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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.284 / 3.346

Re: Admito que lo de la juez es de juzgado de guardia

han quedado la jueza y Rosen para tomar unas cervezas a la salida


Re: Admito que lo de la juez es de juzgado de guardia

Yo si fuera Susman iría claramente a por la juez, y pasar esto a otro lado, porque ni JPM, FDIC ni los debotrs con esta juez van a soltar ni un centimo, al reves se reparten el botin para enriquecerse más.

Vaya ruinaaa



Re: Admito que lo de la juez es de juzgado de guardia

Con las modificaciones al POR no hay Corte ni Circuito que valga, los accionistas van a ser diezmados. La juez lo tiene claro como el agua mineral.


Re: Admito que lo de la juez es de juzgado de guardia

Bueno aquí tenemos otro gran día a la basura y ya van decenas, los torpedos de Susman brillan por su ausencia, y los que lanzan no llegan ni a petardo "borracho". Hoy mucha gente que llevan mucho tiempo en el caso en USA pienso que se han dado cuenta (por fin) de que va todo esto, y de que va la juez. Esta juez es tremendamente hostil con la equidad y sólo nos faltaba eso, por tanto esto esta kaput, por mucho que nos gusten las causas perdidas. A los que realmente les guste luchar por la justicia y la paz mundial, lo mejor será vender lo que quede y donar el dinero a una ONG, que seguro lo aprovecharán mejor, antes de que se lo queden esta panda de mafiosos.

Y los que deseen seguir apostando, que vendan y me recomendación es H's o Dimeq, el resto casi al 99% lo perderan todo o practicamente todo, más tarde o más temprano.

Ahora vendran hasta la proxima audiencia, los tipicos hilos de pumpers, que si el 1 de enero con la NOLS las preferentes en el dinero, y el otro día vi a Bopfan preguntando a expertos fiscales, porque no tenía ni p.idea ni siquiera teniamos derecho a una pequeña cantidad de esa NOLS de forma segura, etc etc... esto es un circo por donde lo mires. Lo siento por los que estais metidos en comunes y preferentes pero la realidad es tozuda y la ignorancia muy atrevida.



Re: ¿Hedge Funds vendiendo H´s?

Estos son Hedge Funds pasando bloques de H's a sus clientes Vip, tras haberselas robado a los que vendieron sus H's por culpa de los pumpers.



Re: ¿Hedge Funds vendiendo H´s?

los que estan pillados alto, ya no tienen posibilidad de recuperar su inversion original
pasar a H o Dimeq, sirve para una revalorizacion maximo de un 50 %, que esta muy bien pero no alcanza para salir en cero
es increible como se ve desde afuera... los pumpers escriben antes de los dias importantes que hay corte.
despues escriben lo que creen que esto desaparece...... asi una y otra vez.
van a ver que dentro de 24 hs empieza de nuevo mr simpson prometiendo que ahora susman hara tal o cual cosa.....
y despues de la corte, leyendo todo lo que se actuo, aparece maximunae para traducir del ingles al castellano lo que nos ha dicho la jueza.
me olvidaba, falta emilinenko con sus mil caras que aparece y lo dan de baja, aparece y lo dan de baja


Queda tiempo hasta el 25 de febrero para oir el RAP de ROSEN

Ayer se hablo de Valoraciones, el Discovery fue aprobado, el GSA no está claro si la FDIC firmara o no y algunos temas más. Rosen consiguió lo que quería pero no puede hacer nada al respecto hasta el 25 de febrero así que queda mucho tiempo para sorpresas.

De momento continuo dentro...

Ilene estuvo en la Corte, aquí estan sus comentarios:

Ilene's writes:

Hi All,

Here's my recap of the hearing today...and my subsequent conversation with our attorneys in the lobby of the courthouse.

Very crowded courtroom with lots of new faces obviously the attorneys for the hedgies were there, as well as their entourages, and then others who seemed to be additional underlings for some of the regular players.

In regards to those additional underlings, I would surmise that all parties have now concluded that precise wording and tone of JMW is needed to interpret her intentions...more than the usual number of associates/lawyers taking notes Ltoday.

Rosen was in rare pleading form today, and I mean pleading, whining...he and Strochak did not look happy, although they appeared to win many of the points.

