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The Gym Group PLC

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The Gym Group PLC
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Re: The Gym Group PLC


He aquí por qué creo que Gym Group (LON: GYM) es una acción interesante

Simply Wall St
Simplemente Wall St.12 de enero de 2020

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Para los principiantes, puede parecer una buena idea (y una perspectiva emocionante) comprar una empresa que cuente una buena historia a los inversores, incluso si carece por completo de un historial de ingresos y ganancias. Pero la realidad es que cuando una empresa pierde dinero cada año, durante el tiempo suficiente, sus inversores generalmente toman su parte de esas pérdidas.

En contraste con todo eso, prefiero pasar tiempo en compañías como Gym Group ( LON: GYM ), que no solo tiene ingresos, sino también ganancias. Si bien el beneficio no es necesariamente un bien social, es fácil admirar un negocio que puede producirlo constantemente. Si bien una compañía bien financiada puede sufrir pérdidas durante años, a menos que sus propietarios tengan un apetito infinito por subsidiar al cliente, eventualmente necesitará generar ganancias o respirar su último aliento.

¿Qué tan rápido está creciendo el grupo de gimnasia?

Si una empresa puede mantener el crecimiento de las ganancias por acción (EPS) el tiempo suficiente, el precio de sus acciones eventualmente seguirá. Por lo tanto, hay muchos inversores a los que les gusta comprar acciones en compañías que están creciendo EPS. ¿Quién de nosotros no aplaudiría el crecimiento estratosférico anual de EPS de Gym Group del 42%, compuesto, en los últimos tres años? Ese tipo de crecimiento nunca dura mucho tiempo, pero como una estrella fugaz, vale la pena verlo cuando sucede.

Una forma de verificar el crecimiento de una empresa es observar cómo están cambiando sus ingresos y ganancias antes de los márgenes de intereses e impuestos (EBIT). Por un lado, los márgenes de EBIT de Gym Group cayeron durante el último año, pero por otro lado, los ingresos crecieron. Por lo tanto, parece que el futuro puede mantener un mayor crecimiento, especialmente si los márgenes de EBIT pueden estabilizarse.

En el cuadro a continuación, puede ver cómo la compañía ha aumentado sus ganancias e ingresos con el tiempo. Haga clic en la tabla para ver los números exactos.

LSE: Declaración de ingresos de GYM, 12 de enero de 2020
No conduce con los ojos en el espejo retrovisor, por lo que podría estar más interesado en este informe gratuito que muestra los pronósticos de los analistas sobre las futuras ganancias de Gym Group .

¿Los integrantes de Gym Group están alineados con todos los accionistas?

Al igual que los niños en las calles que defienden sus creencias, las compras de información privilegiada me dan razones para creer en un futuro mejor. Debido a que a menudo, la compra de acciones es una señal de que el comprador lo considera infravalorado. Sin embargo, las compras pequeñas no siempre son indicativas de convicción, y los expertos no siempre lo hacen bien.

Los expertos de Gym Group no solo se abstuvieron de vender acciones durante el año, sino que también gastaron £ 77k en comprarlos. Es agradable de ver, porque sugiere que los expertos son optimistas. Al acercarnos, podemos ver que la compra de información privilegiada más grande fue por la Presidenta independiente no ejecutiva Penélope Hughes por acciones del Reino Unido por valor de £ 53k, a aproximadamente £ 2.20 por acción.

Junto con la compra de información privilegiada, otra señal alentadora para Gym Group es que los expertos, como grupo, tienen una participación considerable. De hecho, tienen un valor de £ 14 millones en el Reino Unido de sus acciones. Eso muestra una aceptación significativa y puede indicar convicción en la estrategia comercial. A pesar de ser solo el 3.5% de la compañía, el valor de esa inversión es suficiente para demostrar que los expertos tienen mucho en juego en la empresa.

Si bien las personas con información privilegiada ya poseen una cantidad significativa de acciones, y han estado comprando más, las buenas noticias para los accionistas ordinarios no terminan ahí. Esto se debe a que, según nuestro análisis, el CEO, Richard Darwin, recibe un salario inferior a la mediana para empresas de tamaño similar. Para las empresas con capitalizaciones de mercado entre el Reino Unido £ 153 millones y el Reino Unido £ 613 millones, como Gym Group, el salario medio del CEO es de alrededor de Reino Unido £ 663k. 

Re: The Gym Group PLC

Se pone interesante, sube más de un 5% y se acerca a máximos históricos

Re: The Gym Group PLC

Una noticia en la BBC sobre las negociaciones entre los gimnasios y los propietarios de los locales sobre el pago de los alquileres, parece que la situación está bastante dura.
Luis de Blas, de Valentum, que va cargado de acciones de Gym Group, comentaba que esperaba que llegaran a un acuerdo o el Gobierno aprobara unas "vacaciones". Pero no parece que esté todo atado legalmente, muchos propietarios tienen hipotecas sobre los locales y están ya con procedimientos legales... El artículo nombra a PureGym, que junto con gym Group son los líderes de los gimnasios de bajo coste.

