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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.725 / 3.346

Aurelius se retracta y ahora dice que han sido chicos buenos

This is hilarious. "Oh! Never mind. We love the POR, if this whole thing just didn't take so long. Hurry up and give us our money back, pretty please. "

Go Figure.

Aurelius Capital Management, LP (“Aurelius”) hereby withdraws the portion of the Objection of Aurelius Capital Management, LP to Confirmation of the Modified Sixth Amended Joint Plan of Affiliated Debtors Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (Dkt. No. 7951; Filed 6/22/11) (the “Objection”) that relates to the
reasonableness of the Amended Global Settlement Agreement.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the portion of the Objection withdrawn by Aurelius is the portion set forth in the section of the Objection entitled “The Amended Global Settlement Agreement Should Not Be Approved” at pages 12-15. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver or withdrawal by Aurelius of other positions, objections or arguments contained in the Objection, all of which are hereby expressly preserved.

Over the last three years, Aurelius has steadfastly endeavored to expedite this proceeding. Aurelius filed the Objection after witnessing many delays inflict several hundred
million dollars of loss to the PIERS, with no dependable end in sight. Since Aurelius is
encouraged by the subsequent progress made toward confirmation ( ), Aurelius would rather withdraw its Objection than have such Objection be a potential source of further delay and attendant loss. As a result, Aurelius is withdrawing the aspect of its Objection concerning the Amended Global Settlement Agreement but nevertheless reserves its right to re-assert that objection if the Court denies confirmation of the Modified Sixth Amended Plan or if there is any further delay in implementation of the Amended Global Settlement Agreement."


Las opciones del EC

Thanks to Observer for once again keeping our eyes on the prize:
Value = Post-IT Waterfall + Reorganized debtor with equity in control + NOLs + (lawsuits vs. JPMC & FDIC & BOD & SNH & WGM or sequential [rather than global] settlement of those claims with the responsible parties).

If EC/TPS/pro se shareholders can persuade Judge W to adopt our best-case applicable FJR against all SNH's and disgorgement of profits by the most egregious inside trading violators (Centerbridge, et. al.), that would push equity clearly into the money. At that point, by my understanding, we'd have enough ammunition for booting WGM and either getting a trustee or giving the EC the right to propose an alternate POR.

After that, by my understanding, we can litigate against the rest of the bad guys, one at a time. If any of them cave with a settlement, that just makes us stronger against the remaining adversaries. Looking much better, IMHO.


Si la Juez aprobara el POR...

- Estaría recompensando a los que cometieron Insider Trading.

- Estaría recompensando a los que trataron con los adversarios a espaldas de los Debtor's.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan de un Debtor que permitio a los Hedge Fund Noteholders tratar con los adversarios sin el conocimiento de los Debtor's.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan de un Debtor con un claro Conflicto de Intereses (COI).

- Estaría confirmando un Plan sin ver la lista de Activos de los Debtor's.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan sin ver la valoracion de la litigación pendiente de los Debtor.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan donde tiene una cuestionable jurisdicción.

- Estaría permitiendo un completo cachondeo del Sistema de BK en Delaware.

- Estaría creando un precedente para futuros cachondeos del sistema de BK en Delaware.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan que cuando fuera revisado por la 3rd Circuit revelaría tal dejadez por parte del Debtor, Restructuring Firm, Special Conflicts Counsel, SNs, and UCC que tienen un fiduciary duty al estado y a los accionistas.

- Estaría confirmando un Plan que, de nuevo cuando fuera revisado, llamaría la atención de todos los aspectos de sus fallos judiciales y jurisdicción hasta el punto de custionar su competencia y su integridad.

Es imposible señoras y caballeros que este actual POR sea confirmado. NO Fucking Way !!!

Lo he dejado en Inglés que suena mejor :)


Re: Si la Juez aprobara al POR...

¿Y si los 7 enanitos y Blancanieves se presentaran sin avisar en el próximo hearing? ¿Cual sería la reacción de la Juez? ¿Se le caerían las bragas al suelo? ¿Le devolvería el Banco a los accionistas? ¿Se iría de copas con Rosen y todo el EC para pactar un acuerdo? Vamos Simpson, baja a la Tierra que estamos en una BK y todo puede suceder pero la realidad y la Ley dice que los accionistas estan al final de los cobros suponiendo que sobre dinero.


Re: Si la Juez aprobara al POR...

Ya veremos que dices cuando se rechace el POR. :)