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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.716 / 3.346

Ha llegado la hora de la verdad

No narrative necessary for those who are here for real. Whether we agree or not, many are here for real.

So much will become apparent between Wednesday's written due date through Friday's hearing including the Abandonment Motion. And, as we have experienced, not just during the normal business hours.

For the longs, stay tuned, watch Pacer a/o KCCLLC, and use your almost 3 years of personal experience to observe.

Regardless of positions of agreement or not, this is the beginning of "it." It is appropriate that is on the days "WTF."



Re: Ha llegado la hora de la verdad

True E. I am learning to not expect what "we" think should happen in her court. Thanks for the replies all. Observer's scenario isn’t that bad considering potential future exploits. Just hate letting the stolen property go by by. {it sucks}

The Leucadia holding company model, with over $5B of NOL in various levels of limitations, were restored to the level of 36% of the NOLs as tax assets in the 2010 10-K.

We have $14B of NOLs; assuming with equity continuing in control, and no limitation beyond a 2-year business continuity period, we can make something of it. We do not currently have Leucadia’s $$, but you've got to birth before you grow. At 7.5% of the NOL as our asset valuation, our tax value of $1B; not too shabby. If the other pieces we aim for can get met, and TPS gone, we look at a low end of $1.5B of valuation in a 50-50 NEWCO with preferreds and commons. Do the math and you can price the Ps, Ks and Commons. And that is at only a conservative 7.5% tax asset present valuation of the NOLs.

My personal opinion on this is that there seems to be a gap between the reality of THJMW's court and the concept that some have pushed which says that when A>L equity takes over. Who defines A versus L? Who decides when one exceeds the other?

A disconcerting thought regarding A>L in valuation is that, even if confirmed with higher values and the POR moves forward, there is merely a residual value via the liquidating trust that will drop some potential dollars to the preferreds. The problem is that the existing POR calls for someone else to own NEWCO not equity. See NOL valuation above; we don't get it.


Re: Ha llegado la hora de la verdad... la moción de abandono (Hearing 12 agosto)

>> So, what is the real implication to wmi equity holders with regard to Rosen's motion to abandon WMB stock? Is it a moot motion or does the timeline of WMB abandonment will directly impact claims on NOL/Capital Loss ?

>> Bopfan insist that EC/Susman must fight Rosen against abandonment of WMB stock eventhough Susman team seems not bothered on this matter. What is the real deal and explanation?

>> Judge signed Rosen's "certification of no objection for abandonement" and then Rosen abruptly withdrew this "certification of no objection" ! So, What's the real reason behind it?

>> EC/Susman team can "fry" Rosen for misguiding the Judge and concealing the facts. Rosen is placing the Judge in such an embarassing situation and his withdrawal of a signed order is one such example.

>> Confusion and Chaos will continue since the fraud/collusion by the crooks are getting exposed more and more.


Re: Ha llegado la hora de la verdad... la moción de abandono (Hearing 12 agosto)

Simpson viendo el verde desde la playa. Tenias razon Maximunae las K´s se estan desbordando hoy, aunque tambien le habian dado de lo lindo.


Re: Ha llegado la hora de la verdad... la moción de abandono (Hearing 12 agosto)

La hora de la verdad, va a llegar estos días como el dax alance mi predicción van a saltar chispas en los índices, las máquinitas menos preparadas la van a liar pero parda parda, esto está siendo orquestado por dos o tres sistemas de grandes bancos que manejan cantidad de dinero casi infinita. Lo más interesante es que "los mercados" que en agosto son máquinas básicamente están haciendo moverse de sus plácidas vacaciones a los gobiernos, para jodernos vivos a "la plebe" recortando por todos los sitios con "la excusa" ya voy entendiendo porque está pasando esto, quien se atrave a rechistarle al presidente francés que haga recorte ante la amenaza de los todos poderosos "mercados". Y la gente no vee nada, lo verá dentro de un tiempo cuando por todo lo que lucharon sus abuelos y bisabuelos, se lo hayan robado en sus narices.



Re: Ha llegado la hora de la verdad... la moción de abandono (Hearing 12 agosto)

Pues si van a putear a los franceses veras a italianos y españoles, de momento les estan pidiendo el oro de la corona y en España solo vale 11.000 mill. vamos ni para empezar. Esto esta orquestado en agosto con toda la intencion, aqui no se reune nadie porque estan todos de vacaciones y las vacaciones son sagradas para los politicos aunque alguno hace que vuelve a ver que pasa con las primas de los bonos o los bancos que pierden hasta la camisa. Se a terminado el pasar las deudas a la siguiente generacion, esta es la que va a empezar a pasarlas canutas.


Esta objeción es simplemente BESTIAL. Mucha suerte a todos

Written Argument in Objection to Confirmation of the Sixth Amended Modified Plan of Reorganization by James Berg

PD: Cuando haya sangre en las calles... COMPRA !!! ... la que estan liando los Program Trading