Gyms face legal action over rent


David Lloyd Leisure, which owns David Lloyd Clubs, appealed to one landlord to request a waiver of rental payments due on 25 March 2020 until the crisis eases and the government allows its clubs to re-open.
The request was refused immediately by the landlord and was instead met with the threat of legal action through the issuing of a statutory notice.

"This situation is unfortunately entirely outside of our control," said David Lloyd boss Glenn Earlham.

PureGym says the economic impacts of the coronavirus outbreak are being placed solely on commercial tenants 

PureGym has seen similar instances across its facilities. 
 "Time is of the absolute essence, given that proceedings such as statutory demands and winding up orders threaten to force companies into insolvency within days of being issued." 


Colocación acelerada de una ampliación de capital del 20%


Re: Colocación acelerada de una ampliación de capital del 20%

lo fastidiado que veo a estos negocios, como en restaurantes o cines, es la duda sobre la capacidad (en nº de personas) que van a poder disponer en sus instalaciones por las medidas de distanciamiento social, y los gastos en personal o material para higiene/descontaminación del material compartido....


Re: The Gym Group PLC

The Gym group today announces that it has signed an extended bank facility (the "New Facility") with incremental commitments of £30 million from its existing lenders HSBC, Natwest and Banco de Sabadell. This agreement formalises the deal which was agreed in principle and outlined within documentation relating to the Company's equity placing announced on 16 April 2020.

The New Facility has an 18 months term and is an amendment to the Company's existing £70 million Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) signed with the same three banks in October 2019. From September 2020 until June 2021 the covenant tests of the RCF will be replaced by new covenant tests primarily relating to the performance of the Company against agreed EBITDA targets that reflect a period of gym closure (relating to Covid-19) and phased recovery thereafter. Upon termination or early cancellation of the New Facility the covenants and all other terms of the original RCF will apply until the maturity of the RCF in October 2023.


Plan de reapertura de Gym Group

10 July 2020

The Gym Group plc ("the Company" or "TGG"), the fast growing, no contract, nationwide operator of 179 low cost gyms, announces that it will be re-opening its gyms in England starting on 25 July 2020.  The details of the plan set out below follow the UK Government's announcement on 9 July 2020 confirming the Covid-secure operating framework for providers of grass roots sports and gym/leisure facilities.

Phased Re-opening

  • 1601 sites across England to open 25 July 2020
  • 13 sites in Scotland and 3 in Wales to follow as soon as possible after relevant local restrictions are lifted
  • Gyms will initially operate 6am-10pm on weekdays and 8am-8pm on weekends2, enabling establishment of the new operating protocols within fully staffed hours. We will trial 24/7 in a small number of sites over the next few weeks and expect to return to 24/7 more widely within the next few months
Measures taken to ensure our gyms will be Covid-secure 

  • In line with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport framework for operating gyms and leisure facilities safely, and after a review by Sheffield Hallam University's Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, we have put in place our #safewithus operating protocol. This will ensure our gyms are operating in a Covid-secure way for the safety of members and staff, focused on six core principles:

1. SHIELD - Avoiding infected people visiting the gym

  • Reinforcing Government guidelines to colleagues and members with symptoms to stay at home
  • Temperature checks for all colleagues at the start of each shift
  • Providing options for members to continue to freeze their membership for free
 2. PREVENT - Reducing the risk of infection from contact on surfaces

  • ·Contactless entry to be available in all gyms at re-opening
  • ·Promoting hand-washing and providing hand sanitiser throughout the gym
  • ·Rigorous cleaning and disinfection regimes, including use of electrostatic sanitisation spray equipment
  • ·Provision of cleaning materials to members for cleaning equipment after use

3. LIMIT - Reducing the social interaction between people

  • Restricting the number of people in the gym at any one time to 1 member per 100 sq ft, in line with Government guidelines, using our portal access technology
  • Encouraging visits during quieter periods by providing members with a 'Gym Busyness' tracker, in the app and on the website, with live and recent historical information on usage patterns in their gym

4. REDUCE - Reducing the risk of infection from airborne transmission

  • Enabling social distancing by wider spacing of equipment, revised gym layout and use of screens for additional protection
  • Encouraging social distancing with communications in the gym via wall posters, digital screens and floor markings
  • Utilising best in class fresh air ventilation systems

5. SUPPORT - Identifying and supporting vulnerable people

  • Providing information and guidance to known vulnerable groups
  • Identifying vulnerable staff and moving them away from frontline roles
  • Promoting home exercise - including a discounted offer for digital at-home fitness classes with our partner, Fiit

