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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.072 / 3.346

GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

WMILT está para acusar a terceras partes y hacerles pagar por el fiasco de WAMU.

WMILT acusa a GS por sus naked shorts multimillonarios y GS dice "dame tiempo"
Ese tiempo vuelve a cumplirse el 8 de octubre que hay un posible Hearing en el que se tratará este tema.

¿Porque después de tanto tiempo ahora JPM sale a la luz publica en relación al caso WAMU?

¿Podria GS haber traicionado a JPM por su incriminación por parte de WMILT?

Los ex accionistas de WAMU poseedores de Escrows solo buscamos compensación la Justicia ya sabemos que está corrupta en las altas esferas de la Corte de Bancarrotas. Espero que Susman este poniendo en valor los documentos sellados incriminatorios de GS y que esta vez sea la definitiva para poner la puntilla y sacar tajada por esta paciente espera.

Se habla de $11 Billones cuando los Mortgage Backed Securities solo contabilizan $4 Billones... ¿donde van a ir a parar los otros $7 Billones?

Buen fin de semana a todos.


WMILT demanda para prevenir pago de Golden Parachutes

WMILT sues to prevent golden-parachute payments - 103 page filing in Federal District Court for Western Washington

NOTE: El Juez comments at the end of this post...


SEATTLE (CN) - After Washington Mutual became the biggest bank failure in U.S. history, 92 of its officers and executives tried to profit from the collapse through illegal golden-parachute payments, the receiver claims in court. The WMI Liquidating Trust sued the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the 92 former bank officers in Federal Court.

(More in link: )

The actual court filing (100+ pages) from PACER is here: (Thanks to Florin)

Commentary by El Juez: (reposted with permission)

From the Complaint, page 5:
"3. WMILT also seeks a declaration regarding 12 C.F.R. § 163.39 (formerly 12 C.F.R. § 563.39) (the “Automatic Termination Regulation,” and together with the Golden Parachute Regulations, the “Federal Regulations”), which regulation requires that an employment contract between a savings association, such as WMB, and its officers and other employees must provide that, “[ i]f the savings association is in default,2 all obligations under the contract shall terminate as of the date of default.” 12 C.F.R. § 163.39(b)(4) (emphasis added). Indeed, if the relevant contract does not contain such an automatic termination clause, one will be deemed incorporated and read into the agreement. See Williams v. FDIC, No. 09-504 (RAJ) (W.D. Wash. Aug. 30, 2011) (a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit C). In fact, in Williams, the FDIC obtained a judgment from this Court declaring that certain of the same contracts and plans involving certain of the Individual Defendants here are unenforceable as a result of the Automatic Termination Regulation. See id. This decision was affirmed on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. See Williams v. FDIC, 492 Fed. App’x 796 (9th Cir. 2012). In plain disregard of this Court’s prior determination that certain of the contracts and plans are unenforceable under the Automatic Termination Regulation, several of the Individual Defendants who brought suit against the FDIC are now seeking to enforce those same contracts and plans against WMILT."

El Juez Writes:

So, when the law allows WMILT to file in one of several jurisdictions, what better court to file in than one where both the trial court (Federal District Court for Western Washington) and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal have already ruled (in the Williams case) in your favor on most of the the exact same issues? Likely to speed up the process and make a favorable result more likely. Plus, the vast majority of the claimants live in that judicial district or have previously initiated litigation there (in the Williams case), so "personal jurisdiction" over them is already established.


GS es culpable... ¿Porque no quiere contestar a WMILT? $$$$$$$$$ a la vista

Goldman Investigation

In December 2012, the Trust filed a motion before the Court seeking discovery of documents and a deposition from Goldman Sachs. The motion seeks information from Goldman Sachs related to its trading and lending activity with respect to WMI securities in the period prior to WMI’s bankruptcy. The motion indicates that such documents may be relevant to potential claims against Goldman Sachs for breach of contract and other causes of action. Goldman Sachs and the Trust have agreed to postpone judicial resolution of this motion and the parties are currently attempting to negotiate the terms of a voluntary production of material by Goldman Sachs that would eliminate the need for a ruling on the motion


Re: GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

Muy buenas. Por si resulta interesante.

Parte del artículo : La mayor parte del pago en efectivo de $7 billones se discute iría a Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac, los gigantes hipotecarios respaldados por el gobierno regulados por FHFA. La agencia, dirigida por Edward DeMarco, afirma Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac fueron engañados en la compra de valores respaldados por hipotecas basura emitidos por JPMorgan y las empresas financieras que comprado en 2008, Bear Stearns y Washington Mutual.

Un saludo.


Re: GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

Esta semana sabremos más probablemente el martes. Ahora se habla de $11 Billones pero también se habla que aun podrian JPM tener pendientes de $20 a 30 Billones y seguro que WAMU forma parte de ese paquete. Lo que nadie penso que ocurriría esta muy cerca de verse materializado mientras siguen avanzando todos los frentes hacia Goldman Sachs y su hearing el 8 de octubre.

WSJ is now reporting the bank is involved in discussions over a potential $11 billion settlement with the prosecutors over mortgage-backed securities. The talks, which are ongoing, would including a $7 billion cash payment and $4 billion that would go to consumers struggling with their mortgages.

The final cost would likely depend on which issues are included in the settlement. The bank had offered $3 billion for some of the matters, WSJ reported Wednesday.

As MoneyBeat chronicled last night, one analyst says the bank could be facing $20 billion to $30 billion in legal issues outstanding. An $11 billion settlement would likely clear off a huge chunk.


Re: GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

Te olvidas de las releases que firmaste para recibir tus nuevas wmih, deja de decir tonterías anda...



Re: GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

Mr Simpson y sus sueños domingueros en espera de que le compensen sus WAMPQ a 1.000 dólares la acción Jajaja


Re: GS & JPM culpables... ¿como podria esto favorecernos?

Maxi no seas tan listo muchacho... lo que se acuerde (si es que ocurre) será para compensar a WMILT (Escrows) no a WMIH. Unos releases sirven siempre que no haya temas más graves... que los hay por medio.

Parece que os jode mucho todo... daros una palmadita en la espalda que como dice el refran... Quien rie ultimo rie mejor.

Podiais haber comprado en 0.60 y doblado no os quejeis tanto que os
van a salir arrugas a los 2. :) :) :)