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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
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Pulso de Mercado: Intradía
29.697 / 38.210

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Es un genocidio lo que está haciendo Putin.
La actúacion y respuesta de Europa es lamentable y patética.

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

 From 1h ago 

22:24Western allies agree to Swift ban for some Russian banksThe US, Canada and key European countries, including Germany, have agreed to remove “selected Russian banks” from the Swift payment system, the countries announced on Saturday.

“As Russian forces unleash their assault on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, we are resolved to continue imposing costs on Russia that will further isolate Russia from the international financial system and our economies. We will implement these measures within the coming days,” a statement from the leaders of the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the UK, Canada, and the US said.Swift is the world’s main international payments network. Several countries have already expressed support for locking Russia out of the platform, and Germany, which had previously oppose the measure, leant its support earlier today. The joint statement on Saturday made the move official, although few details were given as to when the Swift removal will take place, and which Russian banks will be targeted.“We commit to ensuring that selected Russian banks are removed from the SWIFT messaging system. This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally,” the countries said.

“Second, we commit to imposing restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions.”The countries also said they would take measures “to limit the sale of citizenship – so called golden passports – that let wealthy Russians connected to the Russian government become citizens of our countries and gain access to our financial systems”.They also announced plans to launch a “transatlantic task force” which will ensure sanctions on Russians remain effective.

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Olvidas tu amo.

Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

Tras el subidón del viernes y con este fin de semana lleno de noticias negativas, incertidumbres y demás, reaparece el miedo y los futuros del DAX en IG bajan ya a esta hora más de 200 puntos, -1,64% por ahora. Pero me temo que abriremos más abajo todavía el lunes...

"Lo que todo el mundo sabe en la Bolsa a mí ya no me interesa" André Kostolany


Re: Pulso de Mercado: Intradía

El genocida cortará el gas a Europa y desmadrará los precios de la energía con lo q la inflación q nos viene va a a ser de campeonato.Si los sueldos suben un 2% y la inflación un 7-8% y se mantiene el empobrecimiento va a ser grande para las clases medias.
Para el genocida Putin es una victoria.
mandará el gas a China y comprará lo q necesite allí donde su amistad no tiene límites.