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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.920 / 3.346

Re: Remember..................

El miedo y la codicia que son mu malos...Y la mala gestión de capital que hicimos todos desde el principio, salvo Maxim (er BinLaden de GoW)


Re: Remember..................

Para la mayoría que no ganan la clave estaba, más que comprar las H, I o J, en entrar al comienzo marzo-abril 2009, suficiente tiempo para apartar el capital inicial.


Re: Remember..................

Bueno, todavía no terminó ésto. Hasta que no pite el arbitro...Aunque un poco casero si que se le ve eh!!


Re: Examiner cometh - "Lore" and "Myths

I am sorry that you were disappointed with the policy and rules of the Ghost Board. In any organization there are rules, and in the case of the Ghost Board, those rules were fairly documented, regularly discussed, and throughly understood by all. Including yourself. Participation on the Ghost Board is not a right, it is a privilege, and you broke the rules.

If you don't like the rules of a board, you are welcome to set up your own board, or as you do, participate here. But to complain about the rules, and/or the administration of those rules, is frankly - very childish.

Many people, including myself, choose to participate in the way they see fit. To choose to re-post things on other boards, and in some cases, to choose not to. It is not your right to violate the choice of another individual. To think it is, is misguided.

For something found to be interesting on the Ghost Board, to share - the standard, and exceptionally easy way, is to ask permission. It is 99% granted. That also has been a rule for well over a year. For that, the remaining Spanish speaking users, like our German users, and other foreign users, are simply reminded to ask. That's all. Ask.

I would have given permission, once the draft was completed. All I would have asked was to have been credited as the author, instead of it being posted without attribution.

Spanish users, including users of this board, who are also Ghost Board members are welcome there. But I do remind them to follow the rules of the Ghost Board.

...Catz (Gato)


Re: Carta a la Juez Walrath !!!!

en cartas a la jueza vamos ganando 22 a 0 (parecemos el PSV vs feyenoord)
en el orden judicial, que es el importante, vamos al reves


Re: Carta a la Juez Walrath !!!!

Siempre le buscamos un pero a todo.
Nos quejamos por la falta de gestión de el examinador,de los miembros del ec,de los abogados, de la juez,etc.
. Y también nos quejamos cuando se realiza cualquie gestión a favor de los accionistas


Re: Carta a la Juez Walrath !!!!

Yo en el caso de Fuenteovejuna es para darle el premio al eterno incorformista, nada le agrada todo le molesta.