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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.983 / 3.346

Re: ¿Subidita hasta finales de año?

Claaaaaaaro jijijiji tanto escuece un 16%
Relax Besugo... Ya queda menos para marzo


Re: ¿Subidita hasta finales de año?

Jajaja, eres el colmo, animo que a los de marzo de 2010 les falta un 800% solamente


Re: Regreso de los muertos vivientes

Huuuyyyyyyyyy Curujuuuuuuuu,la marea bajo y aparecio Besugo,otra vez en accion, quien podra salvarnos? hoy dia escalamos un poco mas, para marzo llegaremos bien,en las finales subio 5 centavitos ,che Besugo queres que te dedique una Milonga?


Goldman Sachs es la clave en todo esto

My belief is plain and simple. The stock has started moving positively only after GS news. Whether one calls it a professional courtesy or whatever, GS has been given certain time with a threat of devastating law suit either to cover short (pre existing 1Bil approx. or whatever, resulting in approx. 33 Mil extra WMIH shares unaccounted for) and/ or work out a sort of meaningful LTI recovery (what and how much is anyone's guess).


Re: Goldman Sachs es la clave en todo esto


No me digas que tu no aprovechaste la oportunidad de comprar a 0.40 otro buen puñado de acciones.
Puede ser ese el motivo de tu nuevo enfado? Mmmmmmm...
Y si esta vez es la definitiva? La música se para? Piénsalo no queda mucho para finalizar el año.


Re: Goldman Sachs es la clave en todo esto

Finally, I would like to comment on Susman. During the BK, Susman came in the middle trying hard to fight a PRE-agreed upon GSA, even we settled and did not lose, the humiliation must be hard. Is like getting on a tour bus going to Grand Canyon, and wanting the bus to turn to Yellowstone Park instead. Is hard to fight the tourists and the driver together. This time around, it is different. SUSMAN IS THE DRIVER, and our destination is Goldman. When situation is different, results and strategy should be different as well. Comparing Susman's performance during BK against during LT is different.

This just smells like there is some backroom negotiating going on. I don't think Susman would agree to a delay if he didn't think there was some advantage in it for him. If our attorneys agreed to this, and they did, then I think it is a positive for our side.

I can agree to that. Delaying cost us some time, but should not alter the discovery itself. GS will not admit to IT, so just can't see a settlement or discovery coming. Most possible solution and costless is a deal for GS to spin off part of their advising units and merge with WMIH (with terms favorable to WMIH), and LT can then drop the litigation discovery.

Some might ask what advantage/money will the LT gain with such a deal. I can think of a few. Mainly, GS can take over the mortgage reinsurance so the RONs can be paid off, so WMIH will become "focused" on advising business. Also, the LT will save a lot of time and legal cost since a full scale litigation will surely results in the trust extending beyond just 3 years.

We all hate GS and JPM, but Susman is not in the business to hate, he is here to do what is best for us, to maximize our return!


Re: Goldman Sachs es la clave en todo esto

Simpson puedes cantar la traviata, ya se que te escuece que te recuerde la masacre de marzo del 2010 de la cual fuiste protagonista, las valoraciones nunca se recuperaron, bien lo sabes, deja de hacer el cantamañanas desviando la atencion con la valoracion actual de la accion.