6. EDUCATE - Explaining, training and ingraining safe practice in the gym

  • Providing appropriate training and understanding to all colleagues
  • Clear communications to members before visiting, on arrival and at all relevant points in the gym


  • Gyms were closed on 20 March 2020 and members were offered a 'free freeze' with no payments taken whilst the gyms were closed
  • In the first few days after closing there were a significant number of cancellations, but this rate subsequently slowed considerably. As at 9 July 2020 we had 692,000 members (vs 870,000 on 18 March 2020) with an average age of 32
  • On the re-opening date of each gym, members' monthly direct debits will automatically re-start; prior to the opening date all members will be offered the opportunity to continue the 'free freeze' option
  • Based on our internal research 92% of members are keen to return to The Gym

Richard Darwin, CEO of The Gym Group, commented:

"Opening safely is our primary concern and we have comprehensive plans in place for both our colleagues and members as we re-open our gyms. We are pleased to have been able to work with Government and the rest of the health and fitness sector on how best to operate in a COVID-secure way. Together with the Government we recognise the significant benefits of exercise in improving the nation's physical and mental well-being, particularly at this time as we respond to the pandemic.

We are in the process of un-furloughing our colleagues, who will be ready to open the doors of our gyms in England on 25 July and in the other home nations once restrictions are lifted. We are encouraged by the response of our members, the vast majority of whom are keen to get back to the gym to begin working out again. We look forward to welcoming them back and being able to continue providing affordable fitness for all".

Interim Results

The Company's Interim Results for H1 2020 will be announced on 2 September 2020.


Re: Resultados Gym Group

Habrá que esperar a ver si la segunda parte de año remonta y levanta un poco la cotización.

Gym Group firma un contrato de 15 años para su apertura en New York

The Gym Group, the nationwide operator of 183 low cost, no contract gyms, announces today that it has signed a 15-year lease for a new gym in York which will open in Q1 2021.

Located on Foss Island Road and next to Halfords, the site was previously a retail warehouse and has been vacant since 2018. Importantly, it has onsite car parking and fits The Gym Group's strict operational and financial criteria.

Once fitted out to The Gym Group's high specification with a 5,000 square foot mezzanine adding to the floorplate of 10,000 square feet, the gym will be a similar size to other sites in The Gym Group's portfolio. Contract free membership is expected to be in the range of £20 per month. It will create 12 jobs following the investment of approximately £1.4m.

Oliver Tester, Head of Property acquisition said:

"York is a City where we have wanted to operate in for a long time, but until now we have not been able to find the right site in the right location with the appropriate deal. In agreeing this lease, we have benefited from the rapidly changing dynamics of the retail property market.

There remain many other key cities and towns similar to York where we can locate a Gym Group site where landlords can benefit from our strong covenant and our market leading position as the strongest capitalised company in the sector. As we continue to expand we look forward to extending our high quality, affordable experience to thousands of new members at a time when fitness has become ever more important in all our lives."


Re: The Gym Group PLC

The Gym Group plc (“the Company”), the no-contract, nationwide operator of 183 low cost gyms, confirms that it closed its 167 gyms in England on 4 November 2020, following the introduction of the 4-week lockdown announced by the UK Government on 31 October. The Company’s three gyms in Wales closed on 26 October as part of a 2-week lockdown announced by the Welsh Assembly; its 13 gyms in Scotland remain open. During this closure period the Company will manage its cash outflow by minimising operating costs and using the government furlough scheme. It expects its monthly cash burn during closure to be around £6.0 million.

Operating in a Covid-secure way

  • Since re-opening on 25 July 2020, the Company has had over 10 million visits with very positive feedback from colleagues and members about the many measures taken to ensure gyms are Covid-secure.
  • Across the UK Health and Fitness sector, adherence to Covid-secure procedures has been strong and in the week ending 11 October industry data shows cases of Covid-19 were only 2.88 per 100,000 visits. This sector-wide data convinced government to keep gyms open in all areas of the UK, including Tier 3 regions, until the most recent announcement of a national lockdown.
  • In recent weeks the Company successfully re-started 24-hour operations in a number of sites and expects to roll this out more widely upon re-opening.

