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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.903 / 3.346

Re: El silencio de Susman

Ten Shin beneficio de 400% solo lo llevan los que entraron en marzo-abril de 2009.
El resto de mortales o van tablas o con pérdidas, cuando digo, vender parte con pérdidas es literalmente así.


Antes del 25 octubre deben entregar los papeles !!!!

WHEREFORE, the Texas Group respectfully requests that the Court order the

a) That the Debtors immediately search all electronic databases, email repositories,
physical files and other document storage facilities in their possession, custody or
control, and produce all documents responsive to the Texas Group’s requests
numbers: 2, 3, 9, 34, 36, and 37 by Monday, October 25 at 4:00 p.m. ET;

b) That any document not referenced in privilege logs submitted to the Texas Group
by the Debtors on October 19, 2010 are declared not privileged and that the
Debtors have waived any applicable privilege as to any such document;

c) That immediately upon completion of the search and production required in
subsection a), above, that the Debtors certify to the Court and the Texas Group
that the Debtors have met the requirements of this Order;

d) That, if the Debtors fail to complete the search and production requirements
required by subsection a) above, the Debtors schedule a status conference with the
Court where the Debtors shall show cause why the plan confirmation hearing,
presently scheduled for December 1, 2010, should not be rescheduled to a date in

e) That the Debtors pay reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the Texas Group for
having to file the instant Motion;

f) For such other relief that the Court deems appropriate.


Para los que decian que Susman estaba callado ahi teneis lectura (22 octubre Hearing)

Nuestras cartas son 2:

1) Informe Examiner: 1 Noviembre
2) Shareholders meeting: 9 Noviembre

Los Noteholders quieren retrasar a toda costa para que no se celebre
el hearing del día 9 Noviembre y de ahi la negativa de Susman a que eso ocurra.

A partir del 25 octubre cuando el informe se presente a las partes por separado
deberia haber filtraciones al menos de lo que corresponde a cada parte.

Por último mencionar que el hearing de mañana 22 octubre la Juez nos va a demostrsr de que palo va respecto a los temas del Texas Group y la constante negativa de cumplir por parte de os debtors con los requerimientos de la orden de la Corte.


La estrategia de salida de la Juez Walrath

The WMI BK will long be remembered after the finale. Either we will be elated at the outcome or bitching for years that the deal was “fixed” from the beginning. As BK’s go, we (equity) have attained a place that many other veterans of BK’s (think K Mart) would have given their nutsack for. We have an Examiner, the head of the EC whose buried under a million shares, a US Trustee who smells a rat and to boot, a respected if not fearsome legal team.

We have been both disappointed and pleased with many interim decisions and yet, many are still held in abeyance in other courts. Some days we give kudo’s to our legal team and other time’s razzberries. Our latest bitch is a DS going forward,…and Nelson didn’t make a peep, so what, and indeed why not?

Either, in the end we have no proof that what we are being dealt a bad hand by the debtors or, the Examiner will come in with a comprehensive report that will show enough misinformation and deceit to turn the WMI BK upside down. In that respect, we must trust Hochberg & his team to ferret out the truths. IMHO, Bop’s reflection on the DS continuing its movement and Nelson’s reticence to speak out may have been decodely uncomfortable, so we have another disappointment, but then again, I’m sure Sussman and his team know exactly where this is going and if it’s in their favor, why second guess, or try to stop the train.

Trains in motion are hard to stop, but, motormen are expendable. In that sense, JMW may also have an inclination where this will be going and wants to preserve the integrity of the court and reduce the possibility of an appeal, as she should. Debtors, by fact have favor and Rosen has used this power to move his (WMI BOD & JPM’s) mission ahead , however, after the Examiner’s report is released, equity may have the facts. Sussman has stated often that there are just some things that are not worth pursuing and in that sense, maybe he is confident by having an armchair view, that there are enough problems just with the evaluation and parsing of the monies (tax/NOL’s) that there will be his time for his six guns to blaze.

There is a “note” hanging in the air that the Examiner report will be “highly” considered in the settlement of this BK by JMW, as well recorded by the debtors. So, the question is, do we make the A>L and Rosen subsequently hangs by his own petard, or to bring it to another level, does the report indicate not only misrepresentations, fraudulent conveyance, but also a conspiracy to defraud ? I still believe that Rosen the rat, A&M, and Kosturos are in a corner that they can’t get out of.

With where we are now, I think we will make A>L, and even by the slimmest terms it will be an opening for Sussman to change the motorman on this train and that’s the reason I believe a Trustee may be at hand. Further, a Trustee would squash the potential for appeals and with cooperation forthcoming from all parties, it may be easier to bring this debacle to a conclusion.

Folk’s, if the Examiner delivers what we have done our DD on for two years and we are right,..there will be some marked changes in this case,..not to mention another chapter reserved for the DOJ.

No matter which way this turns out, or what scenario’s occurs from this point on, surely, JMW has finally provided her exit strategy..(on an Examiners report).

Do we have the goods or are we whizzing in the wind ?


Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

A los que invirtieron en una BK y ahora estan nerviosos, ahi teneis el premio a no saber donde os metiais.

A los que han hecho la Due Dilligence y estan tranquilos sabiendo que tenemos al EC, Susman , UST y equipo de 40 profesionales trabajando con el Examiner desde hace 2 meses y medio para encontrar $1.7 Billones de $ adicionales que pondrian A > P... Enhorabuena !!!!!!!

Ya no estamos solos, tenemos a TPS que se juega $4 Billones y cuyo tema aun no se ha tratado, después tendremos el periodo de confirmación donde el POR será torpedeado hasta hundirse en el fondo del mar.

Es en estos momentos de verdad donde se puede apreciar los que sabian donde se metian y los que a la mínima salen corriendo diciendo yo ya lo sabía.

Yo me he jugado mi carta y espero ver la de mis adversarios en próximas fechas...

Mucha Suerte a todos, os la mereceis solo por tener que lidiar con los ladrones de sueños... esos seres que pululan por los foros todo el día diciendo que arde Troya y Troya sigue vivita y coleando y con un buen equipo de bomberos !!!!


Re: Gracias Juez Walrath por aprobar el DS

Mr Simpson no me jodas.

Yo hice 3 meses de DD antes de meterme en Wamu, pero ESTOY NERVIOSO.

El sentido común me dice que tenemos la baza ganadora, pero la realidad es que LEGAL y JUSTO no son sinónimos. El último ejemplo lo tenemos con la aprobación del DS. Era LEGAL, cumplía los requisitos mínimos, pero no creo que fuera justo.

Yo, como ya he dicho antes, me quedaré hasta la semana que viene a ver qué pasa...

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