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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.785 / 3.346

Re: Rosen ataca a la Corte

es mejor ser graziozo que un pobre amargado que viene aquí para asegurarse que hizo lo correcto vendiendo su paquete. Que ganas tienes que cancelen todo ehhhh? Sigue esperando.


Para Manzana

To whom it may concern,

I, TS Gibson, request exclusion from the Class in re Washington Mutual, Inc. Securities Litigation No. 2:08-md-1919 MJP, Lead Case No. Co8-387 MJP

I understand this will entitle me to no settlement as proposed in the above case but wish to retain my individual rights.

Furthermore, I request exclusion for the following shares of the included WMI Class Securities. Please note that these were held in multiple accounts during the proposed class periods but were all in my name.

Xxxx shares of common stock
Purchased on ____ at 4.43 per share
sold on _____ at .37 per share

0 shares of Capital Trust Unit Preferred purchased during the class period
0 Series R Preferreds purchased during the class period
No Notes were purchased during this period.


TS Gibson
4748 GFY Lane
Houston, TX 37654
Contact number (444-867-5309)

Then mail to:

In re Washington Mutual, Inc. Securities Litigation, EXCLUSIONS,
c/o The Garden City Group, Inc.,
P.O. Box 91310, Seattle, WA 98111-9410


Respuesta del EC...en toda la boca a Rosen

There are also potential benefits to the estate from some delay, which are
ignored by the Debtors. The billions in assets now held by the estate are earning interest, presumably, in an amount that should offset at least some of the interest expense. More significantly, postponing emergence until after January 1st will increase the size of the usable tax NOL held by the reorganized debtor by several billion dollars. Indeed, the increase in value of this NOL between a confirmation and emergence in December and one in January is so significant that at this point confirmation should be postponed until the new year regardless of any mediation.

Ahora ya sabemos porque tiene tanmta prisa Rosen para aprobar un nuevo POR. :) :)

Las espadas estan en alto... que decida la Juez mañana. Fecha limite para que termine la mediación 30 de Noviembre. JPM y FDIC estan invitadas a participar.

Muchos BILLONES adicionales en juego si retrasamos Confirmation hasta Enero 2012... ¿que dira Rosen "la Rata" de todo esto?


Suma y sigue: Respuesta de TPS

Wherefore, the TPS Consortium respectfully requests that the Court

(i) direct the Debtors
to participate in good faith mediation with the TPS Consortium and other parties in interest regarding issues to be delineated by the Court at the October 6, 2011 status conference;

(ii) decline to set a new confirmation hearing date until such mediation has been conducted;

(iii) reserve any ruling on the need for resolicitation until after the mediation and parties in interest have had an adequate opportunity to respond;

(iv) Order the Debtors to comply with the solicitation procedures and release WMI securities being held in “voting” accounts; and

(v) grant any other relief that the Court deems just and proper.


Re: Para Manzana


A que se refiere este tema de la request exclusion que informa Gibson



Re: Respuesta del EC...en toda la boca a Rosen

The Equity Committee has proposed to the Debtors and each of the Settlement Note Holders four
bankruptcy judges as candidates to serve as mediator. The Equity Committee believes the potentially
complex bankruptcy-related issues required to structure a settlement in this case suggests a mediator with
significant bankruptcy experience would be the best candidate. However, the Equity Committee
understands that all four of the candidates it proposed are unacceptable to at least three of the Settlement
Note Holders, each of whom prefers a district court judge with significant experience in securities
matters. The Equity Committee has no objection to the appointment of a mediator who has experience in
both complex chapter 11 proceedings and securities law issue

18. The Debtors proposed plan provides that on the effective date all claims
held by the Debtors will be contributed to the Liquidation Trust. As discussed above, the
Liquidation Trust and Mr. Kosturos simply cannot have any prosecution or settlement control
with respect to the claims asserted by the Equity Committee against the Settlement Note Holders.
Similarly, Mr. Kosturos should not have any authority with respect to the estates’ potential
claims and causes of action against the Debtors’ former Officers and Directors – the same claims
that the Debtors have ignored for over two years and then attempted to sweep under the rug by
entering into tolling agreements in the middle of the July confirmation hearing. The Debtors
conduct to date amply demonstrates a willingness to sacrifice estate value to further the interests
of management and board members and thus the Debtors’ current representatives, including Mr.
Kosturos, cannot be relied upon to pursue these claims for the benefit of the Debtors creditors
and equity holders.


Re: Rosen ataca a la Corte

"Yo vendi mis comunes y continuo con las preferentes. Mi teoría es que no tengo más cash para meter algo en H tras las rebajas".

En las actuales circunstancias no es solo conveniente comprar H´s, conviene traspasar parte de las preferentes a las mismas como estrategia defensiva de evitar pérdidas y maximizar la recuperación que pueden producir las decisiones de la Juez ante la previsible falta de acuerdos que pondría en la picota a las preferentes menos favorecidas en relacion al capital disponible a distribuir.


6 Octubre - Mediación 3pm (9am USA)

Yo creo que la Juez va a buscar maximizar NOL´s y un Claims Disallowance con cantidad aun por definir. Si nos quisieran haber jodido ya estariamos muertos. Creo que la Juez busca favorecernos... espero no equivocarme.