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Farmas USA

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Farmas USA
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Farmas USA
11.558 / 17.039

Re: Farmas USA

No se si habéis visto alguno el artículo completo. Está publicado en este mes en Lancet por el Imperial College, London
Lancet Infect Dis. 2016 Aug;16(8):e153-63. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(16)00119-5. Epub 2016 Jun 15.
Vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus in pregnancy: a suitable tool to combat global infant morbidity and mortality?
Saso A1, Kampmann B2.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most important viral cause of pneumonia in early childhood (ie, younger than 2 years), responsible for high infant morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is widely accepted that an effective vaccine against RSV would have a major impact on child health globally. Despite the setbacks of the clinical trials in the 1960s, there has been a recent and significant revival of interest in vaccines against RSV, with several promising candidates undergoing evaluation. In this Review, we describe the epidemiological and immunological background to RSV infection and subsequently focus on the promising pipeline of RSV vaccine development. We discuss the potential for implementation of a safe and immunogenic RSV vaccine within the context of global health and with regards to a range of strategies, including vaccination of women during pregnancy, which is likely to emerge as a beneficial and feasible public health tool. This approach would provide interim protection to vulnerable, RSV-naive infants and other high risk groups, in which the burden of admission to hospital and death is greatest. Extending research and implementation from resource-rich to resource-poor settings is required to enhance our understanding of RSV immunity and inform vaccine development and delivery strategies for all settings. We summarise key outstanding issues for researchers and policy makers to understand the interplay of biological and non-biological factors affecting design and distribution of a successful RSV vaccine globally.
Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Re: Farmas USA

Pues claro! "Aquello" era otra cosa, por eso lo pongo, aunque sé que nadie se va a leer nada de ese 10Q que he puesto. A qué se dedicaban, y a qué se dedican ahora son mundos distintos. Además, 7 milloncicos de cash que tenían y tan contentos que estaban :-)



Re: Farmas USA


56.92, venga bonita.

"Buf, se me está haciendo más largo que un dia sin bolsa"


Re: Farmas USA


Recuperados los 2B de m.cap. (esta vez no digo más, jeje)


Re: Farmas USA

Vendidas 3,000 acciones @7.40 según plan. Me quedo con 9,000.

Mi idea es vender otras 2,000 antes del 9/9, y luego ya veremos si paro ahí o vendo alguna más... en función de lo que haga, para resultados llevaría entre 5,000 y 7,000.