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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
362 / 3.346


Despues de mucho tiempo vuelvo a postear. Veo (leo) mucho optimismo en relacion a las comunes y lo unico que se ve en la realidad es que bajan un poquito cada dia. Que me estoy perdiendo? O que se esta perdiendo la gente que en ves de comprar vende? Aclaro por las dudas que estoy de comunes hasta las pelotas y por mas que el Titanic se hunda yo seguire tocando el violin. Para mi es a todo o nada pero mientras toco el violin quiero entender a que se debe tanto optimismo.
Saludos y feliz año para todos.



Practicamente el optimismo se encuentra en la constitución del EC - Comité de la Equidad.
Probablemente durante el mes entrante, Dios mediante.
Entonces en vez de pequeñas bajadas deberiamos ver una subida del copón.



Toca el violin hasta que se le quemen las cuerdas que aqui hay tomate.



Ja, ja, ja. Menos mal que el sentido del humor no falta en este foro, he de reconocer que ya es adicción lo que tengo, lo primero que hago cuando me levanto es consultar el foro a través de mi móvil y la verdad es que este sufrimiento que nos están haciendo pasar nuestras wamu se lleva mejor con todos vosotros.
Yo también es un todo o nada con este valor y de verdad que si todo sale bien me gustaría veros a todos compartiendo mesa y mantel un día (en cualquier lugar del mundo) y si hace falta Venerando la montamos en un monasterio, porque yo me ordeno contigo!!!!
Gracias a las nuevas aportaciones que estáis haciendo, la verdad es que os lo currais un montón

Saludos y feliz entrada de año a todos



Ok Satinfotec mesa y mantel. Aqui habra dinero para un festín.

La contestación del monasterio tambien ha sido rápida, mi solicitud fue rechazada, me han dicho que con la crisis estan hasta arriba de fieles.


Re: Enlace foro americano sobre EC

EC timeline may be much faster than we think, if the experience of CEMJQ shareholders is any gauge.

See posts below by an iHubber who was invited to serve on an EC for CEMJQ. His third post contains a link to the letter to shareholders and other docs related to their successful quest for an EC.

Most surprising is the rapid timeline--15 days total from invitation letter to EC formation.


Posted by: slaternation Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 2:46:11 PM
I think I got the letter 12/14 and it had to be in to the Trustee by 12/18. EC was approved 12/29.

Posted by: slaternation Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 2:52:18 PM
Nope, just an average dude, with a computer and the internet, with a few tens of thousands of shares of both WAMUQ and CEMJQ. All alliance members received letters. There were somewhere between 50-100 people that joined the shareholders' alliance, which is lead by some pretty savy people, two of our finest, even showed up in for a court hearing. The alliance petitioned the court for the formation of an EC as Assets> Liabilities, as I am sure did some other big players. I believe 4 alliance members were named to the EC. Grassroots at its finest. The alliance holds somewhere around 13% of the A/S.

Posted by: slaternation Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009 3:34:44 PM

Read the open letter to shareholders and you will find the court filing under the Equity Committee Related Links on the right...
The major focus of the alliance was to push for the EC, now that the EC is approved I don't know what more we have to accomplish...


Re: Enlace foro americano sobre EC

With the MOR and the statements regarding 'possible'/'expected' tax returns due to the NOL there is very little probability that an EC will not be formed. (IMO)

It is my thought that this NOL issue and the massive possibility of this return was brought to the UST attention which prompted his request for involvement in the last court hearing with such short notice; 2 days to be precise. The Judge I am sure became aware of this prior to today as well and is aware of the importance of having an EC in place prior to these 'returns' being received.

My final thoughts are that (someone please verify if this is possible based on dates) that WMI filed its returns on a date that would provide them with a return after 1/20/2010, hence the reason the date was delayed until 1/28/2010. If in which case WMI will have their returns betwee 1/20 and 1/27...then delaying the court hearing would make allot more sense in that the discussions could relate to real situations. Situations/positions that are related to massive dollar amounts.

Finally, if the UST has sent letters out to the parties that are eligible/positioned to be part of the committee it is possible he provided a response deadline. Using my memory it is understood that an updated list of equity would be provided monday or tuesday of 12/21 or 12/22. If that is the case and the UST set a deadline of 30 days to respond.... we are at 1/21 or 1/22. This would provide the UST with a list of members for the EC he is looking to appoint. Speculation leads me to believe that then and only then (becuase of the Tax returns) things can get resolved...WITH THE INVOLVEMENT OF AN EQUITY COMMITTEE.

Things are definitely interesting these days.