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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.918 / 3.346

Re: Desde $5 a $30 los hay de todos los colores - Modo irónico ON

Estan preparando el bombeo para las nuevas acciones y tu comienzas como colateral en el idioma de Cervantes para no ser menos, no has dejado bastantes pillados en el foro que insistes en prodigar informaciones falsas con tal de conseguir tus objetivos de que compre todo ser humano viviente. Al menos los que han pasado el calvario al que los has conducido ya saben de que va la vaina para estar alerta y vender en el momento que consideren mas optimo. Aun no tengo clro si eres tonto y colaboras por desconocimiento o estas en el ajo con todos los pumpers USA prodigado las pilladas en masa, lo que es evidente es la cantidad de damnificados que cargan tus recomendaciones.


Re: Desde $5 a $30 los hay de todos los colores - Modo irónico ON

Ya que eres tan listo... saca tus propias conclusiones.
Solo se que no se nada... soy solo el mensajero


Bopfan el Mr.Simpson de Yahoo dice

Newco has issued 200MM shares.

Five percent, or 10MM are in the hands of the SNs.

The remaining 190MM shares are apportioned 75/25, old preferred/old common.

As everyone knows, ‘old preferred’ are the aggregate of $4B in TPS and $3B in Ps, and $.5B in Ks. Ps and Ks translate into 66.5 MM of Newco shares.

Of the old preferred, $2.5B of the TPS was in the hands of the SNs. That translates into 47.5MM shares of Newco.

Likewise, $1.5B of the TPSC was in the hands of the TPSC. That translates into 28.5MM shares of Newco.

Therefore, it is beyond question that a total of 86MM shares of Newco or 43% of the company is in the hands of the SNs and the TPSC, i.e., are non-retail.

Moving on the the remaining old preferred, the Ps and Ks, this is where things get tricky because we have to make some assumptions. I have talked to a number of reliable retail shareholders and the combined guesstimate is that no more than 1/3 of Ps and Ks. Using this as a benchmark, means that 2/3 of the 66.5MM Newco shares or 44.33MM Newco shares are in the hands of non-retail. By ‘non-retail’ we don’t know if that group includes TPSC or SNs; we just know those shares are not owned by retail.

People can try modeling with numbers of P and K ownership that are greater or less than 44.33, but I am comfortable with this figure.

This leaves the Qs, which, as we know hold 47.5MM shares of Newco, reflecting 23.75% of the company’s common shares.

This is a real wild card. We know that 1.2B Qs opted in, and after much thought I decided to make the assumption that retail owned 70% of those Qs, which translates into 33.25MM Newco shares. That implies that the remaining 30% of old Qs, or 14.25MM of Newco shares, are in the hands of non-retail.

Again, people can model the Q factor using different ratios than the 70/30 I employed.

The result I obtained is as follows: non-retail owns a combined total of about 144.58MM shares of Newco (47.5MM + 28.5MM + 44.33MM + 14.25MM = 144.58MM) or 72.29% of the company.

How this affects the NOLs is for the tax experts, but as I see it, a buyout would be much more problematic if retail owned more of Newco.


No maten al mensajero

"Entre el secreto y la verdad, siempre ganará la verdad" dijo Julian Assage, fundador de Wikileaks repitiendo la frase original del magnate de la comunicación, Rupert Murdoch.


Re: No maten al mensajero, solo ignoren a quien no sabe lo que trasmite.

El problema con Mr Simpson es que iba de listo y todos le creyeron cuando subieron las acciones en los primeros compases, posteriormente la mayoria compraron a precios abusivos (recomendando por el mismo y otros desaparecidos) manteniendo largos que supusieron perdidas enormes del 80 y 90% que han dejado tiritando la inversion. Quisieron todos multiplicar por 9 y resulta que han dividido por ese múltiplo. Lo de "Solo se que no se nada... soy solo el mensajero" llega tarde y no exculpa SU IGNORANCIA Y SUBESTIMACION en el proceso de quiebra de la Compañia.


Re: No maten al mensajero, solo ignoren a quien no sabe lo que trasmite.

Solo un pobre enlace sindical de los Hedge Funds...nada más. :) :)

WMI HOLDINGS CORP. CIK#: 0000933136 (see all company filings)

State location: WA | State of Inc.: WA | Fiscal Year End: 1231
formerly: WASHINGTON MUTUAL INC (filings through 2006-10-12)
formerly: WASHINGTON MUTUAL, INC (filings through 2012-03-20)



$5 Billones Preferred Offering

No te digo más Besugo.. saca tus propias conclusiones... Mr IQ


Re: $5 Billones Preferred Offering

Tu pesadilla no acabará salvo que las P´s convergan en 80$, esta por ver si es bombeo o será realidad.