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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.055 / 3.346

Re: Voto de accionistas (Clase 16 - H) extendido hasta el viernes 5pm

Ok Simpson. Aclarado el tema. Tenía entendido que en el último POR las colocaban justo antes de las comunes, después de las preferentes.


POR Confirmation - EC sigue esperando su turno

Exclusivity IS over. If WMI does not confirm the plan it has placed on the table (i.e., Walrath refuses to confirm the plan for any reason), other parties in interest can file plans. Exclusivity just means that WMI gets first dibs on confirming a plan. If it's first shot fails, WMI AND other parties in interest get their chance to present and confirm plans

Parece que vamos a tener una semana tranquilita hasta el viernes. Hoy las K sin volumen estan un poco locas (+16%)


Y ha todo esto los pigs a punto de quebrar

a nivel europeo se va a liar gorda antes de que acabe el año,al ibex le pueden dar casi tanto como a wamu


Re: POR Confirmation - EC sigue esperando su turno

Hola Mr,

Una pregunta. Me podriais comentar el porque, Susman tiene que presentar las alegaciones antes del dia 20? El hearing no está previsto para el dia 1 de diciembre?


Re: POR Confirmation - EC sigue esperando su turno

El plazo de alegaciones al POR finaliza el 19 a las 16:00

Luego los debtors tienen sólo 5 días para responder. Por eso Susman se demora.


Nueva mocion sobre NOL´s (Tricadia Capital)

Motion of Tricadia Capital Management

Yes: pre-change shareholders would have to keep at least 50% to get NOLs.

Tricadia is establishing that under tax section 382(1)(5), the provision could generate billions of ADDITIONAL value to the estate.

PDF Page 3 - Point #3

Although the Court has scheduled a confirmation hearing for December 1, 2010, it is not clear that the Plan is confirmable, and it is at least possible that the Plan, as in any Chapter 11 case, will be modified as a result of discussions between the Debtors and stakeholders going forward. Given this uncertainty, it is critical that the Debtors retain the utmost flexibility to maximize the value of their estates for the benefit of their creditors. As described in greater detail below, the Debtors may be able to utilize the Section 328(1)(5) exception and potentially generate billions of dollars in additional values for their estates. Unless trading in CCB Guarantee Claims is restricted, however, it is almost certain that the Debtors will not have this option, at considerable cost to the Debtors and their creditors. As a result, Tricadia submits that the Court should enter a narrowly drawn order that establishes notice and hearing procedures with respect to trading in CCB Guarantee Claims so as to preserve this optionality for the benefit of the Debtors while preserving the rights of holders of current CCB Guarantee Claims to dispose of their interests in accordance with the hearings and notification procedures described below.

PDF Page 4 Point #5

Whether the Debtors ultimately should amend the Plan in order to exercise this option is a collective decision that must be thoughtfully considered and weighed by all interested parties. But to be clear, it is a choice and not an obligation, and preserving a choice to use of of the largest net operating losses in history without annual limitations is wise, especially when it comes at no cost.

PDF Pages 5-6 Point #6

In fairness to the Debtors, they may not have been aware of the composition of the holder base in the CCB Guarantee Claims, and therefore may not have been aware that the I.R.C.382(1)(5) exception was available, but now that they are, we hope they will take steps to preserve value that remains.

PDF Page 5 Point #7

In addition, we appreciate that the relief requested in this Motion will preserve potential value that can only be realized by the Debtors if the Plan is amended. However, this in itself is not a sufficient reason to deny the Motion. It is certainly possible that the Plan is ultimately confirmed. But the Debtors need to prepare for all outcomes, some of which may involve significant revisions to the Plan. In the event this occurs, no one will regret having preserved the valuable I.R.C. 382(1)(5_ exception, and some or all parties may be materially better off. In Tricadia's view, free insurance that may prove to be highly valuable is never a bad thing to have, and that is what the monitoring of CCB Guarantee Claims amounts to.


El EC responderá este viernes no me cabe la menor duda

Así que este fin de semana no estaremos tan impacientes como los que por motivos de pura estrategia se nos ha dejado en blanco.

Estoy convencido que Susman tomará nota de todos estos filings de última hora de cara a crear una respuesta rotunda contra el POR de los ladrones de bancos.