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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.908 / 3.346

Re: Parece que las preferentes se recuperan hoy...

Por cierto, hoy Lehman Brothers ha llegado a subir hasta un 66% (ahora está en un 32%). Lo digo por el que me preguntaba a ver qué tal iba Lehman (el se dará por enterado).


Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

October 20, 2010: At Monday's hearing in bankruptcy court a number of parties argued against continuing with the Disclosure Statement hearing, saying that didn't make sense with the Examiner's report due so soon. The judge ruled for proceeding, however, and then arguments were heard. Many objections were ruled by the judge to be objections not to the Disclosure Statement but to the Plan of Reorganization itself. A Disclosure Statement needs simply to accurately describe the Plan of Reorganization, and in the end the judge ruled that this Disclosure Statement does that.This does not represent a ruling on the confirmability of the Plan of Reorganization.

Many shareholders still expect that the Examiner's report, due November 1, will be damaging to WMI and its Global Settlement Agreement (upon which the Plan of Reorganization is based). Such a report could provide a basis for the Equity Committee to move forward with its lawsuit to hold a shareholders' meeting, and to force changes in the Plan of Reorganization.

As a result of the judge's approval of the Disclosure Statement, shareholders will soon be receiving a mailing. If you are a owner of preferred shares (WAMKQ, WAMPQ) you will receive a ballot by which you can vote to accept or reject the Plan of Reorganization. The ballot is not due until November 15, two weeks after the Examiner's report is to be made public. With a projected recovery for preferred shares of zero to one percent, the current Plan of Reorganization clearly does not deserve the support of owners of preferred shares. If you are the owner of common shares (WAMUQ) you are not entitled to vote. With a projected recovery under this Plan of Reorganization of zero, all common share owners are "deemed to reject" the Plan.

Please keep in mind that WMI has been pushing hard to get to this point, ahead of the Examiner's report, and give the appearance of inevitability to the current Plan of Reorganization. The Examiner's report could easily derail this Plan, and even if we get to the confirmation hearings on the Plan of Reorganization (scheduled to start December 1), WMI will have to try to defend a number of serious weaknesses in the Plan.


Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

Hala, me voy a la cama. Lehman hoy 41% arriba, al cierre. Eso si es un pepinazo. Por si fuera poco, otras acciones que tenia de BK me han subido un 98%, después de haber llegado a estar un 233% arriba. Menudo dia:). Buenas noches a todos.


Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

No si al final las buenas van a ser las lehman... lo que me faltaría por ver, después de esto sólo me quedaría montar en globo.



Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

Yo prometo que si las comunes WAMUQ las pagan a más de 2 USD volaré en globo de forma inmediata como penitencia.


Re: ¿Gracias Juez por aprobar el DS?

es brutal gran nivel, no he visto a walrath


Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

Bueno, pues creo que este articulo lo explica bien claro:

Tal y como veis, es un caso CALCADO a Wamu. Compra "ilegal" por parte de Barclays, valoración inferior a la real de Lehman, dicen que Barclays le debe a Lehman 13 BILLONES, dicen que se van a disparar las acciones, litigios, etc, etc.

Conclusión: No hay muchas diferencias entre unos y otros. Una de las pocas diferencias (aunque importante) es que Barclays no es tan poderosa como JPM. En mi caso, yo me conformo con lograr ganancias como las que logré con Wamu. El resto que me jugara (si me lo jugara), lo haría a cara o cruz, como están ahora las acciones de Wamu.