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Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
87 suscriptores
Farmas USA
10.759 / 17.055

Re: Farmas USA

Signaling from CEO Stock Sales — Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be

"When CEO’s sell stock, is there a “signaling” effect? Among our sample of S&P 500 CEOs, we analyzed the effect of stock sales in excess of $1MM on company stock price. We conclude that the perceived market signaling is unfounded; CEOs sold stock to their own detriment – i.e., in advance of positive performance – more often than not. We found that in over 60% of cases, company stock generally appreciated in the 90-days following the sale of stock and actually outperformed compared to the market. Even when removing for periods of excess market volatility (i.e., where the S&P 500 index appreciated or depreciated more than 20%), company stock appreciated following the CEOs sale in the vast majority of cases"




Re: Farmas USA


No creo que haya dudas al respecto sobre la venta del CEO. No debe ser preocupante ni alarmante a medio-largo plazo.
Gracias a comparativas y gráficos así aún ayuda a entenderlo más.
Faltaría uno con la reacción de los mercados en el cortísimo plazo. La reacción del precio el lunes, todos la esperamos, eso sí, igual por esperada no es tal.
Y bueno, creo que no he leído (a los usanos ni me he esforzado), post catastrofistas por la venta. Yo en otro sitio si dije que me alarmaría, desde luego de haber sido todas sus acciones, o un gran porcentaje al menos. Aunque viendo el número de las que dispone eso sería un tsunami.

Salvo sorpresas, dia de ir de compras el lunes y afinar la puntería el que ande interesado.

Es difícil tenerla, pero trae muy buenos resultados.....


Re: Farmas USA


Re: Farmas USA

Como indicador me parecen más significativas las compras no programadas (i.e. que no sean fruto de un acuerdo de pago en acciones, opciones, etc.) que las ventas (que pueden ser debidas a necesidades financieras particulares, cuadre impuestos, etc.)...


Re: Farmas USA

Puma biotech ha caído desde los 250$ de sept'14 a los 29$ de hoy.

Básicamente tienen una sola drug:
PB272 (neratinib) is a potent irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor, or TKI, that blocks signal transduction through the epidermal growth factor receptors, or EGFRs, HER1, HER2 and HER4. We believe neratinib has clinical application in the treatment of several cancers, including breast cancer and gastric cancer. Our initial focus is on the development of neratinib as an oral treatment for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer.
Neratinib is currently being tested in a number of clinical trials as a neoadjuvant therapy for patients with HER2+ breast cancer and as a treatment for patients with metastatic HER2+ breast cancer.
(puma biotech)

En bioinvest no la tienen en ningun portfolio, pero en la última newletter comentaban:
After a Type A FDA meeting, Puma Biotech (PYBI) once more delayed the filing date for neratinib that led to new
questions for its ExteNET Phase III study.

En marzo cotizaba a 53$, y de su caída decian:
Puma Biotechnology met with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to submit a NDA for the approval of Neratinib, a treatment of extended adjuvant breast cancer that has previously been treated with a trastuzumab-containing regimen. However, the company wants to move the submission date to a later point in 2016.
(yahoo news)

Sin embargo, en los boards de yahoo la gente habla más de retraso en una IND
Great buying opportunity. ~27% fall due to a delay in IND filing because of statistical analysis differences is an overreaction. This fall coming coming at the heels of a recent pullback makes this a great opportunity to load up. This will bounce back and not to mention the possibility of a buyout at this low price.

Y más:
Credit Suisse analyst K. MacKay lowered the price target on PBYI stock to $50.00 – previously $69.00 – because of the biotech’s delay on submitting its NDA.
“We are disappointed by the timeline delay, and our conversations with mgmt. suggest this was following a ‘Type A’ FDA meeting last week, which we see as adding regulatory risk,” MacKay commented. “Despite this, we continue to see neratinib as approvable in the extended-adjuvant setting.”

Su pipepline puede verse en su web, logicamente.

Quizá sea un poco un flip of a coin, pero al menos conocemos su riesgo y podemos obrar en consecuencia.



Re: Farmas USA


centro observando solo el RSI en tu gráfico se puede ver claramente lo que pasó después de que el indicador diera sobrecompra o sobreventa y lo que nos toca ahora........

Es difícil tenerla, pero trae muy buenos resultados.....

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