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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
369 / 3.346

Re: el tren ya parte... sin mí

Maximunae69, adhiero a tu comentario! Ojala en 2010 las cosas vayan mejor para todos...

Abrazo y felicidades!



Re: el tren ya parte... sin mí

¡¡¡¡Feliz año!!!! Sed malos y especular


Re: el tren ya parte... sin mí

Bueno he estado fuera las 3 ultimas horas, ya veo que todo el mundo mas que contento y parece que cerrara optimamente.

Haber si se consolidan los precios de una vez y empiezan a despegar que ya sería hora.

Feliz año nuevo y que todos los que estan metidos aqui tengan el pelotazo de su vida, porque de estas acciones se ven pocas.


Re: el tren ya parte... sin mí

Señores, tengan un gran año. Descuento que todos mientras brindemos por este nuevo año que se avecina pediremos entre nuestros deseos que "exploten" las wamu. Que asi sea.
Abrazo grande y felicidades.


Causas de la subida de hoy

Prometi no escribie nada hasta el año nuevo pero no me pude contener. Parece que buena parte de las subidas de hoy se deban a esta noticia:

Espero que esto sea el comienzo de muchas alegrias para los accionistas de WAMU.
Lo dicho, Feliz año para todos y que 2010 nos regale ese deseado triunfo.
Suscribo el post de Maximunae enteramente, es de bien nacido acordarse de toda la gente que lo esta pasando francamente mal en estas epocas de crisis.
Un gran saludo para todos, FELIZ 2010



I am tired of hearing about the commons being canceled or <$9 for the payout ...

Why? It is basher speak... and an attempt to get consensus to accept a lower settlement. This is just flat out WRONG!

If this is to be a settlement, then let it be a settlement. Stop talking about A>L - it does not matter once some equity is in the money and the EC is formed.

The A>L $$ in BK just make commons mature and close to "in the money". The other lawsuits make it ripe and ready to pick. And by ready to pick, it will be much more than all of you bashers are talking about, especially those bashers who speak in settlement $$ of 2,4,5,8,9.

These numbers are WAY OFF!

Here's why....

1. This not a normal BK... everyone who has been following it knows.

2. The major commons share holder converted their shares at 8.75. They are due much more than that. When their interest was converted to common stock, it converted when the commons were between 11.00 and 14.00 a share. That was supposed to be a premium at the time. The seizure fixed that.

3. There is major collusion and fraud involved with the seizure and this case as the evidence is now showing. This means major damages. Potentialy treble at the point the fraud started unless this case is settled. When did the fraud start - at $12 or at $30 to $35 a share. Hmmmmm treble at 35 is $105

4. We are still at 41M shares short on the commons. These shorts were being executed when WAMU started to "take the plunge”. This was part of the overall tactics used to take WAMU down. Someone will have to cover these shorts if Commons are "made good" and in the money. When they start - all hell is going to break loose. If commons are good, some people are in for serious sh!t.

5. Justice needs to be served. This case is one for the record books. The share holders should be made right. This is starting to happen. It should continue until all shares are made whole.

6. This settlement can get a huge chunk of liability off of the companies and groups involved with the transgressions. Settling now will take the burden off of the share holders of the respective companies that were involved.

7. If those involved wait until criminal charges are pressed... their companies stock will take a hit. If they are found guilty, it will take an even bigger hit with the damages that will be assessed. A settlement now is needed for them to preserve the equity in their own companies.

So for those that think Commons are junk... think again.

ALSO Why is all the talk from various high powered investment firms discussing the play is in the preferreds.

If they can get the commons holders to shift to the preferred - which I have seen scared commons holders talk about - it will make more commons available for the shorts buy to cover.

Crammer and his gang need people to believe that the only play is preferreds, so they can shake loose the commons for their croinies. This way they can make good on their short contracts.

So if you think the banter about preferreds is just about what is the safest play, think again.

Those that have run the perferreds up to where they are now, understand to make a larger margin on their money, they will need someone to move into the perferreds and out of the commons.

Think about it.

I am just tired of the drivel that is being spewed forth on this subject.