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Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
86 suscriptores
Farmas USA
11.812 / 17.003

Re: Farmas USA


Jo, qué envidia, disfrutarlas los que las llevais, que os lo habeis ganado.

2.08 ya.

No sé pa qué lo pongo, si estareis todos pegados al computador mirando.

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Farmas USA


Yo he vendido mis 12k hoy a 1'62 así que imagínate, pero necesitaba cerrar opciones put. Llevaba más de un año sin estar con nada en cartera.

Voy a volver a entrar, no tengo prisa alguna. Enhorabuena a lo que las habéis pillado abajo y ánimo a los que vais recuperando poco a poco.


Re: Farmas USA

El payo encima se va a sacar unos jureles, tos estos colgaos.


Re: Farmas USA

En el artículo bullish del otro día un par de comentarios interesantes.

Básicamente dice que a pesar del bajo ratio de contagio, no era imposible demostrar la eficacia. De casos no severos hubo suficiente número de sujetos y sin embargo no hubo eficacia. Pero la duda que existe es si la vacuna no fue eficaz porque hay una relación entre bajo ratio de contagio y baja eficacia de las vacunas de este tipo (pasa lo mismo con la de la gripe). La hipótesis que se baraja, y que ya se ha comentado por aquí, es que en una temporada tan leve solo la gente con el sistema inmune débil se contagie y en estos la vacuna ofrece menor protección.

Dejo el texto en inglés:

Thanks for the article it had some good info but I also think it may be liable to cause some confusion. I could write a book here but I'm still nauseous from the trial results so will give the short version, which is still long. 2 totally separate issues are likely to be confused here. The author alternately talks of them but I am not sure that it is understood that they are different things. Part of this is NVAX fault bc at the conference call they talked about both, but they are separate issues.
1) The first issue is whether a low attack rate made it impossible to PROVE efficacy. (even if in fact, unbeknownst to us, the vaccine WAS efficacious).
2) The second issue is whether the vaccine was NOT efficacious because, for unknown reasons, there is a cause and effect relationship whereby an otherwise efficacious vaccine does not work during a light RSV season.
The first premise (#1) is FALSE. We know this because in phase 2 about 39 people in the placebo group got some form of RSV (this # is from memory I could be slightly off). In phase 3 even with the 2% attack rate (down from 4.9%) 117 people in placebo group got RSV. So your sample size is 39 people for phase 2 and 117 for phase 3. In phase 2 the vaccine prevented (from memory) 17 of an assumed 39 RSV cases (22 vaccinated got RSV instead of 39 placebo people) for 44% efficacy (from memory). The results, even with essentially only N=39 were statistically significant. In phase 3 we had 117 persons come down with RSV. So even with the tiny RSV attack rate (2% instead of 4.9%) we still had almost 3 times the power to prove efficacy than we had in phase 2. Sure in phase 3 we wanted a number more like 300 infected in the placebo group to show we cured them in the vaccine group, and we got only 117 infected in the placebo group, BUT THAT IS STILL MANY MORE THAN THE 39 WE HAD IN PHASE 2. Yet still we had no efficacy at all. Soooo, like I said, premise #1 is false, or at a minimum it is highly highly unlikely that the low attack rate prevented NVAX from PROVING efficacy of a vaccine that in fact was efficacious.
The second premise (#2) is possible. What NVAX discussed at the conference call is that for a reason that is admittedly unknown, in flu seasons with a light attack rate, vaccines have been known not to work, even if it would be a good and efficacious vaccine in a normal season. The author cites good authority for this premise. It is possible that this phenomena applies to RSV as well.
Fellow NVAXers-Please realize that these 2 separate concepts have nothing whatsoever to do with one another.
I took an awful beating here along with all the other longs. I am out for now but will listen on Oct 11 and see if I believe there is a path forward. If so I might re-enter.
Perhaps when you have such a low attack rate the affected population is more likely to be composed of a higher proportion of people with weaker immune systems for whom the vaccine may offer less protection? Just a hypothesis.


Re: Farmas USA

Y lo mejor es que la fiesta acaba de empezar
Aún se puede entrar
No es el juego de la cerilla es el mercado de las pharmas ... Bipolar

Lo fácil es culpar a otros o a la mala suerte... en vez de al poco cuidado


Re: Farmas USA

¿¿¿Cómo???, no me jodas, pero si te leí ayer que las comprastes, dime que las llevas, DIME QUE LAS LLEVAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Farmas USA

Joder, $2,20. Está subiendo una pasada. Si llega a $3 lloro y si lo hace a $4 me emborracho.

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