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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
357 / 3.346

Re: Cábalas sobre % retorno + TPG CAPITAL

Haber un poco de calma.
Esta noticia se sabe desde hace 2 dias y la acción común no ha reflejado nada. Esperemos lo mejor, pero demasiado optimismo no es bueno.
No cojamos la piel antes de cazar al oso.


Re: Cábalas sobre % retorno + TPG CAPITAL

Me ha hecho gracia este post sobre los diferentes personajes que transitan por los foros Wamu y lo transcribo.

To all my fellow longs we have a new type of basher on board. The goal is

different now and the game has changed. You will notice new names that only

show up when a settlement is very near. They have come to create investor

opinion. They will do this in several ways but a few I can come up with right

now are:

#1) The "Stupid Greedy investor". This poster shows up and says that they

are willing to take nothing for their shares as long as they get it quickly

They will liken this to a lottery or a scam. This makes us look dishonest and

unworthy of a fair settlement.

#2) The "Tired but Reasonable Long". This poster will come up with all sorts of

reasons that they are willing to settle immediately for very, very, little.

They want a pittance for their shares, but they want it soon.

#3) The "Expert". This person will come in with what seem to be a logical argument.

These arguments will be contrary to the opinions of most of the senior longs on the

message boards. They will challenge the "bopfans" and any other well respected

long who is unwilling to sell out cheap. Their goal is to hopefully gain a

following and get on the Equity committee where they can sell equity out or at

least have their posts quoted in court to prove equity wants out cheap.

#4) The "Dissident Long". This character will support those above, especially the

expert. They will say that they are long term listeners or "lurkers". They will

help attack senior longs and will try to destroy anyone seen as a leader who will

not compromise on the settlement terms.

These are just a few of the new characters that are stepping onto the stage.

They are paid professionals that are hired to lower the settlement terms when

settlement is inevitable. They are not basement flunkys and don't blow them off

as harmless. They are very, very, Dangerous to your investment and have no

other goal than to create text for use in court. Don't let them railroad your


Many of these new faces have shares and will have posted from time to time

in the past, so as to appear to the court as a real investor. If you don't

stand up or ignore them they will create threads for use in court that will

destroy your return. It is really important that we all stand up to them and

that we all say what we want in solid dollar figures. Silence to a regular

basher might be fine, but it is exactly what these people want and only a fool

will give it to them.

This settlement is no longer cash driven, it will settle whether we take $1 or

$20. It will not be the money that settles this but the fear of a "Grand Jury".

As such compromising now in regards to the cash would just be both pointless

and stupid.

When you answer them, and it is really important that you do answer them.

you should state what you feel your investment is worth and that you will

not compromise. My minimums are listed bellow.

Preferreds paid at face value in cash or at 125% in JPM preferred stock.

All back Dividends to be paid as above. Period, no negotiating, Pay UP

Common stock to be paid at $10 dollars each or paid at 125% if converted


If you don't take them seriously they will destroy your investment.

Welcome to the end Game, Stay strong, don't compromise.


Re: Cábalas sobre % retorno + TPG CAPITAL

Yo estoy siendo cauto por eso hasta que no se confirme algo por parte del Trustee yo las unica que dejo correr (y creo que seguiran subiendo) van a ser las WAMPQ.

Si veo algun run en las comunes y las P´s no le siguen entonces igual hago un flip. Pero de momento que todo continue igual "santa rita rita rita..." :)

PD: Muy bueno el post de los Bashers.
La cosa está muyyyyyyyy calentita.


Re: Cábalas sobre % retorno + TPG CAPITAL

Jesus. Crees que te dará tiempo a pasarte a las Wamuq?.
Puede ser visto y no visto.


Re: Cábalas sobre % retorno + TPG CAPITAL

Espero que si. Voy a dejar correr hasta 20 enero si todo sigue así.



Buenos días Wamuers, ayer a la noche confirmamos una muy buena noticia, sigo pensando que TPG va a liderar el EC y va a ser en nuestro beneficio.

Me he despertado con ganas y he encontrado la declaración de Mr. Thomas Blake, una institución en el mundo financiero americano y consejero de JPM para este proceso.
Para mi es una bomba, ya que supone el reconocimiento de JPM de que la FDIC cerro y vendió un banco solvente. Lo que parece es que JPM recula y quiere poner en el punto de mira a FDIC/OTS. Ellos fueron los que hicieron mal el trabajo...........que hijos de puta, parece que saben que su trama no se tiene en pie.

12. Based on my review to date, there is no indication that the OTS performed a solvency analysis consistent with the test for insolvency specified in the Bankruptcy Code. There is no indication that the OTS assessed the fair sale-able value of the assets of WMB (or WMI). Nor is there an indication that OTS compared the fair sale-able value of the assets of WMB (or WMI) to the total amount of either company’s respective liabilities. There is no indication that the OTS performed a comprehensive cash flow analysis of WMB (or WMI). Instead, the OTS found that “WMB met the well-capitalized standards through the date of receivership.”8 Thus, without a thorough analysis of the assets, liabilities and capital of WMI and WMB, it is not possible to come to a reliable conclusion concerning the financial solvency of either entity, whether on a consolidated or stand-alone basis.

El documento es el 103-4 (pdf) que podéis descargar en este link,

la declaracion de Mr. Blake se encuentra en la pagina 32 y el punto 12. en la pagina 36.


Los colegas de David Bonderman

Mirar con que gente se codea nuestro amiguito Bonderman.....jejejej
Me gusta estar agarrado a su tobillo en esto..............


Re: Los colegas de David Bonderman

Cuando compré comunes, uno de los factores que influyó fue tener a este pajarito al lado.

Con los negocios que maneja Bonderman y numerosos socios que tiene en diferentes empresas no sería de recibo que jodiera a todos los comunes de Wamu para irse de rositas con Dimon.

La reputación aparte del dinero cuenta en los negocios.

Comparto la visión que estableces de nuestro big partner.