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Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Malas noticias desde China.....

Steel plants reopen in China as mills in Australia, Britain face axe

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China is reopening old mills as it sells excess steel on world markets.
China is reopening old mills as it sells excess steel on world markets. Bloomberg
by Lisa Murray and Angus Grigg

One of China's largest private steel mills, which went broke two years ago, could reopen this month, worsening the outlook for Australia's struggling steel producers.

During its heyday, Haixin Iron and Steel Group produced about 5 million tonnes of steel a year, which was more than the total annual output from Australia. It started bankruptcy proceedings in November 2014 with 10.5 billion yuan ($2.1 billion) in debt.

At the time, it was seen as an inevitable casualty of China's decision to reduce massive overcapacity in steel making.

Local media reported this week the plant was to reopen this month or early next month under a new owner, private company Jianlong Group.

The move will add to concerns China's commitment to restructure its steel sector is wavering as the government addresses slowing growth.

Maintenance checks were under way at Haixin's plant in Shanxi province, a report on Shanghai-based news site Peng Pai said on Monday.

"The pick-up in the steel price has allowed Jianlong to accelerate its plan to restart production at the plant," Mysteel chief information officer Xu Xiangchun said.

The plant's reopening comes at an awkward time for China as it faces pressure from the global steel industry to rein in production.

China is producing more steel than its domestic market can consume and selling the excess on world markets. This excess production has been a factor for much of the last five years.

However, it hit home for many Australians last Thursday with the collapse of steel maker Arrium, triggering the potential loss of about 5500 jobs.

While British Prime Minister David Cameron recently has raised concerns with Chinese President Xi Jinping after Tata Steel's decision to offload its British operation, Australia is in a more difficult position. It sells a lot of iron ore to China that goes into making steel. That is why Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is unlikely to make it an issue when he visits Beijing this week.

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo, who is in the Chinese capital to kick-off Australia Week, an event that will attract 1000 business delegates, told the ABC on Monday "this isn't about Australia or China per se, this is about what's happening on an international basis".

"Let's not lose sight of the fact . . . that most of the steel that's being made in China is actually being made with Australian iron ore," he said.

Work also started again at other blast furnaces in Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Henan and Tangshan.

Mr Xu said in April almost 89 per cent of production capacity across China was being used, up from 80 per cent at the end of last year.

Jianlong is one of the few profitable steel companies in China. However, the sector's prospects are improving as prices have recorded their biggest rally in five years during the first quarter.

Local government officials, who are eager to boost the economic prospects of their regions, also are encouraging the reopening of mills.

Last week, Yuncheng party secretary Wang Yuyan visited the Haixin site, urging a speedy resumption of production.

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Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Para contrarrestar esta otra mas positiva, compañia china reducira su produccion en un 20% en los proximos 3 años.

China's Maanshan Steel to cut output 20 pct over next three years

China's Maanshan Iron & Steel plans to cut its steel capacity by about 20 percent over the next three years as it tries to a weather a slowing economy and an industry-wide supply glut, a company executive said on Friday.

China as a whole is trying to cut steel-making capacity by between 100 million and 150 million tonnes in the next five years as it tries to tackle a chronic glut that has sent prices into a tailspin and saddled steel mills with huge losses and mounting debt.

Large-scale steel mills made combined losses of 11.4 billion yuan ($1.76 billion) in the first two months of this year and more than 100 billion yuan last year, according to the China Iron and Steel Association.

Maanshan Steel plans to cut 4.2 million tonnes of capacity over the next three years, from current 22 million tonnes currently, Qian Haifan, the general manager of the company told Reuters on the sidelines of an industry conference.

The company, the listed unit of the Maanshan Steel Group, one of China's biggest state-owned steel enterprises, also aims to expand its foreign business, and will increase its overseas units from four to seven by 2017.

"We will stick to our export strategy of selling about 10 to 15 percent of our production abroad," Qian said. "Steel mills have to become more international."

China's mills have been accused of dumping millions of tonnes of cheap steel on the global market, causing producers elsewhere to close and raising the risk of more anti-dumping actions against the country's firms.

With protectionism on the rise, China's exports were expected to fall this year, from a record 112 million tonnes in 2015, Qian said.

Maanshan Steel is aiming to move up the value chain and produce high-end steel products like bearing steel and auto sheets, which China currently imports. Qian said the firm would aim to upgrade its low-end production lines by 2020.

The company will also modify its production lines to customise its products in accordance with the requirements of its downstream users.

"Supply side reform doesn't simply mean capacity cuts but also restructuring in both output and quality," he said.

He said the steel market as a whole was likely to see an improvement on last year, and mills would even make a profit in the peak consumption season from March to May.

However, global iron ore prices were likely to remain at around $45-50 a tonne this year, with steel mills likely to maintain low levels of stocks, said Qian.

($1 = 6.4794 Chinese yuan renminbi) (Reporting by Ruby Lian and David Stanway; Editing by Christian Schmollinger)


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Jejeje, me quedo con la segunda de las noticias Gutas, a ver si se multiplican.

La pre en usa viene al cambio en 4.20 €... No está mal la cosa.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Vaya, me acabo de dar cuenta de que hace mucho que no oigo aquello de bajista en todos los plazos.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Hasta 12 no vendo.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Si es tu ultima voluntad, se lo tendrás que decir de esa manera tan contundente a tus descendientes.


Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)

Jajaja me río pero tiempo al tiempo que igual que nos sorprendió y nos hundió en el miseria ésta es capaz de subir y hasta hacer que Carlos se funda todas sus ganancias y los descendientes no vean ni un duro...jajaja
Menuda sorpresa, vengo del curro y ésto verde y bien verde.
Ésto no lo entiende ni dios, hoy que se preveía hostia gorda y nada de nada, al contrario.
Yo no sé vosotros ya las tengo todas juntas y he puesto una orden a 6€ para ver si puedo venderlas y si puedo.
Digo lo que Carlos, pero en el 10€ me bajo.
Ésto igual algunos no lo ven o no quieren verlo pero ahora viene de a favor de los de la Resistencia.
Un saludo a todos y a disfrutar.

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