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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.371 / 3.346

El dilema de Rosen

In December, Rosen estimated to the court Equity was just $340M out of the money. In brief, yesterday March 21st the court ordered Rosen to include:

1) FJR applied for CH 11 and Ch 7 analysis - $700M
2) Analysis to include full-value of NOLS - $5.5 + $27B, probably around $10B value
3) Value of the assets of its non-debtor subsidiaries (not just book value) - $ ? B
4) Value of WMMRC. - $ ? B
5) Value of real estate owned by WMI or any of the non-debtor subs. - $ ?? M
6) Value of tax consequence of the capital contribution with respect to the WMB tax refund issue. - $ ??? M

Many of these items alone would put A>L.

Rosen certainly will not be able to say - We need discovery. He's between a rock and a hard spot in many ways, that's why he's grasping at straws, issuing discovery against EC/PJS.

Rosen is in a pickle. Don't hold your breath for Rosen to make the changes to the Revised DS.

Others have said Rosen will never issue a plan that shows Equity in the Money, and that's just what the court ordered. We'll see what he comes up with.

Transcribed Judge's Decision for 3/21/11


Re: El dilema de Rosen

El Discovery esta mas que muerto. Rosen y la Juez van de la mano en cada hearing, pasando papeles y dando vueltas a las objeciones sin llegar a conclusion alguna. Las comunes estan fuera de juego y el precio asi lo refleja, solo Mr-Simpson compra en concepto de Boleto de Euromillones, dicho por el mismo. Los famosos 50 $ han quedado en el olvido. El tiempo pasa y el DS se va recomponiendo y la estrategia de Rosen es mantener a la equidad a cero, desde marzo del año pasado ha sido su táctica y la ha mantenido a pesar de las reclamaciones. Las P´s estaban entonces a 80, ahora a 17. Comunes estaban a 0´50 ahora a 0´04, si alguien tiene dudas de hacia donde se dirigen mejor pensar que seguira la tendencia bajista, solo las preferentes rebotaron ligeramente por las autobombas de que hay residuos para ellas pero nada mas lejos de la verdad, Rosen continua con el mismo juego y la Juez le acompaña, el EC ya ha demostrado su inoperancia, hasta el punto de crear desconfianza en accionistas que actuan por su cuenta pero que solo les dan el derecho al pataleo.


Re: El dilema de Rosen

Bueno bueno Mr-Simpson hoy las H´s llegando a 14 $. Recordar que si las H´s no cobran las preferentes quedaran eliminadas. Se pone feo para la equidad a cada paso al ultimo hearing. A ver que te inventas ahora.


Re: El dilema de Rosen (Noche de microfonos abiertos)

Esto es demasiado bueno como para no leerse.

From the Fabulous William on ihub

william48 Member Profile william48 Share Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:04:36 AM
Re: None Post # of 282226
“Open Mic Night” #2

The first time Rosen used the ‘Open Mic Night’ phrase was at a hearing that took place late last year. I remembered being greatly annoyed by the casual contempt in his voice as he uttered those words. And then again he used the phrase yesterday, but this time I chuckled, as it was done --- not so much with hip-derision --- as with resigned exasperation. Clearly, the truly wonderful work done by all the shareholders who took the time and incurred the expense of attending yesterday’s proceeding gave him pause for grave concern, as he got a terrifying glimpse of the direction in which this BK is now lurching toward; the identification and valuation of debtor’s assets. And it was in that regard that I thought it richly ironic that in this particular version of ‘Open Mic Night’ Rosen should prattle on about P.J. Solomon (and his asset analysis) not being ‘in-the-house’, as it were Truly, the tempo and direction of this BK was profoundly altered yesterday. And most amazingly, it was done without any real effort on the part of EC’s counsel and its retained professionals. Rosen’s efforts were completely stymied by the work of energized and articulate shareholders and a small band of unlikely professionals who are, for now, clearly allied with equity.

