creo q BBVA lo ha vendido por un muy buen precio, la acción debería subir con fuerza..hago un copy&paste del Twitter de Lyall Taylor:
""BBVA just sold its US regional business - it's lowest quality division with a single digit RoE and accounting for <10% of group earnings, for 9.7bn Euro - 20x earnings at 1.34x book, & a price representing 2/3rds of company's 15bn market cap as recently as October.""
""Company has franchised, market leading and high-RoE businesses in most of its core markets (Mexico, Turkey, South America, and Spain where it's RoE is lower at c10%). Is well reserved and has ample capital. Stock was trading at 3x earnings recently. Astonishing bargains out there.""
""Of course, most of the market was too busy salivating over SaaS companies trading at 30x sales to notice. I took at 60bp position close to the lows in October - should have bought more of course but BBVA is one of many many absurd bargains out there at the moment.""