following its proposed safety plan. We believe, and the Administrator agrees, that safety is the highest priority when it comes to America’s gold standard-setting aviation system.
 “Both the FAA and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will continue to play critical oversight roles as this process moves forward. Our committee’s oversight of the FAA’s efforts and aviation manufacturers, large and small, will continue to be deliberate and fact-based. We will also continue to oversee the implementation of recent laws passed by Congress, including the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 and the Aircraft Certification Reform and Accountability Act, to ensure the FAA has the tools it needs and utilizes them to help keep our system safe.” 

Re: Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)

pues no volaremos pero ganar pasta si vamos a ganar jeje , oportunidad de las buenas 

Re: Seguimiento de Boeing (BA)

No sé qué decirte.. podría volver a la zona de los 128 USD o de los 115 USD (las compré a ese precio la última vez) y eso es mucha bajada... mucho riesgo!
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Boeing (BA)
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