  • The estate re-opened on 25 July 2020 with 658,000 members. 574,000 of these were ongoing paying members; this excludes members who had opted to freeze their membership without charge (“Free Freeze”) and students whose fixed term contracts had been extended to October/November 2020 due to the initial lockdown (“Prior Year Students”).
  • Membership grew from reopening until the second half of September, when the emergence of a second wave of Covid-19 meant member levels started to decline with total membership on 31 October 2020 of 639,000. Despite this, over the three-month period ongoing paying members were up 2.4% at 588,000 compared to re-opening (25 July 2020: 574,000).
  | 25 Jul 2020 | 31 Aug 2020 | 30 Sep 2020 | 31 Oct 2020
Ongoing paying members | 574,000 | 602,000 | 600,000 | 588,000
Free Freeze | 47,000 | 37,000 | 29,000 | 31,000
Prior Year Students | 37,000 | 37,000 | 36,000 | 20,000
Total membership | 658,000 | 676,000 | 665,000 | 639,000Financial Update
  • Since re-opening, the Company has traded profitably and cash generatively. It has invested £4.0 million of capital between 31 July and 31 October in the completion of four new sites (opened in August), the redevelopment of its London Oxford Street gym and ongoing technology and maintenance investments. In addition £4.5 million of the £9.4 million of rent deferred from H1 2020 has now been repaid.
  • At 31 October 2020 net debt reduced to £32.0 million ( 31 July 2020: £35.7 million) versus £100.0 million of total borrowing capacity.
  • The Company remains in compliance with its bank covenants having met its Q3 EBITDA covenant test. The Company’s current bank facility covenant tests are based on EBITDA performance following re-opening after an initial lockdown and were established on the basis that gyms would be open and trading throughout Q4. The Company has had constructive initial discussions with its lending banks about resetting future covenant tests to give the business additional flexibility to accommodate this latest lockdown and further potential Covid-related regional or national restrictions.
Future Expansion

  • Contractors are on site in Chichester and are about to start two further builds in York and Sydenham; all three sites, which have leases signed since reopening, are expected to open in Q1 2021.
  • The Company continues to see an opportunity to access attractive potential new sites and is building a pipeline for new openings in 2021; four additional sites have leases exchanged with several more under negotiation.
Richard Darwin, CEO of The Gym Group, commented:

“In the three months since reopening The Gym Group has seen good levels of membership demand reinforcing the beneficial role that affordable fitness makes to physical and mental well-being. Covid-secure measures are working very well across the sector enabling gyms to remain open even with regional Tier 3 restrictions, encouraging us that we should be able reopen quickly once the national lockdown is over. The business has traded profitably during the period and we are confident that our strong financial position, with very low levels of net debt and close to £70 million of unused facilities, will provide the platform to resume our growth path once we reopen.”

Adelanto de resultados Gym Group

The Gym Group plc (“the Company”), the no-contract, nationwide operator of 184 low cost gyms, announces its pre-close trading update for the year ended 31 December 2020

Financial Highlights

  • Total revenue for 2020 was £80.5 million (2019: £153.1 million) with the Company losing 45% of the trading days in the year due to closure as a result of Government restrictions
  • Year-end non-property net debt of £47.3 million (Dec 2019: £47.4 million); cash flow positive during postlockdown trading periods with £3.8m of deferred rents outstanding at the end of 2020
  • Monthly cash burn (before expansionary capex) during the current closure period will be c.£5 million; this is lower than the monthly cash burn of c.£6m in the November lockdown as a result of recently announced Government grant support
  • We have significant liquidity available under the Company’s £100 million bank facility. Given the ongoing impact from the latest lockdown and its implications for the operational reopening of our gyms, we have started discussions with our lending banks, who continue to be supportive, to review the future covenant tests relating to this facility
Operational Update

  • Under Tier 1-3 restrictions the Company had all its gyms open. Following the phased introduction of Tier 4 restrictions in a number of regions in December 2020, the Company was required to close 162 of its 183 gyms. On 4 January 2021 all remaining gyms were required to close as the UK Government announced a nationwide lockdown
  • Total year-end membership was 578,000 (Dec 2019: 794,000) with no 2019 students remaining. All membership subscriptions have been frozen during the national lockdown so that members do not pay whilst the gym is closed
  • The take-up of LIVE IT – our premium pricing product – remains strong with penetration of 22.5% of total membership (Dec 2019: 18.9%)
  • The average headline price for monthly membership as at 31 December 2020 was £18.81 (Dec 2019: £18.45)
Future Expansion

  • The Company recently completed its 184th gym in Chichester, having opened 8 gyms in 2020, and is onsite with a further three sites in York, Sydenham and Cambridge
  • The Company continues to see an opportunity to access excellent new sites at attractive rents; we are building a strong pipeline for 2021 and beyond and we will continue to progress new leases during this current period of lockdown. We will determine the timing of the rollout programme once there is greater visibility about a reopening date for gyms.

Richard Darwin, CEO of The Gym Group, commented:

“2020 has been a challenging year for our business, our members and our colleagues. Through the outstanding work of our team we provided a COVID-secure exercise environment for our members and demonstrated the resilience of our business model by trading profitably when gyms have been open. Our cash management during the pandemic has ensured we ended 2020 with manageable levels of debt and significant liquidity. At a time when health and fitness has never been more important to the nation, we are ready to emerge from the pandemic and take advantage of the many opportunities available us.”


Resultados de Gym Group

Resultados de Gym Group