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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.004 / 3.346

Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

De momento has metido a unos cuantos en la ruina, ya veremos si los scrows les compensan las perdidas acumuladas, solo para cubrir la cagada de invertir en tus recomendadas.


Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

como funciona esa tabla?


Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

Como se calcula para los SCROWS para WMPQ?


Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

Si tienes gmail lo abres con la cuenta y pones tu numero de WAMPQ y en la tabla de valor total lo que crees que nos van a compensar y te dara el valor potencial que podrias recibir.


Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

Pues menuda flipada sí tengo que poner Yo la cantidad q creo que nos van a dar
Menuda gilipollez creo.
Pensé que Ya habia alguna cantidad mínima de SCROWS a recibir.


Re: Equity Escrow Calculadora

Las contestaciones y argumentos de Simpson alcanzan un grado de incongruencia harto insoportable por todos los pillados del foro. Espero que haya tenido su merecido tambien con minusvalias o que las tenga en un futuro en las acciones en las que os ha embarcado. No se puede aguantar tanta desfachatez y permanecer mudo.


Merger & NOL´s

good article on M&As, NOLs and 'poison pills'! It's about Pulte Homes buyout of Centex.

Earlier this week, Pulte Homes agreed to acquire Centex for $1.3 billion in stock. The acquisition agreement was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission last Friday. It is a rather plain-vanilla agreement of a strategic type.

As I reviewed this deal, here’s what caught my eye: in connection with the acquisition, Pulte’s board amended the company’s by-laws to add a N.O.L. provision.

What is an N.O.L. provision? Well, N.O.L.’s are net operating losses of a company. They are losses accumulated in prior periods that a company can use to offset future profits for tax purposes. However, under Internal Revenue Service regulations, these N.O.L.’s are forfeited if an “ownership change” occurs at the company.

This ownership change is generally considered to have occurred if any shareholder owning 5 percent or more of the company increases its ownership by more than 50 percent over the lowest level of stock ownership by that 5 percent holder in any three-year period.

Increasingly in this economic downturn, companies have been adopting poison pills to protect these N.O.L.’S. These poison pills have low triggers of 4.99 percent, in order to ensure compliance with the tax code. The net effect is that shareholders cannot go over the 4.99 percent threshold without board approval, or they will trigger the poison pill. It also has the ancillary effect of being a substantial antitakeover and anti-activist-shareholder device that can be justified for economic reasons.

(read remaining story at the link)


¿Por que quiere vender Goldman Sachs su subsidiaria de Reinsurance por $1.4 Billones?

¿estará pensando en pagar a WMILT? más conocidas como Escrow

Goldman looks to sell majority stake of reinsurance group
By Jessica Toonkel

NEW YORK | Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:55am EST
(Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N) is seeking a buyer for a majority stake of its $1.4 billion reinsurance group, according to a copy of its January presentation to potential buyers that was viewed by Reuters.

Goldman is trying to sell 75 percent of Goldman Sachs Reinsurance Group, now renamed Global Atlantic, for around $1 billion, according to the presentation.

Goldman reported net revenue of $1 billion in 2012 related to its reinsurance business, up from $880 million in 2011, in its fourth-quarter earnings release Wednesday morning, marking the first time the firm has broken out these figures.

Overall, Goldman said its fourth-quarter earnings nearly tripled, driven by big gains in stock and bond values, increased revenue from deal making and lower compensation expenses.

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