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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.064 / 3.346

UST objection POR

Objection United States Trustees Objection to Confirmation of the Sixth Amended Joint Plan of Affiliated Debtors Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (related document(s) 5548 ) Filed by United States Trustee (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service) (Leamy, Jane) (Entered: 11/19/2010)

6. A chapter 11 plan may not be confirmed unless the Court can find that the plan complies with the provisions of 11 U.S.C. § 1129 (a). A plan proponent bears the burden of proof with respect to each and every element of 11 U.S.C. § 1129 (a). See In re Genesis Health
Ventures, Inc., 266 B.R. 591 (Bankr. D. Del. 2001). As discussed below, the Plan is not confirmable because (a) it contains a third party release provision that is contrary to applicable law in this District and (b) it improperly denies distributions to certain creditors who elect to opt out of the releases provided in the Plan in violation of Bankruptcy Code section 1123(a)(4).

this was much more important than another EC objection...EC objection already filed...I was silently more worried that the UST "stood down"...this is excelletn news


Simpson eres inmune al desaliento,tienes mas moral que el alcoyano

ojala salga algo positivo y susman no nos de el tiro de gracia. me llego al corazon y queria compartirlo con los wamus


Aqui la teneis EC Objection !!!!!!! :) :) Maximunae ya puedes reiniciar el reloj !!!!

PDF Page 26

Compounding the problem, time constraints apparently forced the Examiner to rely on unsworn and unverified statements from witnesses rather than depositions. At many of these interviews, counsel for the Debtors were present, even though the Equity Committee was not informed or given the opportunity to attend. At least one witness who offered opinions on which the Examiner relies was employed by JPMC and Debtors' counsel as a consultant, although this conflict of interest is not acknowledged by the examiner.


PDF Page 29

Moreover, in at least once instance, a witness interviewed by the Examiner was subject to potential bias from a conflict of interest that does not appear to have been disclosed. peter Freilinger had been a Senior Vice President and Assistant Treasurer at Washington Mutual. the Examiner relied on statements made my Mr. Freilinger in an unsworn interview for much of his analysis of Washington Mutual's claimed liquidity crisis in the final days before seizure. The Examiner quotes Mr. Freilinger as saying - contrary to other Washington Mutual employees interviewed - that the OTS "did the right thing" in closing the bank. Counsel for the Equity Committee learned in a deposition of Mr. Freilinger that he was hired by JPMC following the acquisition and that he is currently employed as a consultant to Weil Gotshal, Debtors counsel. This conflict of interest was apparently not disclosed to the Examiner and, in any event, is not acknowledged in his report.

Pg. 36 essentially: FDIC did not allow discovery and that is where the meat is, so to say. Again, the discovery that THJMW wanted was never done by the Examiner.

Señores respiren profundo porque aquí hay mucha tela que cortar aun :) :) :) que pasada los datos que empiezan a aflorar


Re: Aqui la teneis EC Objection !!!!!!! :) :) Maximunae ya puedes reiniciar el reloj !!!!

pdf page 29!

El Examiner entrevisto a un antiguo empleado de Wamu sobre la crisis de liquidez, este empleado dijo que la OTS hizo bien en cerrar WMB.

Más tarde se ha descubierto que este empleado trabaja para... JPM y ahora trabaja como consultor en Weil!

Si con esto no tumbamos el Examiner Report que me teletransporten !!!!


Re: Aqui la teneis EC Objection !!!!!!! :) :) Maximunae ya puedes reiniciar el reloj !!!!

material hay para que se anule el informe del examinador,la pregunta es le importa una mierda a wallrath,esta es capaz de aprobarlo todo y quedarse tan ancha