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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
13.420 / 17.041

Re: Farmas USA

soy un corta rollos, lo se ... pero me conozco KERX cuando se pone su MACD 5 min a rojo y por si acaso no cedo ni un pavo de profits ... yo creo que deberian verse los 5 incluso los 5,12-5,18 pero mañana estare todo el dia en modo movil y paso ... 

fuera 5k KERX 4,94 desde 4,59 del Lunes. Con este segundo trade ya le he rascado bien a esta perra. Recupere lo que amputé el año pasado con creces. Una menos.

Necesito hacer cash ... ando intranquilo cuando me quedo a cero patatero ... 


y la que tengo ahora en la mira es TGTX, velas 1h ... esa vela ... ese estocastico ... ese nivel 14,40 que no pasa ... me falta el canto de un duro para hacer caja ... le doy 5 min para que la cambien

edito: fuera TGTX 1500 a 14,35 de 13,55 de ayer. Y eso que los indicadores diarios estan super golosos ... pero me da igual.  Esto ya no me lo quitan. si repite patron se va a 13.3x ... sino ... 14.40-14.60-14.90 ... ya se vera... 


Re: Farmas USA

NVCR sigue para arriba


Re: Farmas USA

Hago caja tambien en HZNP 2722 13,95 de 13,66 ... demasiado cargado para mi gusto y estoy viendo una vela en XBI en diario que no me mola ... y ya llevamos buena subida.

Me da rabia largar stocks que acaban de estrenar el verde en su MACD diario ... pero cash is king.

Con esto doy por concluida la semana. Mañana no podre seguir esta droga.



Re: Farmas USA


alguien la sigue?


Re: Farmas USA

Buenos dias ... revisando velas de indices , hmmm precaución al volante ... 

XBI toco ayer el ultimo retroceso fibo ... mosca con eso ...


Shooting star en diario en TGTX ... por si acaso, como no podre estar atento hoy, lo suyo seria los 13,3x, dejo orden en 13,4


articulo OFFTOPIC de Juan Beño

que por cierto, viendo su ETF ... XLE, martillo invertido en todo lo alto del rally ... ojito al posible pullback,.


Re: Farmas USA

Un dato¡¡no esta entrando dinero nuevo al mercado, el volumen mengua y curva de tipos de corto y largo invirtiendose.... piano piano....


Re: Farmas USA


Presenta un par de cosillas el 22 y el 26 en un meeting de neurología en LA

y luego comentario de Needham sobre el artículo de marras de la CNN

We hosted a conference call with KOL Raj Pahwa of Kansas Medical Center for his thoughts on Nuplazid, Parkinsons Disease Psychosis (PDP), and the 4/9/18 article from CNN. Dr. Pahwa has had success with the drug, with roughly 60-70% of his PDP patients responding well. Treatment effect is typically slow, ranging from 2-6wks. He noted no safety concerns to-date. He believes the CNN article was 'unfair' and did not provide full context. His prescribing habits have not changed and he continues to treat new patients with the drug. Although other physicians have approached him about the article for his perspective, none have plans to stop or reduce prescribing the drug. None of his existing patients have expressed concerns to him and he expects minimal to no impact on scripts overall.

We believe there has been an overreaction in the stock and reiterate BUY. In our opinion, the stock does not adequately reflect long-term potential for label expansion to Dementia Psychosis or Schizophrenia (2019+ Phase 3 results). We do not have as much conviction around Depression (2H18E Phase 2 results), but at current price, we believe the stock is still attractive in front of the event later this yr.


  • Raj Pahwa is Director of the Parkinsons Disease and Movement Disorder Center at the University of Kansas Medical Center. He sees roughly 70 patients/ wk, of which 70% Parkinsons Disease, 20% Essential Tremor, and 10% other Movement Disorders.
  • PDP typically emerges in PD patients 12-15 yrs after PD symptoms initially develop, most commonly at age 70-80yrs. Approximately 40% of PD patients develop PDP. In general PDP emerges in older patients w/ more advanced PD disease. Visual hallucinations are most common and only 5-10% experience delusions.
  • Prior to Nuplazid approval, treatment options were 1) reduce PD drug, 2) off-label quetiapine, and 3) off-label clozapine, none of which are satisfactory. Nuplazid is now his preferred first line option. He noted that a number of physicians and KOLs have still not adopted the drug, citing claims that generic quetiapine is adequate.
  • Roughly 70-80 of his current toal 120 PDP patients are treated w/ Nuplazid. Remaining patients have not responded after 6wks treatment, did not have patience for a response beyond a few days treatment, or had concerns w/ copay. He did not note any safety concerns.
  • Dr. Pahwa was aware of Institute for Safe Medication Practices report last fall, which was cited by CNN, but does not believe such analyses of FAERS data adequately capture the risk/ benefit profile of a drug.

Re: Farmas USA


Late-breaking Ferric Citrate Abstract Accepted for Presentation at the 55th ERA-EDTA Congress

“Randomized Trial of the Effects of Ferric Citrate in Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease,” is scheduled for presentation on Friday, May 25, 2018 at 11:45

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