The most telling revelation of yesterday’s proceedings was couched in a simple, yet highly intriguing riddle posed by what was undoubtedly the sharpest mind and most articulate voice in the courtroom, (perhaps even the sharpest mind and most articulate voice we’ve encountered to date); the attorney for Black Horse, who smoothly pondered aloud (TWICE, for emphasis) why the SNHs (rational actors we must assume) would forego receiving billions of dollars of CASH in order to obtain the STOCK of a reorganized company that was alledgedly worth a paltry $140 million or so. It was a simple, yet very powerful question that has never been raised before, not even by EC’s counsel. And it just lay there, in stark clarity, in the minds of all who heard it raised, unrefuted by any subsequent rebuttal on the part of SNHs’ counsel. It was one of those few, beautifully simplistic questions that immediately answer itself. You may be sure that Walrath will grapple with that question (and the obvious answer) in the days ahead, and that it may well have bearing on her decision with respect to whether or not insider trading took place. Moreover (and even more importantly), you can be sure that Rosen was/is now duly impressed with the power of Black Horse’s arguments, and to the extent that Black Horse is now aligned with equity, Rosen must tread an even more carefully PREPARED path than before; hence his statements about wanting to see PJ Solomon’s valuation. Without knowing Solomon’s numbers he values the estate at his peril.

Back in October of last year, after carefully reviewing SG’s billing statements I concluded that a “presentation” of Solomon’s numbers had been rendered to WGM for purposes of settlement negotiations. However, Rosen’s antics of yesterday now conclusively prove that I was wrong in my assumptions. He is operating blind of Solomon’s analysis. But even more ominously, if the probings of an ordinary shareholder, the likes of Ms Harper, and a guy who is “just a school teacher” from Texas (Mr. Mason) can uncover information which create misgivings on the part of Walrath (and they undoubtedly did), what then can Rosen reasonably expect to be unearthed by the highly trained, highly experienced, and highly paid professionals retained by SG.

I’ve got a feeling that we’ll never hear Rosen utter the ‘Open Mic Night’ phrase again.


Re: El dilema de Rosen

¿llevaba yo H´s? NO... entonces dejame tranquilo disfrutar de este momento. Entiendo que no debes haber captado lo que ayer ocurrio en la Corte porque si te crees que el precio de las acciones o lo que digan los medios comprados son indicadores estas mas perdido que el barco del arroz.

No pretendo influir a nadie a hacer nada, pero antes que tu llegaras ya vi el potencial de estas acciones ayer solo incremento mi percepción y el tiempo pondrá todo en su sitio.

Mientras a seguir esperando a que Rosie nos traiga sus numeros.


Re: El dilema de Rosen

3:01:48 on audio

Your Honor, the Debtors believe that Blackstone did the correct analysis, the believe that they were responsive, but what's most most important, Your Honor, here is that no one has anything to dispute it. Peter J Solomon has been the retained professional of the Equity Committee since it was formed. They have drawn a monthly stipend from the Debtors' estate. Peter J Solomon has never, ever, said that the analysis is incorrect. And Your Honor, as part of the confirmation process, we will, we will take discovery of the Equity Committee and Peter J Solomon. But as far as we know, Your Honor, that everything we have been told - and there have been dialogues between the Debtors and the Equity Committee - there is no one that disputes the valuation by Blackstone, notwithstanding the fact that they stand here today.

Well I think they all do, we're not at that point yet.

I agree with that Your Honor. But everyone wants the disclosure statement to say something that doesn't exist is my point. They want Blackstone to say "I gave you a valuation but I'm wrong." Blackstone isn't doing that, the Debtors are not asking Blackstone to do that, the Debtors stand by the analysis that has been performed.



Re: El dilema de Rosen

"si te crees que el precio de las acciones" Jajajajaja, el precio de las acciones refleja en que situacion esta el proceso en la Corte, todo lo demás es autobombeo para hacer subir las acciones, pero ya ves que apenas se mueven. Cada vez quedan menos incautos que caigan en las trampas que anteriormente creabais los pumpers codiciosos, se os ha acabado mover los valores a vuestro gusto. El detonante fue el informe del examiner, desde entonces se acabo el juego y no lo quieres admitir.

"pero antes que tu llegaras ya vi el potencial de estas acciones ayer solo incremento mi percepción" Jajajajaja sobre todo el potencial de las comunes.


Re: El dilema de Rosen

Yesterday's hearing was one huge nail in equity's coffin.

You know as well as I do, the outcome wasn't good at all for equity. The DS is moving forward, creditors are getting ready to place their votes. The creditors will vote "yes" and receive a payout of close to 100% of what is owed them. Equity gets nothing.

The longs on this board have nothing left to do but post their 5 star rants on how well everything is going. You can see that the longs are correct in their assessment of yesterday's hearing, by the jump in the pps; NOT! That's all the longs have left is their inane pumps.