Let me skip ahead here to my conversation with Sargent, his two associates from SG and the local counsel from AG. I needed help in understanding what we accomplished today, as frankly, I was extremely frustrated by their apparent lack of urgency, Sargent et al, told me they were pleased by what had transpired today..that they hadn't expected any rulings from the judge and were pleased that she got the hedge fund attorneys to agree to the time frame for documents, etc. I asked a few questions, which were mostly procedural and one of the associates kept saying, "as attorneys we shouldn't be sharing strategy with might trade on the knowledge". Because the question was asked and answered in the courtroom re producing requested docs in a timely manner their collective feeling was that JMW would rule for discovery, and in fact that she had little to justify denying discovery.

Rosen and everyone on his side of the aisle (as Bob Starke kept saying)seemed to be hell bent once again on pushing through the modifications (the wrap) quickly, and I was at least relieved that the first time they can get on the calendar to present the wrap is 2/25. That doesn't seem to allow the numbers/facts from EC discovery to come to light...not sure how that will be handled. That was one of a couple of loose ends.

The other loose end is the question of what happens to the GSA as of 1/31. That was not specifically addressed, and while my assumption is that by virtue of Califano not objecting to the hearing on the 25th, that he is in agreement, but not clearly stated. I suspect that we'll see something filed to clarify.

Clearly the judge heard the EC in the motion to appeal to the 3rd she asked Rosen at one point whether he was looking for her to issue an advisory or an opinion and Bob Starke also brought that up again...notice to the world that she overstepped her authority previously.



I did not ask about Susman specifically, because I felt like I was wearing my welcome thin.

I stand my my presumption from the beginning that this team has a plan and is executing it. However, as a shareholder, I am feeling like I'd like someone to step up and more vociferously defend my honor...

One other note. Peg Brickley headed to the attorneys in front of the bar once the hearing was done. I stood in the lobby, waiting to talk to Sargent. The EC team was the last to come down the elevators, by a couple of minutes, so I am making a guess here that Peg was interviewing them. I would expect something this evening or tomorrow AM from her, as she is usually fairly prompt.


I thought that too, and then realized that he continues to walk around that courtroom like the king of the hill. Since he got no pushback on the issues of voting, modifications and scheduling, he appeared pleased with himself at the end. Maybe JMW will pull the rug out from under him, but right now he appears to remain in control.


I did not see him, but the courtroom was overflowing again today, much like the confirmation hearings.

Jane, UST attorney was there, although she sat in the back as opposed to with our attorneys, as Joe always did. She was racing in between us and another matter she was dealing with.


Steve Whitsel said that, in response to JMW asking if they would be willing to accomodate the EC's short time frame for doc production, etc. He said "yes, although we are relatively confident..."


You guys are always the best at thanking me...I just wish that once I could come back and report that we were getting $$


that's exactly what I asked Sargent about! why the estate continues to pay for a dual track that could and should well be thrown out once the real numbers/facts are exposed.


Re: ¿Hedge Funds vendiendo H´s?

Se esta demostrando como comenta este usuario que ha sido una gran estafa de la que los pumpers han salido victoriosos quedandose el capital de los pobres inversores que querian dar el gran pelotazo y en vez de eso han perdido toda o casi toda su inversión. Algo habitual en bolsa pero que en acciones como estas se multiplica por lo irrecuperable de la inversion.
Si supiesemos cuanto dinero y cuantos foreros han resultado afectados por tan interesados consejos de los pumpers de turno nos llevariamos una gran sorpresa de como muchos se dejan llevar por consejeros que solo miran su propio bolsillo sin darse cuenta de la mentira establecida. El foro se cerrara finalmente cuando no se pueda extraer mas dinero a los pobres y las subidas ya no les deje los beneficios de antes ya cada vez carece del interes de antaño. Aun queda un ultimo capitulo de introducir mas informaciones interesadas para captar mas incautos solo cuando cancelen las acciones se bajara finalmente el telon de la mentira. Los grandes exitos de Mr_Simpson a costa de pobres inversores con poco conocimiento bursatil. Que cada mastil aguante su vela sera su epitafio de condolencias a sus seguidores hartos de boberias. Un gran latrocinio.