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Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor

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Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor
Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor
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Re: Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor

no me ha gustado nada la noticia-patata de que van a entrar chinos y los de quatar....
pfffff me recuerda los viejos tiempos de carbures y gowex

mis indicadores me marcaban sobrecompra, resistencia muy cercana y con unas plusvalías agradables al final me he tirado en 13,45, ya que no tenía volumen ni fuerza para superarla

en cuanto rompa hacia arriba, volveré a entrar al intradía



Re: Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor

Felicidades por esas plusvalías , yo aguantare un poco mas, seguimos en contacto. saludos


Deutsche Bank se desploma tras anunciar una ampliación de capital

Este fin de semana el banco alemán anunció una ampliación de capital de 8000 millones de euros con tal de mantener Postbank que se fusionará con su filial de banca privada.

La noticia fue bien recibida por Standard and Poors que señala el mantenimiento de la calidad crediticia del banco en "BBB+". A cambio de la operación PostBank deberá vender activos por valor de 2000 millones de euros y hará que el ratio de apalancamiento de Deutsche Bank suba hasta el 4.1%.

La forma de ampliación será bajo la emisión de 687.5 millones de nuevas acciones que serán aseguradas por grandes pesos pesados de la banca.

Deutsche Bank espera centrarse en tres áreas de negocio:

  • Banca comercial y privada.
  • Deutsche Asset Management.
  • Banca de inversión y corporativa.

En el día de ayer el valor sufrió una caída de cerca del 8% y hace que parezca que los inversores no están tan seguros de dicha ampliación.

¿Qué opináis vosotros?



Re: Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor

La Reserva Federal impuso el martes a Deutsche Bank una multa de 41 millones de dólares (36,6 millones de euros) por implementar prácticas "inseguras y erróneas" contra el blanqueo de dinero.

La Fed dijo que la división de banca en Estados Unidos de Deutsche Bank no consiguió mantener un programa antiblanqueo efectivo para cumplir con la Ley de Secreto Bancario y otra regulación.

"Estamos comprometidos a implementar toda medida reparadora incluida en la orden de la Fed y a cumplir sus expectativas", dijo un portavoz de la entidad.

Deutsche Bank ha asegurado que va a cumplir con todas las medidas exigidas por la Fed.

Clientes de Deutsche Bank blanquearon unos 10.000 millones de dólares de dinero negro en rublos de Rusia entre 2011 y 2015 a través de Moscú, Nueva York y Londres, según las autoridades estadounidenses.


Ampliación de Capital de Deutsche Bank entre 12.5 y 13.5 euros

Descuento considerable.

Va a secar bastante al mercado.


Caidas en Deutsche Bank

Todos los bancos europeos están comenzando a enfilar la senda de las caídas, pero Deutsche Bank es el que más cae, y además con mucha diferencia. ¿Hay algo detrás que aun no sepamos?


Re: Caidas en Deutsche Bank

Basura de banco lleno de porquería.

Basura de banco que lleva bastantes ampliaciones de capital mientras los directivos han aumentado sus bonuses y sus salarios desde el inicio de la crisis.

Basura de banco que usa dinero de sus accionistas para que los mismos que llevaron al banco a la ruina sigan mamando del bote aún más fuerte que antes.


Deutsche Bank anuncia un recorte de personal de 7000 empleos

Deutsche Bank (XETRA: DBKGn.DE / NYSE: DB) will significantly reshape its Equities Sales & Trading business. Overall, the bank aims to reduce headcount in this area by approximately 25%. In Cash Equities, it will concentrate on electronic solutions and its most significant clients globally. In Prime Finance, the bank will reduce leverage exposure by a quarter, equivalent to a reduction of approximately €50 billion.

These business reductions will contribute to a decrease in leverage exposure in the Corporate & Investment Bank of over €100 billion. This is approximately 10% of the €1,050 billion euros of leverage exposure reported at the end of the first quarter of 2018. The majority of this reduction is expected to be achieved by the end of this year.

“We remain committed to our Corporate & Investment Bank and our international presence – we are unwavering in that,” said Christian Sewing, Chairman of the Management Board. “We are Europe’s alternative in the international financing and capital markets business. However, we must concentrate on what we truly do well.”

Together with its decision to right-size the expense base in the Corporate & Investment Bank, Deutsche Bank will accelerate the pace of cost reduction across the organisation. In 2018, as already announced, the bank envisages adjusted costs not to exceed €23 billion. For 2019, the Management Board plans to reduce adjusted costs to €22 billion with no further significant disposals currently planned.

In connection with the implementation of these plans, the number of full-time equivalent positions is expected to fall from just over 97,000 currently to well below 90,000. The associated personnel reductions are underway.

