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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.116 / 3.346

Re: Thonson Reuters

" kosturos having amnesia again"

--I guess this is his game plan now as to not dig a deeper hole for himself.

Tipico consejo de abogados, ante de cagarla, di que no puedes recordar. Se notan los consejos de Rosen, si esto no lo ve la juez, cuando uno no tiene nada que ocultar da pelos y señales.



Re: Thonson Reuters

Ayer le daba un 1% de que lo rechaze, hoy un 2%, veremos como se desarrolla los acontecimientos con el EC.



Re: Thonson Reuters

El almuerzo de Kosturos ha sido una pastilla amnesica, este juicio es peor que "aquí no hay quien viva"... vaya show.



Kosturos en el Grill

Como me lo estoy pasando !!!!!

EC - Did you take any depositions against JPM

K - I don't believe we did

EC - Did you take any depositions against the FDIC

K - I don't believe we did

EC - Under the 2004 discovery, has the estate received any documents from JPM?

K - I don't know

EC - Under the 2004 discovery, has the estate received any documents from FDIC?

K - I don't know

EC - At the time you entered into the settlement, you had no access to the books ?

K - That's not true

EC - Did you have access to the loan portfolio?

K - If we had proceeded with our FC actions, we would have hired an expert for that.

EC - You do know that the FDIC has refused to sit for depostions

K - I don't know that.

EC - What does PIERS stand for?

K - ug

Ec - "Pop quiz" (laughter)

K - "Give me a minute"

EC - I'll give you a clue where to find it, it's page 46 in your binder

EC - It stands for "Preferred Income Equity Redeemable Securities" right?

K - Right


Re: Kosturos en el Grill

i think this is what happened....
no EC in the beginning....wmi wants to sue jpm and fdic.....
jpm and fdic figures out that wmi is being controlled by hedgies and threatened everyone in the totem poll to file a suit against them that they are attempting to pull a kmart.....
stalemate.....part of the agreement, we don;t say anything, if you don't sue us......everybody and their first born gets immunity...

enter the EC....ooops.......we dont care who among you guys go to jail, we want our fair share.....that is why everything is convoluted.

there was intention to sue in the beginning till they got countered to be sued back for bk fraud the likes of kmart.

now everything seems to be falling apart.


A la tercera fue la definitiva...

Hoy si es un gran dia!!!! jajajajaja


Re: A la tercera fue la definitiva...

EC: How many board members are there currently?

K: I don't know

¿no sabe cuantos miembros tiene el BOD? menudo payaso este encargado de los Fraude-MOR´s

K is the Chief Restructuring Officer and has no idea how many board members there are that are supposed to be providing oversight. Amazing. I guess if you take your orders from the Debtor's lawyers and the hedge funds, no need consulting the board of directors the last two years.


Re: A la tercera fue la definitiva...

de momento os han dado una mochila con provisiones para una semana,je,je.

Suerte os la mereceis