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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.694 / 3.346

Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

from the last day..boy TPS lawyer is good.....4:57 to
it is what it is....i love it

i just cant get over it..debtor already took a position that the jpm and marta claims 39 billion dollar is worthless...... they are worth ZERO...YES YOU HEARD IT ZERO....Slam dunk.. cant wait to read those 10 pages



Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

JMW can't allow this BK to go in a Usual Manner!

She had some idea that something was not right earlier, hence she allowed 90% OK and come back for the 10%!

Now she found Hosen manipulated her, the court as well every other in this case with his deceit and fraud.

As I said she was very furious and she hate to listen to any of Hosen's words during this 6 day testimony. Everytime He raised an Objection she invariably OVERRULED, with an answer
"Witness can answer or they can ask the quesion"!

You don't commit a fraud and lie to the Judge and waste her time! That 4 BLN deposit issue will rattle the HOSEN & Team bigtime and there is noway she is going to approve the POR! She is going to come down heavily on the Debtor's fraud, I'm not sure whether she is going to reprimand JPM and FDIC, but Hosen will be gone for sure!



Posibilidades de porque han bajado solo las P´s

(a) Retail holding considerable K's and not parting with it, come what may.

(b) There is no question of Conversion ..etc no ambiguity, it should either be converted to an equivalent prefered or pay it in cash (pay it in cash is very sensible due to its low count and Face Value)

(c) Might the Hedge monkies accumulated more of Above P's (above 5%) before the count, they would like to Sell even if they don't want to. Some other Hedge monkies knew this issue, want to buy and given the count, is interested in wanting more lower PPS.

(d) May be a game plan, just throwing out some few thousand (bite) to bring down the PPS, to see how low it could go, before taking up a large position.


Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

Si mucho Hosen actuando en fraude pero la Juez ya dijo en su momento GSA justo y razonable. Todo son comentarios pumperianos a los que ya estamos acostumbrados, los precios de las acciones bajando son claro sintoma de como interpreta el mercado la situación actual del proceso. Mal síntoma de cara a la evalución que hará la Juez para dictaminar la confirmación del Plan. Si hubiesen subido a los niveles de febrero de 2010 sería otro cantar pero ya vemos que camino depresivo llevan todas las acciones sobre todo preferentes que son las que mas han caido los últimos días y de estas se desprenden inversores que habitualmente estudian el proceso antes de vender. Mal asunto de cara a agosto.


Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

cada vez que leo algun post tuyo lo tengo mas claro , no vendo ,de echo intentare comprar mas preferentes aunque me estrellecon una pared


Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

El suicidio financiero siempre es una opción para los desesperados y creyentes en una supuesta injusticia que han creado los pumpers con información manipulada. De momento las preferentes han perdido casi la mitad desde el último repunte y lo que te rondaré morena. La ultima venta Simpsoniana marca un antes y un después de que dirección toma el proceso. Por si no lo sabes no hay dinero para la equidad y FJM-FDIC no solo no ponen dinero si no que se benefician de los NOL que marca el único POR presentado con todos los cambios efectuados.


Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

Besugo: Tu y yo hemos escuchado distintos Hearings me parece a mi...
Lo de Las P´s es una compra mastodontica y estan tirando el precio cuando la terminen vuelta para arriba.

Tranquilo hombre que en agosto ya saldras de dudas... mientras aprovecha no peguen un arreon para arriba y te dejen con tus ganancias peladas.


Re: Los Marta Claims de Rosen valen $0.00 no $37 Billones

This leaves us with the debtor. Is the debtor certain B_O_D members that are directing A_&_M and W_G_M to wipe out equity at all costs? Why would K_ostorus not try to maximize the estate? Why is it so important that the debtor has equity cancelled? I have come to the conclusion that the debtor is hiding something substantial that would be incriminating to these members, if uncovered. Could it be that WMI/WMB was really in much more trouble than we realized and they were manipulating the numbers? Or, do these members stand to gain substantially by owning the debt that will get the reorganized company which would be worth much more than their equity holdings? They also may be able to continue their positions as these members without equity gainnig control.

Thus, I am sure there is a smoking gun hidden within the very organization that is supposed to represent us. If we can pinpoint that smoking gun, there would be no doubt as to the f_raud conducted by the debtor and their representation.