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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
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Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo
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Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Framus esas cifras son acumulados de las últimas sesiones?

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Ah, cierto!! 

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Off-topic,,,,,,,,,me cuelo en el hilo.

Framus,,,,,,,yo nunca ignoro a nadie,,,,,,,,me da gusto ver la cantidad de Gilipollas que se mueven por ahí fuera,,,y les sale espuma por la boca cuando a alguien le va bien y gana dinero,,,,bastante problema tienen los chavales

La unica analista de la que me fio y sigo es portera de mi casa.


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

 JP Morgan on $MRNA

$15 a Dose Is $15 a Dose...It's Materially Lower than Previously Set Expectations and May Contract Further 

Coste de la vacuna de Nvax ?  Serán reducidos los márgenes ?  Motivo de la caída ?

Un saludo

Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Llevo días pensando que alguna vacuna en fase 3 fallará, y todos los contratos firmados pasarán a la que mejor vacuna haya sacado... pasará meses pero tiempo al tiempo.....cual funcionará cuál será tan solo un placebo..... difícil acertar.... esperemos que NVAX este en la élite.


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Aunque sean rumores siempre vienen bien en estos momentos!! Buen día a todos 😊😊😊


You don’t want to miss out on the big money coming in the next few days!! If you sell - the next day the $4-$6 BILLION funding deal could be announced. Making institutional investors wealthier and keeping you POOR. There was my warning! We need a vaccine more than ever!! Novavax has it!!! Now, there is evidence emerging that coronavirus is being found in frozen chicken. We need to support Novavax’s vaccine and not play games!  

The Gavi COVAX AMC, which is currently seeking at least US$ 2 billion in initial seed funding, will meet at least part of the cost of procurement for the vaccine doses. Last week the Gavi Board agreed upon the final list of 92 countries that will be supported by the AMC. Under the new collaboration, Novavax’s candidate, if successful, will be available to ALL 92 countries supported by the AMC. These countries align with SII’s licensing agreements with the two partners.

The collaboration between Gavi, SII, and the Gates Foundation supports the efforts of the ACT Accelerator's vaccines pillar, also known as COVAX, co-led by Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the World Health Organization (WHO), to accelerate the development of COVID-19 vaccines and ensure rapid, global access to them. Decisions around investment in manufacturing are taken in close collaboration between these three lead organisations of the COVAX pillar.
Under the COVAX umbrella, Gavi is leading the COVAX Facility, which provides governments with the opportunity to benefit from a large portfolio of COVID-19 candidate vaccines using a range of technology platforms, produced by more manufacturers across the world, with a bigger market to provide security of demand. The Facility, which is available to any country or economy, includes the AMC which specifically provides funding for vaccines for 92 low- and middle-income countries.


Re: Novavax (NVAX): Un Nuevo Comienzo

Pues si, porque menudos días estamos pasando...y hoy parece más de lo mismo.
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Novavax (NVAX)
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