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Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

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Arcelor Mittal (MTS)
52 suscriptores
Arcelor Mittal (MTS)
785 / 6.342

Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)- Ahora es cuando los ANAL Listos se acuerdan de que igual puede ir bien...

Yo hace dos días como quien dice tenia unas perdidas del 40% y promedie a 7,82, a día de hoy estoy cuenta con paga y sin creerme mucho aun la subida. Ya era mucho tiempo con esta en rojo sangre, buen alivio nos esta dando.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

11,30 Dolares=9,92 euros


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Bueno, al final cerro en 11,21 dolares y una subida de 7,17% NO ESTA NADA MAL, ESPEREMOS QUE EL LUNES HABRA EN 10 EUROS.



Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)-ArcelorMittal anuncia el calendario detallado de distribución de dividendos para 2015

ArcelorMittal announces detailed dividend payment schedule for 2015
Luxembourg, 13 February, 2015 – ArcelorMittal today announces the detailed dividend payment schedule for 2015. The schedule includes: the amount of the dividend; the ex-dividend; record and payment dates, as well as the date on which the foreign exchange rate is fixed to determine the value in Euros of the dividend, which is announced in US dollars.
All data included in this schedule is subject to shareholder approval.
The schedule is available on ArcelorMittal's website under Investors > Equity investors > Dividends
Detailed dividend payment schedule for 2015
In 2015 the payment of the annual dividend will occur according to the following schedule. All data included in this schedule are subject to shareholder approval.
The yearly gross dividend per share amounts to 0.20 US$ per share, subject to shareholder approval at the company’s Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2015. The payment of 0.20 US$ per share will occur on 15 June 2015.
The dividend is announced in US$ and paid in US$ for shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange and paid in Euros for shares listed on the European Stock Exchanges (Netherlands, France, Spain, Luxembourg). The dividend to be paid in Euros is converted from USD to Euros based on the European Central Bank exchange rate mentioned in the table below.
A Luxembourg withholding tax of 15% is applied on the gross dividend amount.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Tambien dijo esta semana que no iba a superar los 9€ y sin embargo estamos en 9.5
No me extrañaria que perdiera los 9€ pero si te metes en ste valor sabes a lo que te enfrentas


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

No hay que hacer mucho caso a este analisto. Así que subirá seguro.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Muy seńor.cierra arcelor usa al cambio 9,83,,maximos de hoy 11,31 9,93,,,,,y el pollo analisto dice stop 9,80,,,,Si lo normal es empezar el lunes minimo 9,81.....Estamos esperando que baje a los 7. Como rambien decian algunos La pena es los que vendieron a 9,40 que creo fueron muchos.Arcelor va directo a los 10.Que le cueste superarlo sera otra cosa mariposa.