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Pulso de mercado

103K respuestas
Pulso de mercado

Hilo cerrado

7 suscriptores
Pulso de mercado
3.927 / 12.966

Re: Pulso de mercado

deberia, coño tanta expectación como para que cerrara a 38!


Re: Pulso de mercado

mira que sois atrevidos. Yo no se si entrar a corto a largo o medio jajja
¿Que estais haciendo vosotros?


Re: Pulso de mercado

Comiendo palomitas y poniendome palote viendo el volumen de facebook mientras me rio con Zerohedge:

What this means is that the exchange at this point is deciding whether or not to send back late executions to all people who bought, or thought they bought. Needless to say this means that the indicated price is likely not the real price if one factors for all the latent orders, on both the bid and offer side, unless of course all those orders get cancelled, further eroding confident in the market, only this time hitting that one segment most disenchanted with the stock market - mom and pop.


Re: Pulso de mercado

zynga suspendida otra vez!


Re: Pulso de mercado

Zynga está suspendida de cotización POR, ATENCION: circuit breaker


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