The Management Board reaffirms its target of a post-tax return on tangible equity (RoTE) of approximately ten percent in a normalised business environment. The bank will seek to reach this goal from 2021 onwards. Although results in 2018 will reflect the impact of the aforementioned actions, including planned restructuring charges of up to €800m, the bank aims to deliver steady growth in return on capital over the coming years.


Registran la cede del Deutsche Bank (DBK) por lavado de dinero

Deutsche Bank AG’s premises including its headquarters in Frankfurt were being searched by prosecutors on Thursday in a money laundering probe, prosecutors said in a statement emailed to Bloomberg News.

Shares fell as much as 4.7 percent on Xetra in reaction. Two bank employees were named as suspects in the case, according to the statement. Prosecutors said about 170 officials and police were involved in the raids.


Deutsche Bank 7.50 camina o revienta

Esto huele Villarejo lo salva.


Deutsche Bank creará un banco malo con 50.000 millones

Financial Times anuncian que Deutsche Bank cerrará sus filiales de banca de inversión en Estados Unidos y además creará un banco malo donde se traspasarán activos financieros por valor de 30.000 a 50.000 millones lo que representaría un 14% del banco. 



Deutsche Bank sube tras el anuncio de su reestructuración

As part of its ongoing commitment to improve long-term profitability and returns to shareholders, Deutsche Bank’s Management Board announces a series of measures to restructure the bank’s operations. These measures include:

The exit of Global Equities and a significant reduction in Corporate and Investment Banking risk weighted assets

Deutsche Bank will exit its Equities Sales & Trading business, while retaining a focused equity capital markets operation. In addition, the bank plans to resize its Fixed Income operations in particular its Rates business and will accelerate the wind-down of its existing non-strategic portfolio. In aggregate, Deutsche Bank will reduce risk-weighted assets currently allocated to these businesses by approximately 40%.

The bank will create a new Capital Release Unit to manage the efficient wind-down of the assets related to business activities, which are being exited or reduced. These assets and businesses represented EUR 74 billion of risk-weighted assets and EUR 288 billion of leverage exposure, as of 31 December 2018.

These actions are designed to allow Deutsche Bank to focus on and invest in its core, market leading businesses of Corporate Banking, Financing, Foreign Exchange, Origination & Advisory, Private Banking, and Asset Management.

A significant restructuring of businesses and infrastructure

Deutsche Bank will implement a cost reduction program designed to reduce adjusted costs to EUR 17 billion in 2022 and is targeting a cost income ratio of 70% in that year.

To facilitate its restructuring, Deutsche Bank expects to take approximately EUR 3 billion of aggregate charges in the second quarter of 2019, of which approximately EUR 0.2 billion would impact Common Equity Tier 1 capital. These charges include a Deferred Tax Asset write-down of approximately EUR 2 billion and impairments of approximately EUR 0.9 billion. Additional restructuring charges are expected in the second half of 2019 and subsequent years. In aggregate, Deutsche Bank currently expects cumulative charges of EUR 7.4 billion by the end of 2022.

Managing the transformation through existing resources

Deutsche Bank management intends to fund its transformation from its existing resources without requiring additional capital. This reflects the bank’s current strong capital position as well as management’s confidence in the high quality and low risk nature of the assets, which it is exiting. In connection with these decisions, the Management Board intends to recommend no common equity dividend be paid for the financial years 2019 and 2020. The bank expects to have capacity for payments on additional tier 1 securities throughout the transformation phase.

Updated capital and leverage targets

The Management Board believes that the future business mix is consistent with a lower capital requirement. After consultation with the bank’s regulators, the bank now intends to operate with a minimum CET1 ratio of 12.5% going forward. As a result of the significant deleveraging actions, the bank targets a fully-loaded leverage ratio of 4.5% by the end of 2020 rising to approximately 5% by 2022.

Preliminary Second Quarter Results

Including the charges related to the restructuring described above, Deutsche Bank expects to report a second quarter 2019 loss before income taxes of approximately EUR 500 million and a net loss of EUR 2.8 billion. Excluding these charges, Deutsche Bank expects to report second quarter 2019 income before income taxes of approximately EUR 400 million and net profit of EUR 120 million. Results reflect revenues of EUR 6.2 billion with noninterest expenses of EUR 5.6 billion and adjusted costs of EUR 5.35 billion.


Re: Deutsche Bank (DBK): Evolución del valor

DB se está hundiendo y los chinos que están detrás están endeudados hasta la coronilla. El FT lo comentó varias veces.

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Deutsche Bank (DBK)
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